外研版高中英语选修9《Module2 Warming up》课件

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1、DNA- the Secret of Life,Module 2,Objective 教学目标,1. 本模块介绍关于DNA研究的现状、最新成果并对未来这一高科技领域的发展进行展望,进一步激发学生探索生命科学的兴趣,辩证思考基因、克隆等高新科技发展可能带来的益处和负面效应。 2. 学会表达对科学研究和探索发现的愿望和决心。 3. 掌握常用词the, this, was/were, it, much的典型语境下的运用。,大家听说过所罗门的审判这个故事吗?,两位妇人都声称自己是孩子的母亲,于是 所罗门就命令一名侍卫把那个孩子带来,要用 剑将其辟成两半分给他们,结果假母亲(B)同意 所罗门的判决,而孩

2、子真正的母亲(A)却恳求侍 卫饶了孩子的性命,她说:“国王啊,把孩子给 她吧,我宁可不争了,请不要杀孩子!”当然,真假母亲也就水落石出了。按人之常 情,只有亲生母亲才会委屈自己来保存孩子的性 命,于是,所罗门作出了一个千古传诵的判决: “把孩子交给她(A), 她才是孩子真正的生母”。,所罗门的审判:,What can you do to judge the childs biological mother with the benefit of modern technology?,paternity test 亲子鉴定,现代医学多采用DNA分型鉴定的办法, 也可结合测试blood type(

3、血型)来确 定亲子关系。,Whats DNA?,DNA is a molecule (分子) made up of genetic (遗传的) instructions, to guide the biological development of life functioning.,脱氧核糖核酸(英语:Deoxyribonucleic acid,缩写为DNA)又称去氧核糖核酸,是一种分子,可组成遗传指令,以引导生物发育与生命机能运作。主要功能是长期性的资讯储存,可比喻为“蓝图”或“食谱”。其中包含的指令,是建构细胞内其他的化合物,如蛋白质与RNA所需。带有遗传讯息的DNA片段称为基因,其他的

4、DNA序列,有些直接以自身构造发挥作用,有些则参与调控遗传讯息的表现。,Discovery of DNA structure,Francis Crick (Cambridge University),James Watson (Harvard University),On February 28, 1953, two scientists named James Watson and Francis Crick discovered the secret of life,1953年,美国科学家沃森和英国科学家克里克共同提出了DNA分子的双螺旋结构模型。他们因此获得了1962的诺贝尔奖。,Ins

5、ide every living creature on earth, there is a complex molecular DNA code (gene), which prescribes the creatures form, growth, development, and behavior Genes are not engineering blueprints, they are recipes in a cookbook. Recipes are different from meals,Is DNA the secret of life?, Ian Stewart “Lif

6、es other secret”,Who do you look like, your mother or your father? Explain how you resemble him / her. 2. Who do you take after in yourpersonality?,Work in pairs and discuss the questions.,姚明一家,曾志伟父女,潘长江父女,Which characteristics have you inherited from your parents and which characteristics are forme

7、d by your environment? Use the words in the box.,eyesight eye colour genehealth height intelligence personality weight,Snake (stripe patterns),Look at the following pictures and find their differences.,Spotted body and striped tail or legs,Cloning?,A clone is an animal or plant produced naturally or

8、 artificially from the cells of another animal or plant and is exactly the same as it. Cloning is a way of making an exact copy of another animal or plant. The clone has the same DNA as the parent.,Whats cloning?,Sounds Reasonable?,克隆一词是英文单词clone的音译, 作为名词, clone通常被意译为无性繁殖系。同一克隆的所有成员的遗传构成是完全相同的, 例外仅见

