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1、8B 重点词组重点词组 Unit 1 Past and present 重点词组重点词组 Comic strip 在碗里 in the bowl 一小时前 an hour ago 刚吃过 have just eaten it 过去常和我分享食物 used to share food with me 以前对我很好 used to be so kind to me Welcome to the unit 过去常骑自行车上学 used to go to school by bike 乘坐公共汽车 take a bus 太多的人 too many people 公共汽车上 on the bus 等下一

2、辆公交车 wait for the next bus 乘公共汽车去上学 go to school by bus 方便快捷 easy and fast Reading 非常了解阳光镇 know Sunshine Town very well 自我出生以来 since I was born 搬家 move house 住在城镇的北部 live in the northern part of town 结婚 got married 搬到两个街区之外 move two blocks away 从那以后 since then 这些年变化很大 change a lot over the years 只 有

3、 一 些 小 餐 馆 only have some small restaurants 几年前 years ago 在城镇中心 in the town center 把城镇中心的部分变成了一个新的公园 turn part of the town center into a new park 一家钢铁厂 a steel factory 在阳光河附近 near the Sunshine River 把废物排入河里 put the waste into the river 意识到这个问题 realize the problem 采取行动改善这种情况 take action to improve th

4、e situation 干净多了 much cleaner 在某些方面 in some ways 有一个美丽的现代化城镇 have a beautiful modern town 我的大多数老朋友 most of my old friends 搬走 move away 像以前一样频繁彼此见面 see each other as often as before 一起打牌和下象棋 play cards and Chinese chess together 感到有点孤独 feel a bit lonely 不时地,偶尔 from time to time 看到这个城镇发生的惊人变化 see the

5、amazing changes in the town Integrated skills Speak up 遇见我的老朋友 meet my old friend 从美国回来 return from the USA 最后一次彼此见面 last see each other 大约 5 年前 about 5 years ago 和她父母一起出国 go abroad with her parents 在上小学 at primary school 彼此保持联系 keep in touch with each other 主要通过电子邮件交流 mainly communicate by email 使交

6、流容易得多 make communication much easier Task 已发生了许多变化 many changes have taken place 过去 in the past 又窄又脏的路 narrow and dirty roads 又宽又干净 wide and clean 在两边 on both sides 在一些开阔的空地 in some large open space 住在又小又旧的房子里 live in small and old houses 搬进新公寓 move into new flats 在他们的空闲时间 in their free time 过去听收音机或

7、看电视 used to listen to the radio or watch TV 有 电 脑 和 互 联 网 have computers and the Internet 移动电话; 手机 mobile phones 步行或骑自行车环城旅行 travel around the town on foot or by bicycle 乘公共汽车或出租车到处转转 go around by bus or taxi 有他们自己的汽车 have their own cars 享受着舒适的生活 enjoy a comfortable life 8B Unit 2 Travelling Comic s

8、trip 去南山度假 go to South Hill for the holiday 以前去过那里 have been there before 带上我所有的东西 get all my things 带上包 take the bag Welcome to the unit 丹麦的首都 the capital of Denmark 来自某人的故事 come from the story by sb. Reading 自上周以来彼此就没见过面 havent seen each other since last week 非常想你 miss you so much 在香港已经两天了 have be

9、en in Hong Kong for two days 玩得很开心 have a fantastic time 在迪斯尼乐园玩了一整天 spend the whole day at Disneyland 乘地铁到公园 get to the park by underground 在太空山玩得很开心 have fun on space mountain 一个室内过山车 an indoor roller coaster 以高速运转 move at high speed 一路上又叫又笑 scream and laugh through the ride 匆匆去一家餐馆 hurry to a res

