牛津译林版英语必修二Unit2 Project教案

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牛津译林版英语必修二Unit2 Project教案_第1页
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牛津译林版英语必修二Unit2 Project教案_第2页
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1、第 1 页 共 2 页牛津高中英语教学设计单 元:Unit 2 Wish you were here板 块:ProjectThoughts on the design: 本节课是以学生团队活动为主的教学课,阅读部分不再强调阅读策略与方法,而是更多地要求学生注意篇章的结构、句式的表达,从而实现项目活动的模仿,简化项目的难度,提高学生的参与度,增进团队的协作能力。Teaching aims:After having this period, students will be able to use what they have practiced to finish the project by

2、cooperating with each other. They can not only learn to search for information through various means like the Internet or the library, but also to participate in group work and enhance their team spirit. Meanwhile, the speaking and writing skills will be once again consolidated. Teaching procedures:

3、Step 1 Lead-inA: Recall the tourist spots talked about so far in this unit.B: With the help of PPT, introduce a new eye-catching place. Use English sentences to describe the pictures.Explanation在简单回顾本单元所习得的内容后,利用 PPT 中的图片和摘自课文的原句自然地向学生介绍本课的主题, Shangri-la。同时,也使学生对如何表述风景的句型有先入为主的印象。Step 2 Reading and

4、analyzingA: Allow students several minutes to read the passage and before they start to read, tell them they should pay close attention to the subtitles.B: Analyze the structure of the passage.Explanation详细确切的阅读指导能让学生把注意力更多地集中到文章的结构上,这使学生对在自己动手操作的项目活动中应如何分工、分工的具体内容应是什么、已查阅信息中哪些是有效信息、哪些是可删除信息等问题有更直观、

5、更明确的理解。 Step 3 Sentences drillsA: Draw students attention to some sentences useful for writing a travel leaflet. B: Do some sentence drills and prepare students for writing the leaflet. Explanation运用模仿式的造句和操练,使学生能尽可能正确地表达在接下来的项目活动中所需运第 2 页 共 2 页用的句子。减低项目任务的难度,增加学习的成就感,提高学习的积极性。Step 4 Group-work time

6、Split students into groups of four or five and ask them to work according to the specific assignment they agree to. Each group is with a group leader who is in charge. The teacher walks around the classroom, serving as a helper and supervisor. Explanation这个环节是项目活动中最重要的部分,它不仅能最大程度地使学生投入到听、说、写的能力训练中,而

7、且能培养学生的团队协作能力,因为学生需要在集体活动中,通过与同组同学交换意见、达成一致、互通有无、互相帮助,实际运用前几个教学步骤中所习得的知识,将之前从网络或书本中查阅到的信息进行归类、删减、重组,才能呈现出最好的旅游宣传单。Step 5 HomeworkPut up students work on the SHOW CORNER and ask each group to evaluate other groups work, pointing out problems if there are any. Compare notes and better them then.Explanation通过学生间的互评与讨论,学生的自我评价和评价他人能力能得到提高,最重要的是,在互评过程中,学生必须对旅游宣传单的构成、其中句型结构的表达、固定词组的用法,甚至个别难词的拼写有正确的认识。经过这一环节,知识必然得到强化与内化,自我学习能力必然得到提高,教学效果也必然得到加强。


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