【公开课】牛津译林版七年级上英语Unit6 Grammar 课件

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1、Unit 6 Food and lifestyle Grammar,Odd One Out,A countable noun (可数名词) refers to something we can count, such as an apple, two pears and ten lemons.,An uncountable noun (不可数名词) refers to something we cannot count. For example, we cannot say a bread.,Odd One Out,Odd One Out,Odd One Out,Form the plural

2、 of countable nouns,an orange,two oranges,a cake,two cakes,most nouns: + -s,When to use “an”? When to use “a”?,Form the plural of countable nouns,a story,some stories,nouns ending in a consonant + -y: 去y + -ies,Form the plural of countable nouns,a bus,two buses,a brush,three brushes,a match,some mat

3、ches,a box,four boxes,nouns ending in -s, -sh, -ch or -x: + -es,Form the plural of countable nouns,photos,potatoes,tomatoes,nouns ending in -o: + -s or + -es,Form the plural of countable nouns,a knife,two knives,a scarf,three scarves,nouns ending in -f/-fe: 去f/fe + -ves,Form the plural of countable

4、nouns,some other nouns,a man,two men,a policewoman,three policewomen,Form the plural of countable nouns,some other nouns,four children,four sheep,Have a try!,Fill in the blanks with the correct forms of the given words.,1. My grandfather likes to tell _ (story). 2. Lets go and buy some _ (carrot) an

5、d _ (potato). 3. All the _ (child) enjoy talking to him. 4. We must brush our _ (tooth) twice a day. 5. Here are two _ (photo) of my family. 6. People usually cut _ (tomato) with _ (knife). 7. How many _ (people) are there in the hall? 8. In the last two _ (month), he scored five goals in six _ (mat

6、ch).,Shopping list,three kiloes of apples five watermelons some lemons a box of chocolate a lot of meat some carrots, potato and tomatoes two loaves (条) of breads six bottles of juice ten cartons of milk,We can use nouns before uncountable nouns to show their amounts.,Shopping list,. . . . . . . . .,Group work,Homework,Review how to form the plural of countable nouns.,


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