10、taurant 吃了一顿快餐 have a quick meal 在路上 on the way 遇到了一些迪斯尼卡通人物 meet some Disney cartoon characters 下午晚些时候 later in the afternoon 迪斯尼人物的游行 a parade of Disney characters 一天中最美好的时光 the best part of the day 追着他们 run after them 不停地拍照片 cant stop taking photos 游行之后 after the parade 看了一部 4D 电影 watch a 4-D fil

11、m 像魔法一样 be like magic 闻到苹果派的味道 smell the apple pie 给同学们买了几个钥匙圈 buy a couple of key rings for classmates 在一天结束的时候 at the end of the day 看了烟花 watch the fireworks 在睡美人城堡前 in front of Sleeping Beauty Castle 看起来明亮而美丽 look bright and beautiful 在烟花的照耀下 under the fireworks 已经去了海南 have gone to Hainan 玩得愉快 en

12、joy oneself Integrated skills Speak up 五一假期的打算 plans for the May Day holiday 和我妈妈去成都旅游 visit Chengdu with my mum 到成都出差过两次 have been to Chengdu on business twice 乘直飞成都的航班 take a direct flight to Chengdu 顺便问一下 by the way 和我爸爸帮你查一下 check it for you with my dad Task 前往机场 leave for the airport 一大早 in the

13、 early morning 三个半小时 three and a half hours 飞到香港 fly to Hong Kong 最著名的主题公园 the most famous theme park 观看有趣的迪斯尼人物游行 watch the interesting parade of Disney characters 太空山行程 the space mountain ride 在第三天 on the third day 参观另一个著名的主题公园 visit another famous theme park 观看海豚表演 watch the dolphin show 最喜欢那一天 e

14、njoy that day most 给我们的亲戚和朋友买了很多礼物 buy a lot of presents for our relatives and her friends 去了一家海鲜餐厅 go to a seafood restaurant 在第五天 on the fifth day 吃了一顿美味的海鲜大餐 have a delicious seafood meal 某天再去看看 visit it again some day 8B Unit 3 Online tours Comic strip 看起来像一台电视机 look like a TV 一小时前开始 began an ho

15、ur ago 遥控器 the remote control 换个频道 change the channel Welcome to the unit 用电脑做 use your computer for 用它来搜索信息 use it to search for information 又快又简单 fast and easy 多久一次 how often 几乎每一天 almost every day Reading 欢迎来到 welcome to 你们的导游 your tour guide 注意到“Tour”图标 notice the Tour icon 在页面顶部 at the top of t

16、he page 只要点击它 just click on it 游览亚洲、非洲、欧洲、美洲等地 visit Asia, Africa, Europe, America and more 美国最大的城市 the biggest city in the USA 举世闻名的贸易中心 the world-famous trade center 在的南端 at the southern end of 国际银行 international banks 再往前 further on 成千上万的人 thousands of people 聚集在这里 gather here 在除夕 on New Years Ev

17、e 看到巨大的玻璃球在黑暗中坠落 see the huge glass ball falling through the darkness 在岛的中心 in the center of the island 一个放松的好地方 a good place to relax 一天辛苦工作后 after a hard days work 不要错过百老汇 dont miss Broadway 自二十世纪初以来 since the early twentieth century 以其剧院而闻名 be famous for its theaters 听过,听说 hear of 来自著名的百老汇音乐剧 com

18、e from the famous Broadway musical 到此为止 so much for 在页面的底部 at the bottom of the page 开始你的新旅程 start your new tour Grammar Exercise D 梦想不用护照周游世界 dream of travelling around the world without a passport 通过在线旅游来实现你的梦想 realize your dream by taking an online tour 给我看了一个美国在线游 show me an online tour of the U

19、SA 这么多精彩的照片 so many wonderful pictures 一本关于美国名胜古迹的书 a book about the places of interest 从美国回来 return from the USA 从未去过那里 have never been there 某天去美国看看 visit the USA some day Integrated skills 进行一次在线旅行 take an online tour 在网站上 on the website 在澳大利亚的东南海岸 on the south-east coast of Australia 澳大利亚最大的城市 t

