外研版高中英语选修9Module2 Warming up课件

Module 2 Fantasy Literature,Reading,Cultural Corner,elf magical power dwarf possess,n.小精灵 adj.魔法的,不可思议的 n.力量,能力 n.侏儒,小矮人 v.拥有,Words Preview,1. Who is

外研版高中英语选修9Module2 Warming up课件Tag内容描述:

1、Module 2 Fantasy Literature,Reading,Cultural Corner,elf magical power dwarf possess,n.小精灵 adj.魔法的,不可思议的 n.力量,能力 n.侏儒,小矮人 v.拥有,Words Preview,1. Who is the writer of The Lord of the Rings? J.R.R. Tolkien. 2. Where does the story take place? The story takes place in a world called Middle Earth. 3. Who are the characters in the story? In the story, there are elves, tall beautiful creatures, hobbits, dwarves, wizard Sauron and wizard Gandalf.,Skimming,1. In what ways is Middl。

2、Module 2 Fantasy Literature,Listening and Vocabulary,revenge marry wicked cottage put a spell on punish,v.报仇,复仇 v.结婚,娶,嫁 adj.邪恶的 n.小屋用咒符镇住 v.惩罚,Words Preview,EDBHCAFG,1,Listen and check your answer.,3,brave cottage frog handsome hunt kingdom land nearby palace pool put a spell on (someone) wicked,Read the words. And answer the questions.,Which of these words or phrases: 1 refer to country? 2 refer to buildings? 3 describe people? brave, handsome, wicked 。

3、Module 2 Fantasy Literature,Reading and Vocabulary,Warm up,1 Have you ever read a Harry Potter novel or seen one of the films? Do you enjoy it? Why or why not? 2 Have you ever read any other fantasy novel? What is it about? 3 Are you interested in fantasy literature? Why or why not? 4 Do you know His Dark Materials?,His Dark Materials, a trilogy of fantasy novels by Philip Pullman, comprises Northern Lights (1995 released as The Golden Compass in North America), The Subtle Knife (1997) and 。

4、Module 2 Fantasy Literature,Language points,To learn to use the words and expressions:,be stupefied with stand still put down hesitate to do come up to keep ones eyes on cast about,1. Will was stupefied with exhaustion威尔累得脑子都木了,stupefied adj. so surprised, tired, or bored that you cannot think clearly (因吃惊、疲劳或厌倦而) 神志不清的,He was stupefied by the amount they had spent. 得知他们花了那么多钱,他都惊呆了。 She was stupefied with cold. 她给冻迷糊了。,1) making you unable to thin。

5、Module 2 Fantasy Literature,Grammar,Adverbial clauses with -ing,Observation,1 Will put down his shopping bag and held out his hand. (a) Putting down his shopping bag, Will held out his hand.,subject,predicate,subject,adverbial,2 Will, still watching, saw the cat behave curiously.(b) Will watched and saw the cat behave curiously.,subject,predicate,adverbial,subject,3 He crossed the road, keeping his eyes on the spot where the cat had been investigating. (c) He kept his eyes on the。

6、Module 2,Reading and Vocabulary,Appreciation of a video clip from the BBCs programme named Horizon.,地平线: 克隆人的诞生,I want you to be engaged in the material and whatever it is that we are discussing in class.,Not necessarily thinking about getting down every word that I say. Id like you to take active notes rather than passive notes. Write down what can make you feel or learn something.,Better attention, better understanding of the material if you are actively engaged.,课前贴士,Read the ex。

7、Grammar,Module 2,在上一模块中我们复习了冠词的用法,还记得定冠词the的用法吗?让我们看一段flash 来回顾一下。,Flash中总结了定冠词the的用法,做一做下面的高考题看看你是否掌握了the的用法。, Could you tell me the way to _ Johnsons, please? Sorry, we dont have _ Johnson here in the village. (2007 全国II卷) A. the; the B. the; aC. /; the D. the; /,实战高考,2. I am so sorry to have come late for the meeting. It is not your fault. With _ rush-hour traffic and _ heavy rain, it is no wonder you were late. (2。

