人教新课标高中英语必修1《Unit4 Warming up》课件

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1、A NIGHT THE EARTH DIDNT SLEEP,Warming up and Reading,Words and expressions,Mr. Nature,emotional (情绪化的),When he is cheerful,Natural Disasters,fire,earthquake,tsunami,typhoon (hurricane),drought,dragon cyclone龙卷风,volcano eruption,landslide山体滑坡,flood,avalanche,mud-rock flow泥石流,sandstorm,When he gets an

2、gry,Natural Disasters,hurricane,flood,drought,Typhoon,fire,sandstorm,mudflow,泥石流,volcano eruption,火山爆发,Earthquake,Which disaster may cause the worst damage?,Discussion: What damage will an earthquake cause?,Roads get huge cracks.,Steam bursts from holes or wells in the ground. Water pipes are destro

3、yed.,Houses fall down. Brick buildings are destroyed.,Dams and bridges fall down. Hard hills of rock become rivers of dirt .,The railway tracks become useless pieces of steel.,People die or are injured. Families are killed and many children are left without parents.,In a few seconds, a large city li

4、es in ruins. Everything is destroyed. It seems the world was at an end.,Compareing,Before,After,Tangshan is a beautiful city with gardens, wide roads.,San Francisco is a city with tall buildings thickly standing on the earth.,These two cities are famous for their earthquakes during a period of calm.

5、 So one should not trust situations that seem peaceful since bad things may happen.,Tangshan,San Francisco,Say something about these two cities. What will happen before an earthquake?,Warming up,Imagine your home begins to shake and you must leave it right away. You have time to take only one thing.

6、 What will you take? Why?,I want to take money, books, food, water, clothe ,Because ,Pre-reading,water,money,identity card,food,book to read,clothes,computer,map,pictures of family,mobile phone,radio,What will you take? Why?,What do you think may happen before an earthquake?,People can see bright li

7、ghts in the sky. The sound of planes can be heard outside even when no planes are in the sky.,Mice will run out of the fields looking for places to hide. Fish will jump out of the bowls or ponds.,Animals will be too nervous to eat.,Farmers wives will notice that the well walls have deep cracks in th

8、em. Smelly gas came out of the crack. The well water will rise and fall, rise and fall for a few days, steam will burst from holes or wells in the ground.,唐山大地震灾难,失去“理性”的飞虫、鸟类1976年7月25日,唐山以南天津大沽口海面,“长湖”号油轮四周海面,一大群深绿色翅膀的蜻蜓栖在船窗、桅杆和船舷上,一动不动任人捕捉驱赶。天津市郊木场公社和西营门公社都 看见成百上千只蝙蝠,大白天在空 中乱飞。,唐山大地震前兆,动物界逃亡大迁徙197

9、6年7月25日上午,抚宁县100多只黄鼠狼,大的背着或叼着小的从古墙洞钻出,向村内大转移。26日、27日,这群黄鼠狼继续向村外转移,一片惊慌气氛。,不可捉摸的信息秦皇岛附近水域作业的潜水员说, 他看见一条彩色绚丽的光带,像一条 金色的火龙,转瞬即逝。1976年7月27日,唐山北部一个军 营里,几个士兵发现地下的一堆钢 筋,莫名其妙地迸发出闪亮的光,仿 佛一个隐身人在那里烧电焊。,华西都市报5月10日报道,四川绵竹市西南镇檀木村出现大规模蟾蜍迁徙,数十万蟾蜍拥挤着走上了马路。面对这一异常现象,村民们普遍表示担扰,害怕可能是地震或其他自然灾害的预兆。,汶川地震的前兆,2008年4月26日早上7时,

10、湖北恩施市 白果乡下村坝村直径约百米、水深数 十米、常年不干的观音塘约8万立方米 的蓄水5小时内全部消失,水面突然出 现漩涡,并伴有轰鸣声。,国家地震局赈灾应急救援司司长 黄建发在新闻发布会上表示, 目前地震的准确预测仍是一个世 界性的难题,此次地震没有提前 预测到。,地震可以预测么?,据新华社华盛顿5月21日电 在中国 以及世界其他一些国家,都有不少民 间的地震预测说法,比如动物的异常 行为、奇特天象出现等。美国专家琼 斯说,这些说法到目前为止都还没有 真正的科学依据。世界各国的很多科 学家曾不止一次地试图证实这些预测 的科学性,但到现在也没有找到十分 确凿的证据。,琼斯说,从另外的角度说,即便 这些异常可以作为预报地震的参考数 据,地震监测人员也不能仅仅依靠某 一个单独的异常现象作出地震预报, 因为这类异常可能只对应极小的地震 几率,假如误报了地震,直接和间接 损失往往也是相当严重的。,


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