20、he largest city in Australia 看到许多悉尼的照片 see lots of pictures of Sydney 靠近大海 be near the sea 许多美丽的海滩 many beautiful beaches 一座叫做奇妙的建筑 a wonderful building called 悉尼歌剧院 the Sydney Opera House 一艘有许多帆的船 a ship with many sails 著名的港湾大桥 the famous Harbour Bridge 与我们的相反 be the opposite of ours 澳大利亚的季节 Austra

21、lian seasons Speak up 介意告诉我怎样开始网上旅游 mind showing me how to start this online tour 只要点击“旅游”图标 just click on the Tour icon 想先看一些图片 want to look at some pictures first 看到许多城市的图片 see many pictures of the city 我的荣幸, 不用谢 my pleasure 好的,行 with pleasure Task 大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国 the United Kingdom of Great Britain

22、 and Northern Ireland 一个岛国 an island country 由组成 be made up of 有着悠久的历史 have a long history 许多宫殿和城堡 many palaces and castles 在这个古老的欧洲国家 in this old European country 最有名的一个 the most famous one 国王和王后的家 the home of kings and queens 以博物馆闻名 be famous for its museums 学到很多关于世界文化的知识 learn a lot about the wor

23、lds culture 许多自然景观 many places of natural beauty 其他野生鸟类 other wild birds 在湖上 on the lakes 游览英国的最佳时间 the best time to visit the UK 从 5 月到 9 月 from May to September 又湿又冷 wet and cold 前一分钟还是晴天,下一分钟就下雨了 be sunny one minute, but rainy the next 8B Unit 4 A good read Comic strip 怎么处理这些书 what to do with the

24、se books 把它们给我 give them to me 用它们够冰箱上的盒子 use them to reach the box on the fridge 不得不, 必须 have to Welcome to the unit 一本关于二战中的德国的书 a book about Germany in World War 对历史书感兴趣 be interested in history books 提高我对过去的认识 improve my knowledge of the past 在业余时间 in your spare time 看小说和戏剧 read novels and plays

25、 一本法国作家写的书 a book by a French writer 那个丑陋男人的故事 the story of the ugly man 真的打动了我 really touch me Reading 撞在岩石上 crash against the rocks 尽量游得远些 swim as far as possible 到的时候 by the time 感觉到脚下的土地 feel the land under my feet 筋疲力尽 be tired out. 倒在沙滩上 fall down on the beach 去睡觉 go to sleep 醒来 wake up 被绑在地上

26、be tied to the ground 感到我腿上有东西 feel something on my leg 爬过我的肚子和脖子 move up over my stomach and neck 站在我的脸附近 stand near my face 看见一个非常矮小的人 see a very small man 和我的小拇指一样大 the same size as my little finger 这个小矮人 this tiny person 开始爬遍我的全身 start climbing all over me 朝他们大喊大叫 shout at them 使他们全跌倒 make them

27、all fall over 很快又站了起来 soon get up again 继续爬过我的身体 continue moving across my body 其中一个小人 one of these small men 也不知道该说什么 dont know what to say either 试着松开一只手 try to pull one hand free 终于把绳子挣断了 finally manage to break the ropes 举起我的左手 lifte my left hand into the air 开始大叫 begin to shout 低下头 look down 一大

28、群小人 a huge army of tiny people 径直朝我走来 come straight towards me 从他们身边逃开 run away from them 怎么逃开 how to get away Grammar 推荐如此多有趣的书 recommend so many interesting books 决定先读哪一本 decide which to read first 在哪里找到这本书 where to find the book 找出, 查明 find out 如何在这么短的时间内环游世界 how to travel around the world in suc

29、h a short time 什么时候交读书报告 when to hand in the book report 写些什么 what to write about 关于你书的任何东西 anything about your book 你对它的看法 what you think of it 看一些有关这本书的评论 read some reviews about the book 在写之前 before writing 找谁帮忙写作 who to ask for help with writing 一直在那里帮助我们 be always there to help us Integrated sk

