
第 9 课时 练习三1、45+6= 73+4= 84+2=62+9= 86+6= 47+5=2、用竖式计算。394 4563 52473、兰兰和翠翠分别练了多少个大字?答案:一、26 25 34 21 54 33二、156 1368 1235三、兰兰:246=144(个) 翠翠:353=105(个)


1、第 9 课时 练习三1、45+6= 73+4= 84+2=62+9= 86+6= 47+5=2、用竖式计算。394 4563 52473、兰兰和翠翠分别练了多少个大字?答案:一、26 25 34 21 54 33二、156 1368 1235三、兰兰:246=144(个) 翠翠:353=105(个)。

2、9.2等差数列(一)基础过关1若ab,则等差数列a,x1,x2,b的公差是()Aba B. C. D.答案C解析由等差数列的通项公式,得ba(41)d,所以d.2已知数列an满足a12,an1an10,则数列的通项an等于()An21Bn1C1nD3n答案D解析an1an1,数列an是等差数列,公差为1,ana1(n1)d2(n1)(1)3n.3等差数列20,17,14,11,中第一个负数项是()A第7项B第8项C第9项D第10项答案B解析a120,d3,an20(n1)(3)233n,a720,a810.4若5,x,y,z,21成等差数列,则xyz的值为()A26B29C39D52答案C解析5,x,y,z,21成等差数列,y是5和21的等差中项也是x和z的等差中项52。

3、9.3等比数列(一)基础过关1设等差数列an的公差d不为0,a19d.若ak是a1与a2k的等比中项,则k等于()A2 B4 C6 D8答案B解析由题意,得an(n8)d,aa1a2k,(k8)2d29d(2k8)d,k4.2在等比数列an中,an0,且a1a21,a3a49,则a4a5的值为()A16 B27 C36 D81答案B解析由已知a1a21,a3a49,q29.q3(q3舍),a4a5(a3a4)q27.3等比数列x,3x3,6x6,的第四项等于()A24 B0 C12 D24答案A解析由(3x3)2x(6x6),即x24x30,解得x1或x3.当x1时,前三项为1,0,0不成立,舍掉当x3时,前三项为3,6,12,公比为2,所以第四项为24,选A.4如果1,a,b,c,9成等比数列,那么()。


5、Section The Language Points of Reading课时作业( 一)对应学生用书 P51.完形填空Lauren, 17, was travelling home with her father from a first aid road show when they found the police alongside two young men lying face down in the street.Laurens father, Mick Askham, remembered, “The two young men had been _1_ in a street fight. Since the police werent carrying any first aid gear, they were _2_ when Lauren and I stopped to help.”Lauren said, “This was my first incident and I kept thinking to mys。

6、Section The Language Points of Reading课时作业( 一)对应学生用书 P27.完形填空What will man be like in the futurein 5,000 or even 50,000 years from now on? We can only make _1_, of course, but we can be sure that he will be _2_ from what he is today. For man is slowly changing all the time.Let us take an obvious _3_. Man, even five hundred years ago, was shorter than he is today. Now, on average, men are about three inches _4_. Five hundred years is a relatively short period of time, so we may 。

7、Section The Language Points of Reading课时作业( 一)对应学生用书 P3.完形填空2017北京高考 Hannah Taylor is a schoolgirl from Manitoba, Canada. One day, when she was five years old, she was walking with her mother in downtown Winnipeg. They saw a man _1_ out of a garbage can. She asked her mother why he did that, and her mother said that the man was homeless and hungry. Hannah was very _2_. She couldnt understand why some people had to live their lives without shelter or enough food. Hannah start。

8、Section The Language Points of Reading课时作业( 一)对应学生用书 P15.完形填空2017全国卷 While high school does not generally encourage students to explore new aspects of life, college sets the stage for that exploration. I myself went through this _1_ process and found something that has changed my _2_ at college for the better: I discovered ASLAmerican Sign Language (美式手语)I never felt an urge to _3_ any sign language before. My entire family is hearing, and so are all my friends. The _4_ la。

9、Section The Language Points of Reading课时作业( 一)对应学生用书 P39.完形填空Back in 1959, when I was 13, I attended a school in Brooklyn. Because of the Sabbath on Friday, we had an early _1_ from school. Most of the students would go to local parks to play basketball or baseball. I always _2_ myself instead in a small public library, _3_ for hours before sundown, the beginning of the Sabbath.There was a kind of _4_ in that library that led me to worlds that I thought Id never see. I was _5_。


11、第 1 课时 比一比1、长的画 “” 。2、最长的画“” ,最短的画“” 。三、在最高的下面画“” ,在最矮的下面画“” 。4、重的画 “” 。答案:一、在上面的方框里画“” ,在上面的方框里画 “”二、在第 1 个方框里画“” ,在第 2 个方框里画 “”三、在第 2 个方框里画“” ,在第 3 个方框里画 “”四、在左面的方框里画“” ,在左面的方框里画“”。

12、第 1 课时 分一分1、在水果下面的 里画“” ,蔬菜下面的 里画“” 。2、把不同类的圈出来。 (1)(2)(3)三、彬彬上学了,妈妈带他去买学习用品,应该买什么?请把它们圈出来。答案:一、 二、 (1)第四个 (2 )第三个 (3 )第二个三、略。


14、第 4 课时 练习一1、404= 8200= 702=5004= 309= 8006=2、一根电缆长 900 多米,某施工队每天用 8090 米,9 天能用完这根电缆吗?( ) (填“能”或“不能” )3、(1)爸爸今年多少岁?(2)妈妈今年多少岁?答案:一、160 1600 140 2000 270 4800二、不能三、 (1)8 5=40(岁) (2)8+28=36(岁)。

15、第 17 课时 练习九1、看图列式计算。(1) (2)2、看谁算得又对又快。5+3+2= 6-3-3= 2+5+2=10-4-3= 1+3+2= 9-2-5=三、把横行和竖行上的数分别相加,得数填在( )里。答案:一、 (1)5+2+3=10 (2)7+2-4=5二、10 0 9 3 6 2三、7 8 7 10 9 7 10 9。

16、第 4 课时 练习五1、看图说一说,算一算。2、算一算。三、看谁算得又对又快。4-4= 0+0= 1+4= 5-3=5-0= 3-2= 5-1= 4-2=答案:一、3+2=5 3-3=0二、4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4 5三、0 0 5 2 5 1 4 2。

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