外研版高中英语选修6 Module2 Language points课件

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1、Module 2 Fantasy Literature,Language points,To learn to use the words and expressions:,be stupefied with stand still put down hesitate to do come up to keep ones eyes on cast about,1. Will was stupefied with exhaustion威尔累得脑子都木了,stupefied adj. so surprised, tired, or bored that you cannot think clear

2、ly (因吃惊、疲劳或厌倦而) 神志不清的,He was stupefied by the amount they had spent. 得知他们花了那么多钱,他都惊呆了。 She was stupefied with cold. 她给冻迷糊了。,1) making you unable to think clearly 令人神志不清的a stupefying blow令人昏厥的一击 2) very surprising or shocking 骇人的,令人震惊的His next action was utterly stupefying. 他接下来的行为完全出人意料。,stupefying

3、adj.,practice,1. 他因恐怖而发呆。He was stupefied with terror. 2. 在工位(cubicle)上坐著令人麻木。Sitting in a cubicle is stupefying.,2. Will put down his shopping bag and held out his hand他放下购物袋,伸出手 ,put down 1) to stop holding sth. and place it on a table, shelf, etc. 搁在(桌子上等);放下,Put that knife down before you hurt s

4、omebody! 把刀子放下,别伤着别人!,2) to write sth.; to make a note of sth. 写下,(用笔等)记下,The meetings on the 22nd. Put it down in your diary. 会议日期是22号,把它记在你的记事本里。,3) to stop sth. by force 镇压,平定,The military government is determined to put down all opposition. 军政府决心镇压一切反对力量。,practice,1. 让我把你的电话号码记下来。 Let me put dow

5、n your telephone number. 2. 这本书好极了。我真是爱不释手啊。Its a great book. I couldnt put it down.,3. and the cat came up to rub her head against his knuckles, just as Moxie did.那只猫便跑到他身边,在他的手指间来回蹭起脑袋,就像莫西可常常做的那样。,come up (to sb.): to move towards sb., in order to talk to them (为攀谈而)走到跟前,走近,He came up to me and a

6、sked for a light. 他走到我跟前来借火。,come up (to) (from): to come from one place to another, especially from the south of a country to the north o from a smaller place to a larger one (从)上到(通常指从一国的南部到北部或小地方到大地方),Why dont you come up to Scotland for a few days? 你为何不上苏格兰来住几天?,come up to sth.: to reach as far

7、as a particular point 达到(某点),The water came up to my neck. 水淹到了我的脖子。,practice,1. 他们的法国之行未尽如人意。Their trip to France didnt come up to expectation. 2. 走到房间前面来,让大家都能看见你。Come up to the front of the room so everyone can see you.,4. When it had gone past he crossed the road, keeping his eyes on the spot wh

8、ere the cat had been investigating. 卡车开过去后,他穿过马路,眼睛盯着那只猫一直在打量的地方。,keep ones eyes on: to take care of sb./sth. and make sure that they are not harmed, damaged, etc 照看,留意,留神,Weve asked the neighbours to keep an eye on the house for us while we are away. 我们已请邻居在我们离开时帮我们照看一下房子。,practice,1. 玛丽提出可以在我外出期间照

9、看婴儿。Mary offered to keep an eye on the baby while I went out. 2. 我总是盯住那个球而忘了所有其他的事情。I always keep my eyes on the ball and forget everything else.,5. It wasnt easy, because there was nothing to fix on, but when he came to the place and cast about to look closely, he saw it.这并不容易,因为他无法把目光集中在某件东西上。但当他靠

10、近那个地方,设法仔细观察时,他看出了端倪。,cast about/around: to try hard to think of or find sth., especially when this is difficult 苦苦思索;四处寻找,She cast about for a safe topic of conversation. 她绞尽脑汁寻找稳妥的话题。,Then he stood still, close to the trunk of the nearest tree. 然后他静静地站着,紧靠离他最近的一棵树干,adj. (时间、距离)接近、不远,adv. 紧密的,接近的,仔

11、细的,close adj. 1) near in space or time (空间、时间上)接近 Our new house is close to the school. 我们的新房子离学校很近。 2) almost in a particular state; likely to do sth. soon 几乎(处于某种状态),可能(快要)He was close to tears.他几乎快掉眼泪了。She knew she was close to death. 她知道自己已濒临死亡。 3) knowing sb. very well and liking them very much

12、 亲密的,密切的Jo is a very close friend. 乔是我们亲密的朋友。,close adv. near, not far away 靠近,紧挨着,They sat close together. 他们紧挨着坐着。,closely adv. 1) look at sth. hard, trying to notice everything about it 仔细地,严密地,2) there is a strong connection between two things or they are very much like each other 密切的,紧密的,相似的,I

