牛津译林版英语必修一Unit2 Translation课件

第 1 页 共 5 页牛津高中英语教学设计单 元:Unit 2 Growing pains板 块:Word powerThoughts on the design:本节课是以听、说、读为主的词汇拓展教学课。本节课的设计在教材原有的基础上增加了语言信息的输入:一方面提高了学生对语言的直观的感性认识;另

牛津译林版英语必修一Unit2 Translation课件Tag内容描述:

1、第 1 页 共 5 页牛津高中英语教学设计单 元:Unit 2 Growing pains板 块:Word powerThoughts on the design:本节课是以听、说、读为主的词汇拓展教学课。本节课的设计在教材原有的基础上增加了语言信息的输入:一方面提高了学生对语言的直观的感性认识;另一方面信息的选择也注重通过情感教育增加学生对语言的情感融入。此外,本节课对于教材的处理有所侧重,并适当延伸。在教授词汇知识和学习策略的同时,适当增加了词汇所蕴含的文化知识的输入。整节课应当在师生的情感互动、学生的情感融入和师生共同的情感体验的过程中进行。Teaching。

2、第 1 页 共 4 页牛津高中英语教学设计单 元:Unit 2 Growing pains板 块:TaskThoughts on the design:本节课的内容主要围绕英语口语中的不同语调代表不同的情感展开。语言的一个功能就是达到交流会意的目的。所以在英语教学中听力和语言情境是重要的方面。因此,在教学过程中给学生提供一些具有价值的、具有代表性的对话、文章颇具意义。通过适当的练习,使学生能够辨别出不同语调所代表的意义。在整个过程中,主要体现了学生为教学主体、老师为教学引导者这么一个理念。充分体现新教材任务型教学设计的思路,强调了师生互动这一特色。通。

3、第 1 页 共 4 页牛津高中英语教学设计单 元:Unit 2 Growing pains板 块:Grammar and usageThoughts on the design:本节课是以读、写为主的语法教学课。语法教学的方法各有不同,本节课的设计除了语言知识的传授外,还着眼于培养学生对于学习策略的掌握。本节课按照“呈现思考归纳巩固”的模式,在语言知识的传授过程中,强调让学生独立思考并归纳语言规则,从而掌握独立的学习策略。此外,本节课在内容的选择上参考了 05-08 年各地高考题,对教学内容作了适当增补。Teaching aims: After learning this session, the students will be a。

4、An adventure in Africa,Tell the route and destinations in Africa,Revision,Morocco and Sahara,the Nile,Kenya,Tanzania,Kilimanjaro,1. How will Colin and Toby travel through the desert?,2.What activity does Toby think is dangerous?,They will travel on camels.,White-water rafting and watching wildlife up close.,3. How long will the brothers stay in Africa.,About four weeks.,1. I plan to spend a few weeks travelling before,Tom spent ten cents _ popcorn.,Fill in the blanks.,He spent three。

5、Unit 2,Home alone,Reading,act curtainsoccerfrightened bend,n. (戏剧的)一幕 n. 窗帘,(舞台上的)幕布 n. 英式足球,足球 adj. 受惊的,害怕的 vi. 弯腰,屈身vt.(使)弯曲,Words Review,vi. 挨饿;饿死 vt.使挨饿 n. 现金 n. (生活)垃圾 n. 水池,水槽,洗碗池 vi. 下沉,沉没 n. 成年人,starvecash garbagesinkadult,Words Review,tolerate behavior teenager fault sceneupset,vt. 容忍,允许 n. 行为,举止 n. (13-19岁的)青少年 n. 过错,错误 n. (戏剧的)一场;场面;景色 adj. 不高兴的,失望的 vt. 使不高兴,使失。

6、Future Continuous Tense,Grammar and usage,Translation,We leave London on 15th July, and we will be flying to Morocco, in northern Africa. (7月15号, 我们将离开伦敦, 然后飞往北非的摩洛哥。),2. Since we will be walking every day for almost two weeks, I will need to buy a large, strong light backpack.(既然我们将每天行走将近两周, 我需要买一个又大又结实的背包。),Future continuous tense,will/shall be + doing,When do we use it?,Sunday Tuesday Saturday,Start climbing,finish climbing,talk about som。

