牛津译林版小学英语四年级下册Unit2 story time课件

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1、Enjoy a song,Enjoy a song,Sunday 星期天,Monday,Tuesday 星期二,Wednesday星期三,Thursday 星期四,Friday 星期五,Saturday星期六,How many days are there in a week?,天,星期,周,We have lessons from Monday to Friday.(从周一到周五)But we can play after school.,译林出版社英语四年级下册,Unit 2 After school 放学后,1st Story time,Jane Mar.6,Look and guess

2、.,What would Liu Tao like to do after school?,play table tennis,play football,have a swimming lesson,上一节游泳课,Liu Tao wants to play table tennnis today.今天,What day is it today? 今天是星期几?,Who does Liu Tao invite? 刘涛邀请了哪些朋友?,What day is it today? 今天是星期几?,Who does Liu Tao invite? 刘涛邀请了哪些朋友?,What day is it

3、today? 今天是星期几?,Who does Liu Tao invite? 刘涛邀请了哪些朋友?,Its Wednesday.,Mike , Su Hai and Su yang.,How does he invite them? 他如何邀请的?,Lets go and play table tennis.,Come and play table tennis.,What about Su Yang?,Llsten and answer.,Can they play table tennis on Wednesday? Why?,读一读,找一找他们分别要去干什么? 划出关键句子。,Read

4、 and answer,Sorry , I have a football match today.,Sorry , I have a swimming lesson.,Learning Tip: 遇到he/she/Liu Tao等单数人名时,动词要发生相应的变化。,have的第三人称单数形式,have a football match 有一场足球比赛/举行一场足球比赛,a basketball match,have a basketball match,match 比赛,a football match 一场足球比赛,mat,lunch,a swimming lesson 一堂游泳课,hav

5、e a swimming lesson 上一堂游泳课,swim(动词) swimming(名词),read and think,What day will they play table tennis together? 他们最后打算星期几去打乒乓,(注意模仿人物语音语调.),Llsten and repeat.,What day is it today ?,Its Wednesday .,Sorry, I have a football match today.,Story time,Sorry, I have a swimming lesson .,Story time,What a pi

6、ty !,She has a swimming lesson too.,Story time,All right .,Read and act,Learning Tip: 三人一组,以小组为单位,选择一种喜欢的方式读一读课文。,Read together. (齐读),Read in roles. (分角色读),Homework,Listen and read Story time ,try to act it out. (听、读Story time, 并试着演一演。),2. Copy the phrases. (抄写下列词组:after school, go and play table te

7、nnis, what day,have a football match ),3. Know more activities after school.了解更多放学后做的活动。,Thank you,Try to think,Saturday is coming.What will happen?,?,Try to say,你能给课文续编个对话吗?和同桌讨论一下吧!,Good morning. What day is it today? Lets go and. Ok./All right. Its fun/interesting/cool. Lets.,Days of a week一周七天的典

8、故汉语中的七天是用数字来表示的。但在英语中却有不同的名字,这是盎 格鲁萨克逊人为纪念他所崇拜的诸神而命名的。Sunday,源于the Sun,是为了纪念太阳神;Monday,源于the Moon。是为了纪念月亮神;Tuesday,源于Tiwesday。译为“战神日”;Wednesday,由Wodens Day演变而来,Woden是风暴之神;Thursday,是为了纪念雷神Thor,译为“雷神日”;Friday,是纪念婚姻女神Freya ; Saturday,来自the day of Saturn。Saturn是时间之神。 这就是来源于英格兰一周七天的说法。,Liu Tao would like

9、 to play table tennis with his friends on . But he cant. So he will play on .,Watch and answer,Monday,Tuesday,Wednesday,Thursday,Friday,Saturday,Sunday,刘涛和朋友们最后决定星期几去?,have a skating lesson 上一堂溜冰课,skate-skating,Sunday 星期天,Monday,Tuesday 星期二,Wednesday星期三,Thursday 星期四,Friday 星期五,Saturday星期六,is the first day of a week.,


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