外研版高中英语选修9《Module6 Warming up》课件

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1、Why Do We Need Dictionaries?,Module 6,Objective 教学目标,1. 本模块探讨词典这一话题,引导学生深入了解词典,科学评价词典,合理利用词典。 2. 通过学习词典相关知识,掌握如何介绍自己喜欢的词典概况。 3. 准确掌握by, do/does, if, or, want和why的用法。,Appreciation of a little story called My Dictionary My Friend,What is dictionary?,The word “dictionary for English- speaking people is

2、 a book which presents in alphabetic order the words of the English language, with information as to its spelling, pronunciation, meaning and its etymology. James Root Hulbert,According to James Root Hulbert, English dictionary-making began in Anglo-Saxon times. The first dictionaries in England wer

3、e printed in Latin.,The origins of the English dictionary,In the seventeenth century, with printing well established, the first real English dictionaries of importance appeared. They defined English words in terms of other English words, and in this respect resembled todays dictionary.,The first Eng

4、lish dictionaries,They were different in other respects. For one thing, they defined only what the English called “hard words”. First English dictionaries published: Robert Caswdreys Table Alphabetical of Hard Words (1604) John Bollokars An English Expositor (1616) Henry Cockerams The English Dictio

5、nary (1623),The first English dictionaries,Samuel Johnson,Who are they?,Dr. James Murray,1 When do you think they lived? 2 What nationality do you think they were? 3 What do you think their occupations were?,Discussion,Samuel Johnson (often referred to as Dr Johnson)(Sep. 18. 1709 13 Dec. 1784) was

6、an English author. Beginning as a Grub Street journalist, he made lasting contributions to English literature as a poet, essayist, novelist, literary critic, biographer, editor and lexicographer (辞典编纂者).,Samuel Johnson He lived in the eighteenth century, an age of dictionaries and the encyclopedic a

7、nd lexicographical tendencies of the time received their fullest expression in the Dictionary of Samuel Johnson.,First of its kind in any way be considered as a standard. (All its predecessors being mere lists of wordsin comparison) The meanings of words, for the first time, fully illustrated by wel

8、l-selected authorities. The definitions are full, clear, and above all praise for their happy illustration of the meaning of words.,Johnsons dictionary:,(7 Feb. 1837 26 Jul. 1915) He was a Scottish lexicographer and philologist. He was the primary editor of the Oxford English Dictionary from 1879 un

9、til his death.,James Murray,The Oxford English Dictionary (OED), published by the Oxford University Press (OUP), is a comprehensive dictionary of the English language. (1879) 414,000 definitions, illustrated by almost tow million quotations.,The Oxford English Dictionary,Types of English Dictionarie

10、s,1. 综合词典 (general-purpose dictionary)综合的英词典范围很广,即使称为“综合词典”,每本词典也都是以一定范围的读者为目标的。一般收五万词条左右的是袖珍词典,七、八万词条的是简明词典。十五万词条左右的是中型词典,二十万词条以上的是大型词典。,2. 学术性词典 (scholarly dictionary)学术性词典以其大而全为特性。最为突出的是牛津英语词典,及其美国的姐妹篇A Dictionary of AmericanEnglish on Historical Principle(按照历史原则的美国语词典)。,3. 专门词典 (specialized dict

11、ionary)专门词典的种类繁多,就语言词典而论,几乎关于词汇的每个领域都有专门词典。例如: 词源词典 如: The Oxford Dictionary of English Etymology 同义词词典 如:A Dictionary of English Synonymous Expressions 成语词典 如:Oxford Dictionary of Current Idiomatic English,4. 学生词典 (learners dictionary) 一种是供本国学生使用的,如:Chambers Students Dictionary, The Oxford School D

12、ictionary 另一种是专为外国人学英语而编纂的,如:Oxford Advanced Learners Dictionary of Current English, Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English,5. 双语词典 (bilingual dictionary) 英语和其它语种之间的双语或多语词也是种类繁多的。以我国出版的英汉词典来说,有陆谷孙主编的英汉大词典、郑易里主编的英华大词典、葛传等编的新英汉词典、王同忆主编的英汉辞海等;汉英词典有林语堂编的当代汉英语典(A Modern Chinese English Dictionary)、梁实

13、秋编的实用汉英词典(A Practical Chinese-English Dictionary)。,6. 专科词典 专科词典专门收录某一专业领域词语。如英汉现代国际贸易,对外经济贸易大学国际贸易系、陆乃圣全新汉英词典(经济改革类)、柳葆青新汉英经济词典、谢涛实用汉英对照外贸词典、袁恩恒国际贸易与经济管理详解词典等。,Content of English dictionaries,1. 拼写 (spelling) 2. 发音 (pronunciation) 3. 语法内容( ( grammatical information) 4. 词源 (etymology) 5. 释义 (definiti

14、on) 6. 用法说明 (usage labelling) 7. 关连词语 (related forms) 8. 各项附录 (supplementary matters),Apart from showing you how a word is spelt, a good dictionary should also answer all these questions:,Is my dictionary any good?,1 What part of speech is the word?Examples: (1) dictionary (noun) (2)_ 2 Is the plura

15、l form irregular?Examples: (1) manmen (2) _,sheep-sheep,read (v),3 Does it usually have a capital letter?Examples: (1) Monday (2) _ 4 Does the word have more than one meaning?Examples:(1) book (noun: something to read; verb: to reserve a ticket)(2) _,Peter,record (noun: information kept somewhere; v

16、erb: to write down the information),5 Are there any synonyms (words with the same meaning)?Examples: (1) fast-quick (2) _ 6 How do you pronounce it?Examples: (1) question:(2) answer: _,tired, exhausted,:ns,Part 2 In addition, a good dictionary should have the following: 1 at least one sentence or _

17、with the word used _ 2 a(n) _ of any special uses of the word,expression,correctly,explanation,commonly correctly explanation expression history main,Complete the sentences in the box.,3 any words which are _ used in combination with the word 4 the _ of the word-does it come from Latin, Greek, etc.?

18、 5 other words which are derived from the headword (i.e the _ word),commonly,history,main,Do you use a dictionary when you meet some difficulty with language? 2. What kind of dictionary do you have?Chinese? English? English-English? 3. Do you think a dictionary is a good helper to you?,Discussion,Homework,Preview the part of Reading and Vocabulary.,Thank you.,


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