7、Making a travel leaflet,Project,1.Where have you visited? 2. Have you taken photos? Can you share them with us? 3. Have you read travel leaflets before you traveled? 4. Do you know something about Shangri-la?,Free talk,Shangri-la,If your family plan to visit Shangri-La, how will you learn more about it?,Reading travel leaflets.,Where is Shangri-La ? Where do you want to travel?,Where did the word “Shangri-la” first appear? 2. What can you know from it? 3. What interests you most?,Read the。

8、Task Planning a holiday for your familyPeriod I,Skills building 1 recognizing dates and place names,Pay attention to three pieces of information. the day of the month, the month the year,2. Pay attention to the ending of the number. Most dates end with -th(e.g.,4th/fourth).However, some have different endings, e.g.,* 1st/first 21st /twenty-first * 2nd/second 22nd/twenty-second * 3rd/third 23rd/twenty-third,Listen to Mary talk with Charels about h。

9、第 1 页 共 4 页牛津高中英语教学设计单 元:Unit 2 Growing pains板 块:ProjectThoughts on the design:本节课是以读引写的写作课。由于年龄、所受教育、兴趣爱好的不同,父母和子女之间或多或少总有摩擦,这也是代沟产生的原因。 “Project”里的两篇文章极好地反映了当代学生与其父母间的矛盾,这点很容易引起学生的共鸣,让他们去认真思考代沟这一社会现象,并利用这两篇文章培养学生快速寻找有用信息的能力。通过阅读所得有用信息,进行相关讨论,提高口语表达能力,并通过讨论解决代沟的方法,提高学生口语表达及解决问题的能力。。

10、第 1 页 共 2 页牛津高中英语教学设计单元:Unit 2 Growing Pains板块:Reading IIThoughts on the design:本节课是以学生在理解文章的基础上学习一些文章中重要语言点和难点为主的讲解课,是阅读课的第二个课时。通过对课文中的重点和难点的解释和举例来帮助学生掌握,然后配以一些简单训练使学生学会应用这些知识,最后再用精心编制的与高考相关的题目一方面让学生了解高考的考查难度,另一方面也提高学生对所学要点的应用,改善解题技巧。题目的难度体现出由浅入深、由易到难的层次性,符合学生认知规律。Teaching aims:1 The students。

11、第 1 页 共 4 页牛津高中英语教学设计单 元:Unit 2 Growing pains板 块:TaskThoughts on the design:本节课是以读、写为主的任务型教学课的第二课时。任务型教学应该以读引写,层层推进。并结合本单元主题“家长与子女的关系” ,对学生有文化及情感的输入。首先通过指导学生寻找文章的主旨,然后以阅读一封感谢信的形式巩固阅读技巧,最后引出关于解决父母与子女之间问题的对话写作,使本课教学在知识学习和人文精神、人生意义上得到提升。Teaching aims:After learning this part, the students will be able to quickly get the main。

12、Unit 2,Objectives,To understand some common family problems from the four pictures To learn to solve a teenagers problem,Problems can arise when families do not discuss how they really feel.,Freak Friday,辣妈辣妹,Enjoy,What did you see from this video?,Nowadays, there is often a lack of understanding between parents and children. Children always complain that their parents are out of date, while parents cant understand what their children say and do. Thus, a big generation gap is formed.,Look。

13、Welcome to the unit,Do you like traveling? Do you want to visit these picturesque places? 2. Why do you want to travel?,Brainstorming,Why do more and more people like to travel, even some of them traveling abroad?,People travel for different purposes:,enjoy the beauty of nature learn about the outside world get excitement or relax oneself do some research study wildlife or plants be interested in delicious food do business or make friends,the Eiffel Tower,Sydney Opera House,the Great Wall,t。

14、第 1 页 共 3 页牛津高中英语教学设计单元:Unit 2 Growing Pains板块:Welcome to the unitThoughts on the design:本节课教学是以引发学生兴趣为基础,为导入 Reading 的主题积累充足的背景知识和信息为手段,以调动学生主观能动性和激发学生发散思维为目的,以说、听、讨论为主的导入课。 (此句不通)由于是单元的第一课时,所以要兼顾输入的“层次性”和“合理性” 。“层次性”是指导入过程循序渐进,内容由浅入深,然后要求学生有一定的反馈输出,给予适当的提示,以防止出现无言以对的冷场。 “合理性”是指在整个过程中,除了发。

