2017-2018学年高中英语北师大版版必修3练习:Unit 9 课时跟踪练(六) Communication Workshop Culture Corner &amp Word版含解析

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2017-2018学年高中英语北师大版版必修3练习:Unit 9 课时跟踪练(六) Communication Workshop Culture Corner &amp Word版含解析_第1页
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2017-2018学年高中英语北师大版版必修3练习:Unit 9 课时跟踪练(六) Communication Workshop Culture Corner &amp Word版含解析_第2页
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2017-2018学年高中英语北师大版版必修3练习:Unit 9 课时跟踪练(六) Communication Workshop Culture Corner &amp Word版含解析_第3页
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2017-2018学年高中英语北师大版版必修3练习:Unit 9 课时跟踪练(六) Communication Workshop Culture Corner &amp Word版含解析_第4页
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1、课时跟踪练(六) Communication Workshop, Culture Corner decidedecided第三句:hashave第四句:byon; sidesside第五句:andor第七句:YouYour; 去掉 the第八句:wellgood.书面表达假设你是李徽,你最近就你所在地区的交通状况在一些社区进行了调查。现请你根据调查结果( 如下表)给你们当地的交通部门写一份报告,报告当地的交通状况,并提出你的看法或建议:当地交通的优点 主要道路宽阔、整洁;公交车多,出行方便;公交车车票便宜当地交通的缺点一些交通设施不够完善;繁忙的交通造成交通堵塞和严重的大气污染;有些人不遵守交

2、通规则你的建议 注意:1.报告应包括表格中的所有内容,可以适当发挥;2词数 100 左右;3文章的开头已给出,不计入总词数。Recently, I have conducted a survey on the local transport situation in some communities. The results are as follows:_参考范文:Recently, I have conducted a survey on the local transport situation in some communities. The results are as follow

3、s:On the one hand, there are some advantages about our local transport: the main roads are wide and neat; there are many convenient buses with cheap fares. On the other hand, there are some disadvantages: some traffic facilities are not optimized; the busy traffic leads to traffic jams and serious a

4、ir pollution; some people dont obey traffic rules. In conclusion, something needs to be done to improve the local transport situation. First, I think that our local government should educate motorists to obey traffic rules. Second, it is supposed to build more traffic facilities such as parking lots, road signs and road markings. Third, more people should be encouraged to take public transport.


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