人教pep版四年级上册英语Unit2 第三课时教案

,Unit 2 Im Cooking in the Kitchen,陕旅版(三年级起点)四年级下册,Part C Read and name,Part B Lets learn more Look and say,Lets learn more视频, Lets learn more,Read and

人教pep版四年级上册英语Unit2 第三课时教案Tag内容描述:

1、,Unit 2 Im Cooking in the Kitchen,陕旅版(三年级起点)四年级下册,Part C Read and name,Part B Lets learn more Look and say,Lets learn more视频, Lets learn more,Read and name, Look and say,Warm-up/Revision,I can say,What are you doing? Im + doing.,Presentation,阅读对话回答问题,1.What is the baby doing? 2.What is Alice doing? 3.What are the boys doing? 4.What are the girls doing?,Lets learn more,What are you doing, Alice?,Shh The baby is sleeping.,Im singing,Lets learn m。

2、Part B第三课时 Read and write Lets check Lets sing Story time,Unit One,My school.,Free talk:,Warm up,S1:Do you have a computer room? S2:Yes,we do. S3:Where is it? S4:Its on the first floor.,单击播放视频,this离我们近,that离我们远,S1:This is my school. S2:Its so big.Do you have a library? S1:Yes,we do. S2:Where is it? S1:Its on the second floor.,单击播放视频,单击播放视频,单击播放视频,Constitution,1.读一读并填空 2.听录音并排序 3.看一看并画圈 4.唱Lets sing的歌曲 5.听录音看动画理解Story time的内容,Un。

3、Unit 6 Shopping Part B 第三课时1、选字母补全单词,并写出汉语意思。( ) 1. _ale _ A. m( ) 2. _ore _ B. u( ) 3. _s _ C. c( ) 4. _heap _ D. e( ) 5. _xpensive _ E. s二、选出下列每组单词中不同类的一项。( )1. A. gloves B. want C. sunglasses( )2. A. they B. she C. me( )3. A. nice B. pretty C. sixty( )4. A. big B. for C. small( )5. A. size B. expensive C. cheap三、按要求完成下列各。

4、Unit 1 My schoolPart B 第三课时1、连线。1. computer room A.美术教室2. music room B.操场3. art room C.教师办公室4. playground D.计算机房5. teachers office E.音乐教室2、给下列短语选择恰当的汉语意思。( ) 1. on the second floor ( ) 2. under the music room( ) 3. welcome to our school( ) 4. art room( ) 5. go to school三、翻译下列句子。1. This is the art room._1. That is the music room._。

5、Unit 5 My clothes Part B 第三课时1、用画线部分的反义词或对应词填空。1. These are doors. _are windows.2. Its my skirt. Its not _skirt.3. I like the big jacket. My sister likes the _one.4. Your sweater is old. Mine is_.5. The board is black. The wall is_.二、选出下列每组单词中不同类的一项。( ) 1. A. pants B. shorts C. tomato( ) 2. A. dress B. shirt C. warm( ) 3. A. breakfast B. hat C. lunch( ) 4. A. coat B. hot C. cool( ) 5. A. j。

6、Unit 4 At the farmPart B 第三课时1、选出下列每组单词中不同类的一项。( ) 1. A. fat B. cat C. hen( ) 2. A. eleven B. tomato C. potato( ) 3. A. big B. horse C. dog( ) 4. A. farmer B. carrot C. driver2、用所给词的适当形式填空。1. They are _(tomato).2. How many_(sheep) do you have?3. I see ten_(horse).4. Are _(that) carrots?5. These are_(potato).三、将下列句子排成一段通顺的话。A. How many goats are there?B. Yes. There are ten cows.C. Eleven.D. Look, Mike. Are these sheep。

7、第三课时,Lets find,apple,ant,What is this?,apple,ant,book,bag,What is this?,book,bag,Lets find.,crayon,cat,What is this?,crayon,cat,Lets find.,duck,dog,What is this?,duck,dog,Lets find.,Chant,Aa Aa Aa apple.Bb Bb / b / / b / / b / Bb / b / bag.Cc Cc / k / / k / / k / Cc / k / cat. Dd Dd / d / / d / / d / Dd / d / duck.,Do you know?,BBC ABC AD CD,美国广播公司,英国广播公司,公元,唱片,1.Listen to and repeat “Listen , repeat and chant.”2.Copy the。

8、Unit 5 My clothes Part A 第三课时一、判断下列各组单词画线部分的读音是( )否( )相同。( ) 1. little table ( ) 2. me apple( ) 3. uncle people ( ) 4. table let1、你能写更多吗?1. apple, people._2. skirt, birth._2、画出每组中相同的字母组合。1. apple little table2. or work horse3. nurse turn hamburger 3、根据图片及汉语提示补全句子或对话。1. Is this your_? Yes, _ _.2. What _is the_? Its_ (绿色的).3. I like the _。

