牛津译林版三年级上册 Unit6 Colours(1)课件

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1、,Tip:你想得到几颗星?,Unit6,Period 1:Story time,What colour is my T-shirt? 我的T恤衫是什么颜色的?,Its red.,What colour is my jacket? 我的夹克衫是什么颜色的?,Its green.,What colour is my cap? 我的帽子是什么颜色的?,Its orange.,colours 颜 色,is my cap? 我的便帽是什么颜色的?,Its orange.,Try to ask,请试着问问,colour,What,What colour is it ? 它是什么颜色的?,Colour, c

2、olour, what colour? What colour is it? Red, red, its red.,Green, green, its green.,Orange, orange, its orange.,Lets chant,I can play magic! 我会表演魔术哦!,3,2,1,请倒数,会发生奇迹哦!,3,2,1,请倒数,会发生奇迹哦!,What colour is it now? 现在它是什么颜色的?,What colour is it now?,Tip:请指着魔法裙,大声说咒语:,What colour is it now?,Its orange.,Its g

3、reen.,Tip:两人一组表演对话,注意语音语调,神态和动作哦!,Lets practise,What colour is my skirt?,练习一下,Yang Ling也会表演魔术!,Yang Ling 为演出做好了准备!,猜猜Yang Ling的道具是什么?,a skirt a T-shirt,Watch and choose,看看选选,a skirt a T-shirt,Watch and choose,( ),( ),( ),( ),( ),Watch and tick,在看到的裙子下打“ ”,yellow,red yellow,and,和,1,2,3,Listen and ord

4、er,Look at my skirt. Its orange.,Tip:注意模仿正确的语音语调哦!,What colour is my skirt now?,Its green.,What colour is it now?,Its red and yellow.,Read together,齐读,1,2,3,给图片找出合适的对话,Read and match,Tip:来做小小配音员,注意模仿语音语调哦!,Try to dub,试着配音,Try to act,试着表演,Tip:请先准备,注意模仿语音语调哦!,A:Look at my Its What colour is my now? B: Its A: What colour is it now? B: Its ,Pairwork,同伴对话,Make a turntable of Fun time. (仿照P40做一个转盘),Homework,1.画一个圆 2.分成四份 3.画上衣服 4.剪下来,3.涂八种颜色 4.剪下来,1.画一个大圆 2.分成八份,1.把两个圆重叠 在一起 2.做一个 指针 3.用大 头针钉 起来,2. Show the story to your friends and family. (把这个故事表演给朋友和家人),Homework,


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