牛津译林版英语八年级下Unit4 Reading1课件

Unit 2 School life GrammarGrammar Millie has more flowers than Amy. Amy has fewer flowers than Millie. Amy has some flo,1 八年级英语八年级英语 上上 Unit 2Unit 2

牛津译林版英语八年级下Unit4 Reading1课件Tag内容描述:

1、 Unit 2 School life GrammarGrammar Millie has more flowers than Amy. Amy has fewer flowers than Millie. Amy has some flo。

2、1 八年级英语八年级英语 上上 Unit 2Unit 2 School lifeSchool life 2 an American school a British school How much do you know about the。

3、Unit 1 Friends Grammar ,most helpful,more helpful,cleverer more clever,cleverestmost clever,politermore polite,politer most polite,less,least,more friendly,most friendly,bigger,biggest,* 一般情况下,以-ly或-ed结尾的adj.加more和most构成比较级和最高级,friendly / lovely tired,funny helpful easy cheerfultidy important close big wide cleve。

4、 British American film autumn holiday rubber football lorry shop Look for friends for the words. movie fall vacation era。

5、Unit 3,A day out,Reading I,1. Where are you going on holiday? 2. Which city are you going to? 3. Why do you want to go there? 4. How do you plan to get there?,Warming up,Do you know any places of interest in the world?,Pre-reading,the Eiffel Tower,France,Places of interest,the River Seine,France,the White House,the USA,the Opera House& the Harbour Bridge,Australia,the Great Wall,China,The Pyramid,Egypt埃及,the World Park,Beijing,There are models of more than a hundred places of interes。

6、Unit 5,Unit 5 Wild animals,Reading The story ofXi Wang,Do you know how the baby panda grow up into a giant panda? Lets look at the pictures about the growth of the panda.,the first day of a baby panda,looks like a white mouse,drink milk 100 grams,four months old 8 kilograms,6 months eat bamboo,20 months looks after herself,1. Who is Xi Wang? Whats the meaning of Xi Wang?Xi Wang is a panda. It means “hope”. 2. What do you think the writer wants us to do?The writer wants us to protect giant pan。

7、Unit 4 Do it yourself Reading (II),make,repair,decorate,crazy about DIY,Andrew,look terrible,He once tried to put in a brighter light in his bedroom.,His whole house had a power cut.,断电,He put up a picture on his bedroom wall.,He hit a pipe and filled the room with water.,put on,put away,put off,put up,We had to the meeting because of the heavy rain. 2. Tom, go back home and yourschool uniform. 3. Andrew, your bedroom is in a mess (一团糟). You。

8、,Task,Unit 4 A good read,The boy likes reading, he has the habit of reading.,n. 习惯,hbt,Presentation,He likes reading the four great classical Chinese novels.,adj. 古典的,klskl,Primary school,Our school,Primary school is just opposite our school .,pzt,prep. 在对面,librarian,n. 图书管理员,labrerin,1. Do you like reading? 2. How much time do you spend reading each week? 3. What is your favourite type of book? 4. How do you get most of your books? 5. Who 。

9、8B Unit 4 A good read,Grammar,1.(do) that kind of thing is foolish 2.I decide _(see)you this evening. 3.We found a house _ (live) in. 4.She came here (study) English 5.He asked the patient _(not eat) cold water 6.Millie showed us how_(do)next. 7.They are discussing what colour_(paint).,(1) I did not know where I could find other people. (2)He wondered who he could ask for help. (3)Sandy isnt careful enough to notice small changes.,New words,hand,hand in,v. 交;递,给,上交,递交,review,r。

10、Unit 4 A good read,Comic strip & Welcome to the unit,Do you like reading? What type of book do you like?,Warming up,They are good reads,Presentation,n. 读物,cooking,n. 烹饪, 烹调,kk,novel,n. 小说,nvl,Germany,n. 德国,dmn,knowledge,n. 知识,nld,French,adj. 法国(人)的,frent,writer,n. 作者, 作家,rat,Victor Hugo,vkt,hju:g ,维克多.雨果,His famous novel The Hunchback of Notre Dame,hntbk,ntr dem,巴黎圣母院,ugly,adj. 丑陋的,gl,。

11、Reading 1 Unit 2 School life Pretask: d e b a c Free talk: School life 1. What is your favourite subject at school 2. Ca。