9、Unit 3 WeatherPart A 第三课时1、判断下列各组单词画线部分的读音是( )否( )相同。( ) 1. A. arm B. far ( ) 2. A. tall B. wall ( ) 3. A. nurse B. girl ( ) 4. A. car B. card ( ) 5. A. for B. card ( ) 6. A. father B. computer ( ) 7. A. dog B. cold ( ) 8. A. half B. small 2、将下列字母组合成一个单词。(r, a, c) (a, r, m) (l, l, a, b) (d, a, c, r,)_ _ _ _ (w, l, l a, ) (o, d, l, c) 。

10、Unit 6 Shopping Part A 第三课时1、读单词并分类,把序号写在相应的方框中。A. computer B. arm C. skirt D. apple E. tiger F. shirt G. table H. card I. park J. sister K. people L. bird1. dinner 2. girl3. little 4. scarf2、圈出每组中发音相同的字母组合。1. shirt girl hamburger2. mark far park3. fork horse for4. wall tall call三、判断下列各组单词画线部分的读音是( )否( )相同。( )1. A. computer B. dinner C. teacher( )2. A. b ird B. shirt C. short( )3. A。

11、Unit 4 At the farmPart A 第三课时一、判断下列各组单词画线部分的读音是( )否( )相同。1. fork world ( ) 2. born horse ( ) 2. homework for ( ) 4. house you ( )二、将下列单词按画线部分的发音归类(填序号) 。1. before 2. homework 3. work 4. or 5. for 6. horse 7. more 8. word 9. bornfork:_world:_三、画出每组中发音相同的字母组合。1. arm park dark 2. for fork horse3. ruler dinner computer4. girl sir nurse5. word work。

12、Part B,Lets Talk,Good morning!,Good morning!,Good morning!,Good afternoon!,下午好!,Good afternoon!,Good morning!,Good afternoon!,Good morning!,Good afternoon!,Good afternoon!,Im Donald Duck.,Nice to meet you!,too.,Nice to meet you,Hi!,Hi, Mom!,Mom, this is Wu yifan.,Game: Whos this ?,This is _ . Nice to meet you !,Good afternoon.,Good afternoon, Wu yifan.,Nice to meet you.,Nice to meet you, too.,A: Good morning! B: Good morning!,Boy: Good afternoon! Girl: Good afternoon!,Boy: Hello! My 。

13、Unit 2 My week,B. Lets talk Lets try,教学目标,1.能听、说、认读单词“often”和“park”。 2.能听懂、会说句子“Do you often read books in this park?”,“I like this park very much.”,“Me too.”。 3.能完成“Lets try”部分的听力任务。 4.感知英语在日常生活中的实用性,鼓励学生学习有用的英语。,Lets Review,read books 读书,play football 踢足球,wash clothes 洗衣服,watch TV 看电视,do homework 写作业,Golden Eyes,What do you often do on + 星期?I often(经常),重点句子,park 公园,Its Saturday afternoon. Zha。

14、pep 小学英语五年级上册二单元三课时 说课稿大家好,今天我说课的内容是 pep 小学英语五年级上册 Unit2 My days of the week.第三课,整个说课分四部分讲述:即说课程标准,说教材,教学教法,教学过程。一、说课标新课标指出基础教育阶段英语课程的总体目标是培养学生综合语言运用能力,倡导任务型教学模式。因此我采用“任务探究学习”型教学方法,让学生在有趣的语言环境和时间中提高语言应用能力,发展思维。二、说教材本单元主要围绕一周七天的活动展开,贴近生活实际,是学生十分感兴趣的话题。本节课将复习和巩固前两节课所学的五。

15、Unit 2 What time is it?Part B 第三课时1、英汉互译。1. hurry up 2. what time 3. come on 4. ten oclock5. just a minute 6. have a dinner2、情景交际。( ) 1.你想让别人稍等一会儿,应说:_A. Come on! B. Just a minute!( ) 2.你告诉朋友是时候吃晚饭了,应说:_A. Time for dinner. B. Time for bed.( ) 3.询问时间时,应说:_A. What time is it? B. What is it?( ) 4.催促他人快一点儿,应说:_A. Time to get up. B. Hurry up!( ) 5.现在十点了,应说:_A. Its 10 oclock. B。

16、Unit 2 What time is it?Part A 第三课时1、判断下列各组单词画线部分的读音是( )否( )相同。( ) 1. girl first( ) 2. river under( ) 3. hurt hamburger( ) 4. nurse forty( ) 5. birth thirty( ) 6. ruler computer( ) 7. dinner sister( ) 8. bird dirt2、你能写更多吗?1. girl, bird ._2. nurse, hamburger._3. tiger, over._三、给下列单词选择合适的汉语意思。1. bird A.汉堡包2. nurse 。

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