外研版高中英语选修6 Module2 Reading and Vocabulary课件

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1、Module 2 Fantasy Literature,Reading and Vocabulary,Warm up,1 Have you ever read a Harry Potter novel or seen one of the films? Do you enjoy it? Why or why not? 2 Have you ever read any other fantasy novel? What is it about? 3 Are you interested in fantasy literature? Why or why not? 4 Do you know Hi

2、s Dark Materials?,His Dark Materials, a trilogy of fantasy novels by Philip Pullman, comprises Northern Lights (1995 released as The Golden Compass in North America), The Subtle Knife (1997) and The Amber Spyglass (2000). The trilogy follows the coming-of-age of two children, Lyra Belacqua and Will

3、Parry, as they wander through a series of parallel universes against a backdrop of epic events.,Introduction,series subtle amber spyglass heroine hero play an important part in novel philosophical,n.系列,丛书 adj.精致的 n.琥珀 n.小型望远镜 n.女主角 n.男主角 在起重要作用 n.小说 adj.哲学的,Words Preview,Read the passage and underli

4、ne the words and expressions that show His Dark Materials is a fantasy story.,Lyras scientist father makes it possible to enter other worlds. a war that could destroy the universe witches, talking bears and other strange creatures,1,Read the words and phrases in the box and answer the questions.,adu

5、lt bear (n.) creature extraordinary hero heroine philosophical play a part witch,2,Which of these words or phrases: 1 refer to people?adult, hero, heroine, witch 2 refers to someone who uses magic?witch 3 refer to the most important people who have the main part in a story?hero, heroine 4 refer to a

6、nimals?,bear, creature,5 means to happen?take place 6 means very unusual or special?extraordinary 7 means to have influence in a situation?play a part 8 refer to ideas?philosophical,Read and Vocabulary,vanish behave bush definitely hesitate scent doubt direction rub,v.消失 v.表现,举动 n.灌木,矮树 adv.确定地 v.犹豫

7、,迟疑 n.气味,芳香 n.怀疑 n.方向 v.蹭,摩擦,Words Preview,Pre-reading,knuckle bite pad stupefied exhaustion tabby put down hold out come up to,n.指节,掌指关节 v.咬,咬伤 n.(有规律地)悄悄行走 adj.神志不清的 n.疲惫,精疲力竭 n.斑猫 放下 伸出 朝走过来,Words Preview,longing scald turn away patrol hornbeam paw pat invisible arch,n.渴望 v.热泪盈眶 走开 v.巡逻,巡查 n.角树 n

8、.爪子 v.轻拍,轻打 adj.看不见的 v.拱起,成弓形,Words Preview,tail stiffly alertly patch hedge alarm sniff whisker twitch,n.尾巴 adv.僵硬地,不灵活地 adv.警觉地,警惕地 n.小块,斑 n.灌木,树篱 n.惊慌,恐慌 v.吸气,嗅,闻 n.(猫的)胡须,触须 v.抽动,颤动,Words Preview,wariness blink sweep over keep ones eyes on fix on cast about edge roughly square,n.谨慎,小心 v.眨眼睛 向扩展

9、注视,盯着看 注视,凝视 寻找,搜索 n.边,边缘 adv.大概地,粗略地 adj.正方形的,Words Preview,shape level profoundly alien entice stoop swim thump scramble,n.形状 adj.同高度的 adv.深深地,极度地 adj.完全陌生的 v.吸引,诱使 v.俯身,弯腰 v.眩晕,头昏眼花 v.(心脏)怦怦直跳 v.爬,攀,Words Preview,fabric palm boulevard utterly (be) laden with prospect slope parkland grove,n.结构,框架

10、n.棕榈树 n.林荫大道,大街 adv.完全地,绝对地 充溢着的 n.视野,景象 n.斜坡,斜面 n.公共绿地 n.树丛,小树林,Words Preview,gleam bare bend shudder dawning light-headedness dream awake look around for,n.亮光,反光 adj.光秃秃的 v.弯腰,屈身 n.战栗,发抖 adj.开始出现的 n.头晕,眩晕 v.做梦 adj.醒着的,清醒的 四处寻找,Words Preview,Number the sentences in the correct order.,Will decides n

11、ot to return to his world. The cat vanishes. The cat comes up to Will. Will climbs through a hole. The cat behaves in a strange way.,5,3,1,4,2,1,Fast-reading,Match the words from the passage with their meanings.,2,behave bush definitely guide hesitate leap scent vanish,1 to do things in a particular

12、 way 2 someone who shows you which direction to go in 3 to jump high into the air or over something 4 to wait before you do or say something because you are not sure 5 a nice smell 6 without any doubt 7 a small tree 8 to disappear suddenly,behave,definitely,guide,leap,hesitate,scent,bush,vanish,The

13、main idea of the passage,The passage is about Will and a cat. The cat is a strange creature, who acts as Wills guide. She goes to another world through the patch in the air. And Will follows her without hesitation.,Careful-reading,Narration,The Cat That Vanished,Story development by time, space and

14、process,At this time of night, Will saw a cat coming to him. The cat stepped forward,and vanished through a patch out of the air. Will knew without any doubt that that patch of grass on the other side was in a different world. Pushing his shopping bag through, Will climbed through the hole in the wa

15、lls of this world and into another. Feeling that he was dreaming but awake at the same time, he stood up and looked around for the cat, his guide.,3,1 (a) 2 (a) 3 (b) 4 (b) 5 (a) 6 (b),4,1 (a) 2 (c) 3 (c) 4 (b) 5 (a),Homework,1. Retell the story in your own words. 2. Imagine what will happen after Will comes to the new world.,


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