15、Word power,American English vs British English,Comparison,American English Or British English?,1.petrol , holiday , /b t/,2.gas , vacation , /bt/,British English,American English,Lead-in,1. Do you know there are some differences between American English and British English? 2. In which aspects do these differences exist, pronunciation, spelling, grammar and vocabulary? 3. Can you give me some examples that youve learnt recently?,More examples:Ask Ss to tell if they are Ameri。

16、Home alone,Feelings?,Have you ever had the kind ofexperience when your parents had to go away and leave you alone or with a pet?,Lead- in,2. Can you imagine what might happen if you were left alone? 3. Could you handle all the responsibility and keep everything clean and safe?,1.Who are the main characters in the play? 2.Why do the parents get angry?3.What really happened to their dog, Spot?,Eric, Daniel, Mum and Dad.,Because the room is in a mess./ Because there is garbage all over the place,Sp。

17、Project Writing a report on growing pains,growing pains,Part 1( paragraphs 1&2) Part 2(paragraphs 3-5) Part 3(paragraph 6) The main point of each part is:,Part 1: Many teenagers feel lonely and are going through many changes. These changes are part of adolescence.,Part 2:Physical changes and psychological changes happen in side teenagers. They become confused and want to know how to fit in society. Part 3: Growing pains do not last long.,1. The article lists three different kinds of 。

18、Writing a letter of advice,Unit Two: Task,Skill building 1,Asking for and giving advice.,Read the guidelines on page 32.,State the problem clearly and give only the necessary information You should ask clearly for help. This is often done using modal verbs, such ascan and should:What should/can I do?How should/can I .?Should I .?,1.When asking for advice, you should keep these points in mind:,You can ask questions to make sure you fully understand the problem. Before you give advice, it is 。

19、Discussion,What does the titlemean to you? 2. Do you know about the playnamed Growing pains?,Free talks,1.Are you familiar with the picture onthe screen? 2.Have you ever seen the film Growingpains? 3.Do you know some of its main characters? 4.What does the film mainly talk about ?,Main characters,Mike Seaver,Ben Seaver,Carol Seaver,Jason Seaver,Maggie Seaver,Chrissy Seaver,happy families,Do you love your parents? 2.Do you like to stay with your parents at home during your holidays or weekends? 3。

20、小鬼当家 第一幕 妈妈和爸爸外出度假,比预期的时间提前一天返回家中。妈妈和爸爸走进家中的时候,窗帘紧闭,起居室里黑咕隆咚的。,Reading,爸爸: 回家的感觉真好啊! 妈妈: 是啊,我迫不及待地要给儿子们一个惊喜呢! 突然,门开了,一只足球飞了进来,埃里克随后跑进起居室,身后跟出一条大狗,走路慢吞吞的。 埃里克:妈妈!爸爸!你们这么早就回来了呀! (四下打量,惊慌地)可是,可是你们应该明天才到家的呀! 狗缓缓地走到妈妈和爸爸身边。,妈妈: (俯身抚摸着狗)埃里克,狗怎么又累又饿的啊! (看了看桌子)买狗食的钱不见。

牛津译林版英语必修二Unit2 Reading课件
牛津译林版英语必修1《Unit2 Reading》课件
牛津译林版英语必修二Unit2 Grammar课件
牛津译林版英语必修二Unit2 Project课件
牛津译林版英语必修二Unit2 Task课件
牛津译林版英语必修一Unit2 Word Power课件
牛津译林版英语必修一Unit2 Reading课件
牛津译林版英语必修一Unit2 Project课件
牛津译林版英语必修一Unit2 Task课件
牛津译林版英语必修一Unit2 Translation课件
牛津译林版英语必修一Unit2 Word power教案
牛津译林版英语必修一Unit2 Task 1教案
牛津译林版英语必修一Unit2 Project教案
牛津译林版英语必修一Unit2 Reading 2教案
牛津译林版英语必修一Unit2 Task 2教案
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