30、ills Speak up 想要一些历史书 want some history books 在哪里找到他们 where to find them 在电脑上搜索信息 search for information on the computer 一次 at a time 借这些书两周时间 keep the books for two weeks 按时归还 return them on time 怎样续借 how to renew them 每次来到我们的服务台 come to our desk every time 不必 dont have to 只要在网上续借即可 just renew them

31、 online Task 每周花 7 个多小时阅读 spend over 7 hours a week Reading 阅读不同类型的书籍 read different types of books 在工作日 on weekdays 睡觉前阅读半个小时 read for about half an hour before going to bed 周末 at the weekend 对历史书感兴趣 be interested in history books 最喜欢小说 like novels best 中国四大名著 the four great classical Chinese novel

32、s 就在我家对面 be just opposite my home 给我很多关于书的建议 give me lots of advice on book 讨论读什么 discuss what to read 一段美好的时光 a wonderful time 帮助我在忙碌的一天后放松 help me relax after a busy day 为我打开了一个全新的世界 open up a whole new world to me 8B Unit 5 Good manners Comic strip 年龄足够大,可以学习礼仪了 be old enough to learn about manne

33、rs 和别人分享你的东西 share your things with others 打断别人 cut in on others 礼貌地等待 wait politely 活到老,学到老。 You are never too old to learn. Reading 邀请珍妮来谈谈英国的礼仪 invited Jenny to talk about manners in the UK 问候别人的正确方式 the proper way to greet people 第一次 for the first time 用吻来问候别人 greet people with a kiss 问候亲戚或亲密的朋友

34、 greet relatives or close friends 开始交谈 start a conversation 其他东西 something else 避免年龄、体重或金钱等话题 avoid subjects like age, weight or money 在公共场合举止文明 behave politely in public 在别人面前插队是不礼貌的 its rude to push in before others 撞到别人 bump into someone 挡住他们的路 in their way 推开你 push past you 足够礼貌,一直等到你移开 be polit

35、e enough to wait till you move 在家里也很有礼貌 be very polite at home as well 总是 all the time 在公共场合请小声点 keep your voice down in public 大声喊叫或大笑 shout or laugh loudly 俗话说 just as the saying goes 入乡随俗 When in Rome, do as a Romans do. Integrated skills Speak up 这幅毕加索的名画 this famous painting by Picasso 给它照张相 ta

36、ke a photo of it 上面写着“禁止拍照” 。 It says “No photos”. 刚才 just now Task 举行一个关于良好餐桌礼仪的讲座 hold a talk on good table manners 讲座的目的 the purpose of the talk 教学生饮食规则 teach students rules for eating 举行 take place 在学校礼堂 at the school hall 很多关于餐桌礼仪的建议 a lot of advice on table manners 发现它们有用 find them useful 首要 a

37、bove all 发出太多的噪音 make too much noise 张着嘴吃东西 eat with the mouth open 嘴里含着食物说话 talk with food in the mouth 从别人的盘子里拿东西 reach over someones plate for something 等待每个人都完成 wait for everyone to finish 确保 make sure 客人和主人 both guests and hosts 在餐桌上 at the table 8B Unit 6 Past and present Comic strip 训练成为奥运会的志

38、愿者 train to be a volunteer for the Olympic Games 为奥运会做点事 do something for the Olympics 希望你能帮助我 want you to help me 需要更多的食物在工作时吃 need some more food to eat at work Welcome to the unit 有自己的住处 have their own places to live 给他们食物和衣服 give them food and clothes 帮助他们的其它方法 other ways to help them 写信给当地政府 wr

