牛津译林版三年级下英语Unit3 Fun time&Checkout time教案

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1、Unit 3 Is this your pencil?Fun time &Checkout timeTeaching contents 教学内容Fun time &Checkout timeTeaching aims & learning objectives 教学目标1. 学生通过复习能有感情朗读 Story time 并进行表演;2. 学生通过学习能听懂、会说、会读单词 crayon, ruler, rubber, schoolbag;3. 学生通过复习能更好运用句型 Is this / that a ? Is this /that your ? Yes, it is. / No, it

2、isnt.4. 学生通过学习能养成良好的书写习惯和乐于助人的品质。Focus of the lesson and predicted area of difficulty 教学重点和难点教学重点:1. 学生通过复习能够更好掌握 Story time, 能够有感情朗读,并会表演。2. 学生通过学习能够听懂、会说、会读单词 crayon, ruler, rubber, schoolbag.教学难点:学生通过复习能够更好运用句型 Is this / that a ? Is this /that your ? Yes, it is. / No, it isnt.Teaching procedures

3、教学过程Step 1 Warm-up1. Before class: Sing a song (教师此处可选与单元主题相关的歌曲 )2. Greetings 3. Free talk 【设计意图:激活学习兴趣和已知,为新课做好准备。 】Step 2 Revision 1. 复习句型:Is this / that ? Yes, it is . / No, it isnt.1) 教师带来的东西 schoolbag, crayon , pencil case, 走到学生中间,让学生去猜S: Is this a?T: Yes, it is. / No, it isnt.【设计意图:利用学生身边的文具用

4、品,用 Is this a .?及其回答和学生进行交流。 】2) PPT 逐步呈现图片,让学生猜测S: Is that ?T: Yes, it is. / No, it isnt. (呈现最后一幅图)S: Is that a pencil?T: Yes, it is. Whose pencil?S: Mikes.【设计意图:通过看图猜测的活动设计,用句型 Is that a.?及其回答和学生进行交流。 】3) 复习 Story time a.逐图说一说T: Is this Mikes pencil?S: No, it isnt.T: So he says S: This isnt my pen

5、cil.T: Liu Tao helps him. What does he say?S: Is this your pencil?T: No, it isnt. Yang Ling helps him too. What does she say?S: Is that your pencil?T: No, its not Mikes. Look! Mike finds his pencil. He saysS: Oh, thats my pencil.b. Act the story Tips: 1. Read together in your group. 2. Try to act .【

6、设计意图:在复习 Story time 的过程中,引导学生综合运用上一课时所学新句型及其回答表演、复述故事。 】Step 3 Presentation and practice1. Fun time 1) 示范游戏T: After drawing pictures, Mike and his friends play a game. Do you want to play this game?S: Yes.T: Who wants to play this game with me?(教师先请班级中的三位学生与自己一起来玩这个游戏)2) RulesT: Before playing this

7、game, lets see the rules.Step1. Close your eyes.Step2. Put some stationery in the basket.Step3. Guess. T: You can ask like this: Liu Tao, is this your ?3) Play the game in groups4) Check.【设计意图:通过游戏活动,进一步复习、巩固本单元重点句型。 】2. Checkout time T: After playing the game. Its time to go home. The students are

8、packing their schoolbags. 1) 逐图讲解Picture1T: This is Liu Taos schoolbag. Who are they? Lets say. Who wants to be Liu Tao?S: This is myThat is / Thats my This is my schoolbag. Thats is my pencil.Picture 2T: Who wants to be Yang Ling/Mike?S1: Is this your ruler?S2: No, it isnt.Picture 3T: Who wants to

9、be Su Hai/Wang Bing?S1: Is that your rubber?S2: Yes, it is.2) Writing down 教师打开实物投影,一幅幅进行书写指导,让学生明确书上的线,相当于四线三格的第三条线,注意书写的指导和大小写等。【设计意图:在较为真实的生活情境中,从口头到书面,通过多种形式不断复习、巩固一般疑问句及其回答,过程中关注学生书写习惯的培养。 】Step 4. Consolidation and production T: School is over. The students are going home. But there are some t

10、hings lost in the playground. Lets help them to find their owners.Picture1 (教师带领学生找失主)Picture2&3: pair work Useful sentences:Look at theHow nice! / Its great.Is this/that your?This isnt my Here you are.Thank you.T: Dont forget this or that. Please take care of your things.【设计意图:由课内延伸至课外,引导学生在真实的校园生活

11、中,运用本课所学帮助其他人寻找丢失的物品,同时培养学生乐于助人的品质。 】Homework 家庭作业1. Read the words. (拼读单词)2. Read the rhyme. (有节奏地朗读小诗)3. Find the owners. (帮助老师寻找物主 )【设计意图:考虑到了从课内知识的复习巩固到课外知识的拓展延伸,培养学生听读能力的同时发展学生的综合语用能力和主动学习能力。 】Teaching aids 教学准备(含板书设计)教学准备:多媒体课件板书设计:Unit 3 Is this your pencil?schoolbag Is this/that a ? Yes, it

12、is.ruler Is this / that your ? No, it isnt.crayon rubber说课在热身环节,通过学唱歌曲,帮助学生在轻松愉快的氛围中复习相关文具类单词,寓教于乐。在复习 Story time 环节,教师通过三个层次的活动设计,引导学生在较为真实的情境中分别运用 Is this a.? Is that a .? 和综合运用这两种表达方式复述Story time,循序渐进地复习第一课时所学的内容。 在学习 Fun time 和 Checkout time 环节,在带着学生了解游戏规则的基础上,由扶到放,从口头到书面,引导学生运用 Is this/that.?及其回答学生进行对话和游戏。在最后的综合运用环节,根据本单元的主要语言点,结合学生的生活实际,通过帮助校园中的小伙伴寻找丢失的物品这一活动设计,让学生在真实的语境中进行交流,提升他们综合运用语言的能力和乐于助人的品质。而作业设计则考虑了从课内知识的复习巩固到课外知识的拓展延伸,培养学生听读能力的同时发展学生的综合语用能力和主动学习能力。特别分享:培养学生看图表达的能力培养学生综合运用语言的能力培养学生自主学习的意识


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