人教版八年级英语下册Unit7 Section A Period Two课件(共48张PPT)

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1、Whats the highest mountain in the world?Section A Period Twooceanthe Pacific Oceann. 大海;海洋n. 太平洋Words reviewTo learn to use comparatives and superlatives with adjectives and adverbsTo learn new words: the Pacific OceanCan you translate the following sentences?长江大约长 6,300千米。The Yangtze River is about

2、 6,300 kilometers long.Can you translate the following sentences?黄河长 5,464千米。The Yellow River is 5,464 kilometers long.Can you translate the following sentences?明朝的长城大约有 8,850千米长。The Great Wall in Ming dynasty is about 8,850 kilometers long.Can you translate the following sentences?珠穆朗玛峰高 8,844.43米,

3、所以攀登起来很危险。Qomolangma is 8,844.43 meters high and so is very dangerous to climb.The Yangtze River is about 6300 kilometers long.The Yellow River is 5464 kilometers long.The Great Wall in Ming dynasty is about 8,850 kilometers long.Qomolangma is 8,844.43 meters high and so is very dangerous to climb.W

4、hat can you get from the above four sentences?Now lets try to translate the sentences below:1.那个篮球运动员有两米高。2.那条河只有两米深 /宽。3.这棵树有两米高。4.那条河长两千米。The basketball player is two meters tall.The river is only two meters deep/wide.The tree is two meters tall.The river is about two kilometers long.5. 这座山大约有两千米高

5、。6. 这个箱子大约有两米高 /宽 /长。The mountain is about two thousand meters high.The box is about two meters high / wide /long.以上我们已经通过归纳总结和练习对本课的语法内容有了一定的了解,下面就让我们根据之前练习的考察情况进一步选择讲解该语法项的重难点。长度、宽度、高度、深度的表示法老虎路有 200米长,而且湿度很重。Tiger Path is 200 meters long and has a high humidity.长度、宽度、高度、深度的表示法,有一个专门的结构,那就是 “基数词 +

6、 单位词 + 形容词 ”Practise我们走上三层楼,大概 10米左右高。We walk up three floors, which is about ten meters high.那面镜子有两米长。The mirror is two meters long.教室有 25英尺长, 20英尺宽。The classroom was 25 feet in length and 20 feet in width.2. 除了以上的表示方法,有时也可以用 “基数词 + 单位词 + in + 长度或者重量的名词 ”来表示长度、宽度、高度、深度。若表示 重量 ,可以用 in weight结构。Pract

7、ise这个箱子重 9公斤。The box is 9 kilos.= The box is 9 kilos in weight.那座桥有三米高。The bridge is 3 meters in height.1) Qomolangma is higher than any other mountain in the world.2) The Sahara is the biggest desert in the world.3) The Caspian Sea is the deepest of all the salt lakes.4) The Nile is the longest riv

8、er in the world.5) Whats the highest mountain in the world?6) China has the biggest population in the world. 7) Its a lot bigger than the population of the US.8) China is over 5000 years old. It has a much longer history than the US. 9) China is almost as big as the US, and it is the biggest country

9、 in Asia.10) -Did you know that China is one of the oldest countries in the world?- Yes, I did. Its much older than my country.11) This makes it the longest wall in the world.12) Its the most famous part.13) One of the worlds most dangerous sports is mountain climbing, and one of the most popular pl

10、aces for this is the Himalayas. 1) Qomolangma is _than any other mountain in the world.2) The Sahara is _ desert in the world.3) The Caspian Sea is _ of all the salt lakes.4) The Nile is _ river in the world.5) Whats _ mountain in the world?Fill in the blanks.higherthe biggestthe deepestthe longestt

11、he highestgo Ready?6) China has _ population in the world. 7) Its a lot _ than the population of the US.8) China is over 5000 years old. It has a _ _ history than the US. 9) China is almost as _ as the US, and it is the _ country in Asia.the biggestbiggermuch longerbig biggest10) -Did you know that

12、China is one of _ countries in the world?- Yes, I did. Its _ _ than my country.11) This makes it _ wall in the world.12) Its _ part.13) One of the worlds _ sports is mountain climbing, and one of _ places for this is the Himalayas. the oldestmuch olderthe longestthe most famousmost dangerousthe most

13、 popularFill in the blanks with the correct forms of the words in the box.4abig much popular long old high1.The Amazon River is one of the _ rivers in the world. Its a little _ than the Yangtze River.2.Qomolangma is 8,848.43 meters _. Its one of the most _ places for serious mountain climbers.longes

14、tlongerhighpopularbig much popular long old high3. No ocean in the world is as _ as the Pacific Ocean.4. Although Japan is _ than Canada, it is _ smaller.bigolder muchWrite two comparisons about two topics. Write true facts.4bTwo cities: Singapore and Kuala Lumpur.1.Kuala Lumpur is as modern as Sing

15、apore.2.Singapore is bigger than Kuala Lumpur and has a larger population than Kuala Lumpur.Two animals: Monkey and Dog1.A dog is bigger than a monkey.2.A monkey is smaller than a dog, but it climbs a tree faster than a dog.Pair work4cWrite five questions using comparisons. Then ask your partner your questions.1.What is the highest building in our city?2.What is the largest shopping mall in our city?3.Which is the biggest park in our city?4.Which is the longest road in our city?5.Whats the biggest city in China? .


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