9、于有突变发生时。自然界早已存在天然植物、动物和微生物的克隆, 例如:同卵双胞胎实际上就是一种克隆。然而, 天然的哺乳动物克隆的发生率极低, 且缺乏目的性, 所以很少能够被用来为人类造福。,因此, 人们开始探索用人工的方法来生产 高等动物克隆。这样, 克隆一词就开始被 用作动词, 指人工培育克隆动物这一动作。目前, 生产哺乳动物克隆的方法主要 有胚胎分割和细胞核移植两种。克隆羊 “多莉”, 以及其后各国科学家培育的各种 克隆动物, 采用的都是细胞核移植技术。,所谓细胞核移植,是指将不同发育时期的胚胎或成体动物的细胞核,经显微手术和细胞融合方法移植到去核卵母细胞中,重新组成胚胎并使之发育成熟的过程

10、。由于细胞核移植是产生克隆动物的有效方法,故人们往往把它称为动物克隆技术。,In pairs, look at these pictures and discuss which ones are natural clones and which ones are man-made. Think about how they differ.,Quiz,Dolly the sheep,A strawberry plant,Natural clone,Man-made clone,一株草莓依靠它沿地“爬走”的匍匐茎, 一年内就能长出数百株草莓苗。,Growing new plants,Twins,N

11、atural clone,Man-made clone,Natural clone is one that occurs in nature without human help.,Man-made clone is one that is produced through human intervention (介入).,Clone,Can you tell the difference between natural clone and man-made clone?,Cactus (仙人掌),Pendulum orchid (吊兰),natural clone examples,man-

12、made clone examples,Im celebrity in the history of cloning. Do you know my name?,Dolly, the first mammal to be cloned from adult DNA, was put down by lethal injection on Feb. 14, 2003. Prior to her death, Dolly had been suffering from lung cancer and crippling arthritis (严重的关节炎).,Celebrity Sheep Dol

13、ly,Dolly是世界上第一例用体细胞乳腺上皮细胞, 通过细胞核移植技术, 在复杂的人工操作下, 得到的一只小绵羊。,Scientists have been cloning animals for many years. The creation of Dolly is the first mammal cloned from the cell of an adult animal. Since Dolly, researchers have cloned a number of large and small animals including sheep, goats, oxen, mi

14、ce, pigs, cats, rabbits and so on. All these clones were created using nuclear transfer technology (细胞核移植技术).,What animals have been cloned?,The mule in the picture is the worlds first cloned mule. It was born on 4 May 2003. His name is Idaho Gem.,The kitten in the picture is called Cc. Its name is

15、from “Copycat”.,It was born in December 2002.,These female pigs are also cloned. They are born on Christmas Day 2001. They are Noel, Angel, Star, Joy and Mary.,The pair of calves were born on 5 July 1998 in Ishikawa, Japan. They were two years younger than Dolly, being second adult animal clones in

16、the world.,If possible, do you want another person to be exactly the same as you? Why or why not?,Discussion,What problems may arise when humans are cloned?,1) People may want to clone themselves so they can live forever. 2) People may want to clone dead children. 3) People may want to clone their f

17、avorite pets.,A,B,A: I think cloning is good for us. Because,B: I think cloning is bad for us. Because,Is cloning good or bad for us?,Debate,These expressions may help.,Do you think it is wise to ? Whats your opinion of ? I think you should I agree with you that I would never accept Im happy to acce

18、pt a clone but I would never accept a clone I dont mind but ,According to what weve learned, in pairs discuss what you understand about NDA and cloning. Then list the questions you want to find out. Share your lists with one another.,Discussion,译一译,Saving lives has always been an important mission o

19、f science. Now science, and indeed all society, is facing a new dilemma: whether or not to try and save more lives through human cloning. Many people fear the effects cloning could have on our society. They imagine masses of identical people. With such thought-provoking possibilities for the 21st century, human cloning will no doubt continue to receive widespread attention.,挽救生命一直是科学研究的一项重要使命。如今,科学研究,其实是整个社会,正面临着一个新的困境:是否要设法通过克隆人类来挽救更多的生命。许多人担心克隆对社会带来影响。他们想像可能会出现一大群长得一模一样的人。在21世纪具有如此能激发思考的种种可能性的情况下,克隆人类毫无疑问会继续受到广泛的关注。,译文,Homework,Preview the part of Reading and Vocabulary.,Thank you.,


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