39、ite to the local government 为无家可归的人提供特殊的住宿场所 provide special places for homeless people to stay Reading 世界特奥会 the Special Olympics World Games 期待什么 what to expect 他一生中最神奇的经历 the most amazing experience of his life 做志愿者 work as a volunteer 智障儿童和成人 children and adults with intellectual disabilities 向世

40、界展示技能的机会 a chance to show the skills to the world 包括许多类似于奥运会的项目 include many events similar to those in the Olympics 为了放弃了他们的业余时间 give up their spare time for 在执行任务前接受培训 receive training before doing the Tasks 为运动员提供支持 provide support for the athletes 使活动取得了巨大的成功 make the event a great success 一个小男孩

41、的游泳教练 a swimming coach for a young boy 一个叫的来自中国北方的小男孩 a young boy from North China called 生来就有智力缺陷 be born with intellectual disabilities 参加比赛 join the competition 不是赢得一枚金牌或银牌, 而是参加比赛 not to win a gold or silver, but to take part 获得了第四名 finish fourth 由于特奥会的原因 because of the Special Olympics World Ga

42、mes 感觉更有信心 feel more confident 把人们聚集在一起 bring people together 来 自 不 同 背 景 的 运 动 员 和 志 愿 者 athletes and volunteers from different backgrounds 感觉就像一个大家庭的一部分 feel like part of one big family 与这些特殊的运动员紧密合作 work closely with these special athletes 帮助他们实现梦想 help them achieve their dreams Integrated skills

43、 Speak up 在日常生活中 in our daily lives 节省我们的零花钱 save our pocket money 把它捐给需要的人 donate it to those in need 在社区中心做志愿者 work as volunteers at community centers 给无家可归的人食物 give food to homeless people 在公共汽车上给老人让座 give our seats on the bus to the elderly Task 一位九年级学生 a Grade 9 student 这个学生的名字 the students nam

44、e 生病住院 be ill in hospital 有严重的血液病 have a serious blood disease 没有足够的钱做这样的手术 dont have enough money for such an operation 尽快做手术 have the operation as soon as possible 失去生命 lose ones life 写信请求你的帮助 write to ask for your help 捐款 donate money 人多好办事。 Many hands make light work. 伸出援助之手 give a helping hand

45、康复 get well again 8B Unit 7 International charities Comic strip 有剩余的零花钱 have some pocket money left 该吃午饭了 its time for lunch 吃一顿丰盛的午餐 have a big lunch 让我先吃午饭吧 let me have lunch first 太虚弱,不能再走了 too weak to walk any further 只剩下五公里 only have five kilometers left Reading 告诉我们一些关于失明的事情 tell us something

46、about blindness 全世界 around the world 大部分在贫困地区 mostly in poor areas 可以预防或治愈 can be prevented or cured 约 80%的病例 about 80 per cent of these cases 没有钱来治疗 dont have money for medical treatment 用飞行眼科医院访问贫困地区 uses Flying Eye Hospital to visit poor areas 志愿医生 volunteer doctors 被用作训练中心 be used as a training

47、center 在医院工作 work in a hospital 没钱去医院 cant afford to go to hospital 当地的医生和护士 local doctors and nurses 被邀请到飞机上 be invited on board 学习眼科手术 learn about eye operations 教新技能 teach the new skills 通过培训他们 by training them 希望帮助更多的人 hope to help more people 在一次访问中 during a visit 做着非常重要的工作 do a really importan

48、t job 很自豪能帮助人们重见光明 be proud to help people see again 改善他们的生活 improve their lives 对我们的读者说 say to our readers 大多数眼科问题和疾病 most eye problems and diseases 能得到治疗和治愈 can be treated and cured 继续我们的工作 carry on with our work 非常感谢您的时间。 Thank you very much for your time. Integrated skills Speak up 看起来脸色苍白 look pale 牙疼 got toothache 让我检查一下 let me have a check 没什么严重的 nothing serious 饭后服药 take this medicine after meals 一天三次 three times a day 过几天 in a few da


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