
8B 重点词组重点词组 Unit 1 Past and present 重点词组重点词组 Comic strip 在碗里 in the bowl 一小时前 an hour ago 刚吃过 have just eaten it 过去常和我分享食物 used to share food with me


1、8B 重点词组重点词组 Unit 1 Past and present 重点词组重点词组 Comic strip 在碗里 in the bowl 一小时前 an hour ago 刚吃过 have just eaten it 过去常和我分享食物 used to share food with me 以前对我很好 used to be so kind to me Welcome to the uni。

2、1课 题 8A Unit 1 Welcome to this unit 课型 New教学目标知识目标:谈论人的外貌个性,学习描述人的单词和表达法。技能目标:谈论各自的朋友,掌握描述人物相貌和品质的知识。情感目标:了解并逐步养成好朋友必须具备的优良的品质。教学重点 学会用表示人的品质的单词与词组来描述自己的朋友。教学难点 理解并正确运用与朋友品质相关的单词与词组。教学过程教 师 内 容 备 课 札 记Step1 Warm-upTalk about something happened in the summer holiday. Show the pictures and introduce some places of interest and animals in Australi。

3、1课 题 8A Unit 6 Welcome to this unit 课型 New教学目标To learn the common names of birds To talk about birds on two aspects: characteristics and appearance.To arouse the students interest in birds in the wild教学重点 To learn the common names of birds教学难点 To talk about birds on two aspects: characteristics and appearance.教学过程教 师 内 容 备 课 札 记Step 1 Presentation 1. Talking about birds Show the pictures of different kinds of birds and talk about them focusing on whats special about t。

4、1课 题 8A Unit 7 Welcome to this unit 课型 New教学目标1. To revise vocabulary and expressions to describe seasons2. To guess meaning from context3. Talk about your favourite seasons4.To master different ways of talking about weather教学重点 Talk about your favourite seasons教学难点 To master different ways of talking about weather教学过程教 师 内 容 备 课 札 记Step 1 PresentationTeach the new words such as sunny, cloudy ,windy and so on with the help of media Ask questions:Whats the weather like。

5、1课 题 8A Unit 5 Welcome to this unit 课型 New教学目标 1. To introduce the topic of the unit and help the students focus on Wild animals2. To learn more about wild animals and express their preference.教学重点 To learn how to say something about wild animals in English.教学难点 To talk about their favourite animals.教学过程教 师 内 容 备 课 札 记Step1.Warm-up1.Create an interest in the issue of sharing the limited natural resources. Depending on the general interest of the class, choose one of t。

6、Unit1 Past and present 一、同步知识梳理一、同步知识梳理 知识点知识点 1:past and present(P6) (1)past n. 过去,以前;in the past 在过去 adj. 过去的,以前的;in the past few years 在过去的几年里 prep. 经过 walk past the post office 走过邮局 【例句】 In the 。

7、1Unit 1 Past and present 1备课日期教学课题 Comic strip (乘车或骑车的)短途旅程, 旅行”, 有时也可指“距离”。e.g. Can I have a ride on your bike? 我能坐你的自行车吗?6. such as Snow White and Mickey Mouse. such as 例如such as 和 for example 都有“ 例如”的意思,但是它们的用法有所不同。such as 常用来列举同类人或事物中的多个例子。e.g. I like animals, such as dogs, bears and pandas. 我喜欢动物,例如狗,熊和熊猫。for example 一般只以同类人或事物中的“一个” 为例。e.g. He has ever been to many countries。

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