13、sat and watched everyone very closely. 我坐着仔细观察每一个人。,He walked into the room, closely followed by the rest of the family. 他走进房间,后面紧跟着他家里人。,practice,1. 两起事件之间有密切的联系。The two events are closely connected. 2. 你的生日和我的生日相隔不长。Your birthday is close to mine. 3. 他们设法解决这个问题。 They cast about to solve this probl

14、em.,6. What he saw made his head swim and his heart thump harder, but he didnt hesitate 他看到的一切使他头晕目眩,心跳加速,但是他却丝毫没有迟疑,hesitate v. 1) to be slow to speak or act because you feel uncertain or nervous (对)犹豫,迟疑不决 (hesitate about/over sth.),I didnt hesitate for a moment about taking the job. 我毫不犹豫地接受了那份工作

15、。,2) to be worried about doing sth, especially because you are not sure that it is right or appropriate 顾虑,疑虑 (hesitate to do),Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions. 如果有疑问请尽管和我联系。,hesitation n. 犹豫,迟疑,She agreed without the slightest hesitation. 她毫不犹豫地同意了。,practice,1. 如果你需要更多

16、资料,尽管和我联系。 Please dont hesitate to contact me if you need any more information. 2. 犹豫了一会儿之后,他们中的一个开口了。After some hesitation one of them began to speak.,Let the word fly,Let the word fly 板块是帮助学生学习一些一词多义、熟词生义的词汇。通过此环节,学生可以对一些常见词的用法、意思有一个全面的了解。在翻译过程中体会词汇使用的丰富多彩。,试着翻译下面的英文,注意单词swim的用法。,v.,1. The boys sw

17、am across the lake. 男孩子们游到了湖对岸。,游水;游泳,2. I go swimming twice a week.我每星期游泳两次。,游泳(作为娱乐),3. Ducks were swimming around on the river.鸭子在河面上游来游去。,游;游动,4. Her eyes were swimming with tears.她两眼噙满泪水。,浸;泡;洒满;充溢着,5. The pages swam before her eyes.书页仿佛在她眼前晃动。,仿佛在旋转,似在晃动(尤指生病或酒醉时的感觉),6. His head swam and he sw

18、ayed dizzily.他感觉天旋地转,摇晃起来。,眩晕;感觉天旋地转,Work in pairs and make up sentences as many as possible with swim in English, then well check which group is the most productive.,现学现用,Review,课时重点回顾,be stupefied withstand still put down hesitate to do come up to keep ones eyes on cast about,因疲劳、厌倦或吃惊等而昏昏沉沉,神志不清

19、站着不动 放下;记下;镇压 迟疑于做 朝走过来 注视;盯着看 寻找,搜索,. Fill in the blanks with the proper form of the words given.,behave; long; pat; vanish; blink; dream; bend; entice; patrol; bite,1. To his joy, he got the gift he had been_ for. 2. Having been _ twice by that dog, he dared not get close to it. 3. The boys _ diff

20、erently while their parents are not around. 4. The talks broke down and all hopes of a peaceful settlement _.,longing,bitten,behave,vanished,5. Dont _ your eyes while I am taking a photo of you. 6. I was drinking coffee when someone_ me on the shoulder from behind. 7. She _ over to pick up a book fr

21、om the floor. 8. Guards can be seen _ the community center at night. 9. The smell of fish _ the cat into the kitchen. 10. I never _ that such a thing could happen to me!,blink,patted,bent,patrolling,enticed,dreamt,. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the phrases in the box.,turn away; s

22、weep over; reach out; fix on; be laden with; hold out; put down; cast about,1. A wave of anger _ him when he heard about the news. 2. I have _ for a new way to work out the problem. 3. Sorry, Im having a meeting and cant _ at the moment.,swept over,cast about,turn away,4. With all her attention _ th

23、e computer game, she didnt notice me come in. 5. The old man was so seriously ill that his doctor _ little hope of his recovery. 6. Please _ his phone number and address so that we can contact him if necessary. 7. He is kind and always _ to those in need. 8. His voice was soft, yet _ threat.,fixed o

24、n,held out,put down,reaches out,(was) laden with,. Fill in each blank with one word according to the Chinese in the brackets. 1. Computers _ _ _ _ (发挥着重要作用) in an information-based society. 2. As parents, they should _ _ _ _ (关注) the development of their children. 3. A stranger _ _ _ _(朝我走过来) and as

25、ked the way to the station.,play an important part,keep their,eyes on,came up to me,4. _ _ _ _ _ (勿容置疑) youll make great progress if you work hard. 5. When she came to, she _ _ _ _ _ (发现自己躺在医院里). 6. _ _ _ (作业做完了), the children went home happily. 7. All the villagers joined the family in _ _ _ _ _ _ (四处寻找那个迷失的孩子).,There is no doubt that,found herself,lying in hospital,Their homework finished,looking around for the missing child,


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