12、Unit 4 A good read,Integrated skills,1. Simon 忘记了什么时候见他的朋友们。Simon forgot _ his friends. 2. Millie 给我展示接下来做什么。Millie showed me _. 3. 你可以问你的父母让你带多少钱。 You can ask your parents _ .,Revision,when to meet,what to do next,how much money to take with you,4. Suzy不确定请求谁来帮忙。Suzy was not sure _. 5. 你今天必须完成家庭作业。You _ finish your homework today. 6. 他们目前没有必要买电脑。They _ buy a computer at the moment.,who to ask for help,must,。

13、8B Unit5 Good manners,Reading 1,漫步伦敦 英国礼仪.avi,Look and learn,The boy is polite , he greets others with proper ways every morning.,grit,prp,(say hello to someone or welcome them),(right or correct),v. 问候,打招呼,adj. 符合习俗的,正确的,They are having a happy conversation .,knvsen,n. 交谈,谈话,(a small talk),When we talk with a woman, we should avoid talking about her age.,vd,v. 避免,(try not to do sth.), Why did the man shoot(射击) this man ?, Because he pushed in .,p,(go in 。

14、Unit 6 Sunshine for all,Reading I,the Special Olympics World Games,特殊奥林匹克运动会 (特奥会),Presentation,lit,n. 运动员,The athletes in the Special Olympics World Games are children and adults with intellectual disabilities .,ntlektl,dsblti,adj. 智力的,n. 缺陷,障碍, dlt,n. 成年人,disability,The games give Children and adults with intellecual disabilities a chance to show their skills to the world.,tns,n. 机会,The athletes are very brave and confident .,&。

15、Unit 4 A good read Reading (II)I. Teaching aims and learning objectivesBy the end of the lesson, students should be able to:1. have a better understanding of the story;2. learn to use the language points correctly and retell the story in their own words; 3. learn to think while reading and form the interest in reading. II. Teaching contents1. New words and phrases: against, tie, over, stomach, until, finger, tiny, continue, either, manage, lift, army, must, unable, shoulder, by the time, be tir。

16、Unit 4 A good readReading (I)I. Teaching aims and learning objectivesBy the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:1. understand the extract from Gullivers Travels with the teachers help;2. understand the possible theme of the story;3. learn how to read a novel and develop a love for reading.II. Teaching contents1. New words and phrases: against, tie, over, stomach, until, finger, tiny, continue, either, manage, lift, army, must, unable, shoulder, by the time, be tired out, be tied。

17、Unit 4 A good read,Reading II,1. What did he do after their ship crash against the rocks?2. What did Gulliver find after he woke up?,He swam as fast as he could.,He found he could not move. His arms, legs and hair were tied to the ground.,Ask and answer the following questions.,Revision,3. How tall was the small man?4. When he shouted to the small men, what happened?5. Could Gulliver communicate with the small men?,He was the same size as Gullivers little finger.,The loud noise made them all f。

18、Unit 3 Online tours,Do you like travelling? Do you know these places?,Free talk,Europe,Asia,Africa,America,A map of the world,New words,guide n. 导游,向导,icon n. 图标,click v. 点击,world-famous adj. Eiffel Tower,trade n. 贸易,international adj. 国际的,gather v. 聚集,集合,huge adj. 巨大的,darkness n. 黑暗,island n. 岛屿,several det. 几个,数个,lawn n. 草坪,relax vi/t. 放松,休息,hard adj. 艰难的,musical n. 音乐剧,bottom n. 底,底部,Daniel does not know the meanings of some words on the web pag。

19、8B Unit 4 A good read,Reading(1),格列佛游记预告片.wmv,The ship crashed against the rocks.genst,Look and learn,(hitting something),prep. 紧靠,碰,撞,(keep doing something),The ship cant continue moving.kntinju:,v. 继续,The man fell down on the beach and went to sleep. Because he was tired out.,(very tired),筋疲力尽,His arms, legs and hair were tied to the ground by these tiny people.,/ta/,v. 捆,挷,(hold things together with ropes),/tani/,adj. 极小的,微小的,(very small),He managed to break t。

牛津译林版英语八年级下Unit4 Task课件
牛津译林版英语八年级下Unit4 Grammar课件
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牛津译林版英语八年级下Unit4 Reading1课件
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