8、Module 2,Listening,Listen to the passage of how Watson and Crick discovered DNA.,If you say the words “Watson and Crick” to most people, its _ that they will recognise the names. _ scientists will have a very _ _. “Oh, Watson and Crick!” they will say. “They were _ _.” The British Francis Crick was the _ of the two scientists. He was _ when he,Listen again and fill in the blanks.,unlikely,But,brilliant men,older,37,different reaction,made his discover。

9、Module 1,Bernard Shaws Pygmalion,Objective 教学目标,1. 本模块内容为英国著名作家萧伯纳的戏剧茶花女及萧伯纳生平的简短介绍。通过学习了解英语戏剧的有关知识。 2. 学会描述人物的外表和性格;能够写出戏剧的概述。 3. 准确掌握who, be, say, a/an, you和good的用法。,月桂女神由S.H.E演唱,是中国古典曲风加上西洋声乐,歌曲描述的是希腊神话中月桂女神达芙妮与太阳神阿波罗的爱情故事,MV利用古希腊人物做背景拍摄,彷佛置身古希腊,亲临神话现场一般。,Appreciation of the song Laurel Goddess,月桂女神,Do you know any other go。

10、Module 3,The Qin Tomb and the Terracotta Warriors,Objective 教学目标,1. 本模块介绍秦始皇陵墓和兵马俑,对秦始皇在历史的功过进行剖析。 2. 学习如何介绍历史人物和事件,并表达自己的观点或评价。 3. 准确掌握am/is/are, been, go, gone, how, of, that的表意功能。,Appreciation of the song The Myth,剧中成龙扮演的 蒙毅是哪个朝代 的大将军呢?,Have you ever watched the movie The Myth?,秦朝,夏商与西周 东周分两段 春秋和战国 一统秦两汉 三分魏蜀吴 二晋前后延 南北朝并立 隋唐五代传 宋元明清后 王朝至此完,还记得学过的。

11、Why Do We Need Dictionaries?,Module 6,Objective 教学目标,1. 本模块探讨词典这一话题,引导学生深入了解词典,科学评价词典,合理利用词典。 2. 通过学习词典相关知识,掌握如何介绍自己喜欢的词典概况。 3. 准确掌握by, do/does, if, or, want和why的用法。,Appreciation of a little story called My Dictionary My Friend,What is dictionary?,The word “dictionary for English- speaking people is a book which presents in alphabetic order the words of the English language, with information as to its spelling, pronunc。

12、Module 5,The First Americans,Objective 教学目标,1. 本模块主题为“美洲的土著人”,从作者所述美洲土著各部落了解作者的态度。 2. 能通过本模块词汇讨论种族问题并表达自己的态度。 3. 准确掌握and, when, on, come, can和any的用法。,Look at the pictures, which continent do you know it is? 2. Do you know who were the first Americans? 3. Do you know Christopher Columbus?,Work in groups.,南北美洲,北美洲,南美洲,美国,Appreciation of a video clip about how Christopher Columbus discovered America,Christopher Colum。

13、DNA- the Secret of Life,Module 2,Objective 教学目标,1. 本模块介绍关于DNA研究的现状、最新成果并对未来这一高科技领域的发展进行展望,进一步激发学生探索生命科学的兴趣,辩证思考基因、克隆等高新科技发展可能带来的益处和负面效应。 2. 学会表达对科学研究和探索发现的愿望和决心。 3. 掌握常用词the, this, was/were, it, much的典型语境下的运用。,大家听说过所罗门的审判这个故事吗?,两位妇人都声称自己是孩子的母亲,于是 所罗门就命令一名侍卫把那个孩子带来,要用 剑将其辟成两半分给他们,结果假母亲(B)同意 所罗门的判决。

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