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人教新课标高中英语必修1 Unit4教案

1Unit 4 Global Warming教材分析.教学内容分析本单元的中心话题是人类当今面对的环境问题,主要探讨了“全球变暖”和“节约能源”等方面的问题。由于人类过多使用不可再生能源,大气中二氧化碳的含量逐年增加,导致全球气温上升。通过学习本单元,让学生了解能源分为“不可再生能源”和“可再生能源

人教新课标高中英语必修1 Unit4教案Tag内容描述:

1、1Unit 4 Global Warming教材分析.教学内容分析本单元的中心话题是人类当今面对的环境问题,主要探讨了“全球变暖”和“节约能源”等方面的问题。由于人类过多使用不可再生能源,大气中二氧化碳的含量逐年增加,导致全球气温上升。通过学习本单元,让学生了解能源分为“不可再生能源”和“可再生能源” ,帮助学生树立“节约能源、保护环境”的主人翁意识。语言知识和语言技能主要围绕“全球变暖”和“节约能源”这一主题设计的。“热身”(Warming up) 部分要求学生列举家中、学校或其他地方使用能源的物体,指出这些能源的来源,并尽可能。

2、Unit 1 Friendship 教学设计 一、教材内容分析本单元是高中一年级的第一单元,刚开学没多久,大家相互之间还不是很熟识,需要了解、沟通,友谊是他们生活当中必不可少的,他们每个人对友谊的认识不同,见解不一。1本节课的 Warming up 我采用情景描述法,让学生自己用几个单词描述自己心目中的朋友或写下朋友的三个特征,让其他学生猜猜他描述的是班上哪个人。并把相关的词汇、句型写在黑板上,有利于词汇的积累。第一种方法适合基础差的学生,第二种方法适合成绩好的学生。2在导入的时候我采用提问法,激起学生思考(1)Which kind of fr。

3、Using language,Review 1.Is there any one here _name is Tom? 2.They talked for about an hour of things andpersons_ they remembered in the school 3.Who _has common sense will do such a thing. 4.I dont know the way _he worked out. 5.The person to_ you just talked is Mr. Li.,whose,that,that,that / in which,whom,Correct mistakes for the following sentences.,1. Under the big tree are 34 students, many of them come from class two. 2. My mother has a good book, which co。

4、Unit 4 Earthquakes 单元概述本单元话题为“地震” ,主要描写了 1976 年唐山大地震,各项语言活动也都是围绕地震展开的。本单元共分八部分。Warming up 部分通过两张图片引出话题“一旦地震发生,将会造成怎样的危害” ,为后面的主题作了一个“热身运动” 。Pre-reading 部分设置了两个开放性问题,目的是增加学生的生活常识,提高他们的应变能力。这部分为接下来的阅读作了很好的铺垫,学生可通过讨论,参阅有关地震的书籍并运用一些生活常识来回答这两个问题。 Reading 部分具体描写 1976 年河北唐山大地震的震前、震中和震后。作者详。

5、A NIGHT THE EARTH DIDNT SLEEP,Warming up and Reading,Words and expressions,Mr. Nature,emotional (情绪化的),When he is cheerful,Natural Disasters,fire,earthquake,tsunami,typhoon (hurricane),drought,dragon cyclone龙卷风,volcano eruption,landslide山体滑坡,flood,avalanche,mud-rock flow泥石流,sandstorm,When he gets angry,Natural Disasters,hurricane,flood,drought,Typhoon,fire,sandstorm,mudflow,泥石流,volcano eruption,火山爆发,Earthquake,Which disaster may cause the worst damage?,Discussion: What dam。

6、Language points for reading,Phrases in the text,rise and fall smelly gas come out of jump out of crack and burst fall down think little of one-third/two thirds cut across in ruins at an end be injured thousands of be left without parents blow away useless pieces of steel give milk tens of thousands of instead of hundreds of thousands of rescue workers coal mines d。

7、Unit 4 Making the news 第一部分About the topic and the structures单元话题和结构本单元的话题是 Making the news/ 创造新闻,介绍了“新闻”产业的运作过程。单元句法项目是:倒装句。 教学设计在单元课时划分上与课本保持一致,即“阅读课、知识课、运用课三课时/三课型划分” 。但在实际教学过程中,我们建议教师依据学生基础、教学条件、学校安排的因素,对课本、对教学设计重新划分课时、裁剪、拼接使用我们提供的材料,以便“物尽所用” ,达到最佳教学效果。教师也可以参照我们提出的“实际教学过程课时划分建议”进行教学。Per。

8、Unit 4 Earthquakes第一部分About the topic and the structures单元话题和结构本单元的话题是 Earthquakes 地震,介绍了唐山大地震、地震的预报。本单元中学生除了通过阅读,进一步提高英语阅读能力以外,还将学习使用“定语从句” ,学习书写“新闻提纲” 。 单元课时划分上与课本保持一致,即“阅读课、知识课、运用课三课时/三课型划分” 。但在实际教学过程中,我们建议教师依据学生基础、教学条件、学校安排等因素,对课本、对教学设计重新划分课时,裁剪、拼接使用教案提供的材料,以便“物尽所用” ,达到最佳教学效果。教师也可。

9、Workbook,Listening,Page 62,Read the statements and then listen to the whole text. Decide whether the statements are true or false. Give your reasons.,Part 1,Part 2,1,It is believed that on the surface of the earth are a number of plates. The plates are always moving. If the plates stop moving, there is an earthquake. If the plates move, there is an earthquake. Wherever you live, you are in an earthquake area. China has two plates pushing on her and they make mountains and earthquakes.,T,T,T,F,F,。

10、Reading,Fast reading,What does the passage mainly talk about?,An earthquake happened in Tangshan in 1976,Sum up the main idea of each part of the passage. (use one word to describe),Part 1: para 1,Part 2: para 2&3,Part 3: para 4,signs,damage,recovery,Para 1 Signs before the earthquake,Strange things,No one noticed them.,The water in the well,rose and fell.,The well walls,had deep cracks in them.,A smelly gas,The pigs and the chickens,mice and fish,In the sky,The water pipe,came ou。

11、Section 3 Words and expressions from Unit 4 Earthquakeright away 立刻,马上 1. Did you get dressed right away? 你马上就穿衣服了吗?2. I will set off right away. 我将立刻出发。3. Ill have it sent right away. 我会立刻把它(拍送)出去。4. She wanted to know why I didnt tell her right away that she had the wrong number. Before I could answer her, she hung up. 她想知道为什么我不马上告诉她她的电话号码错了。我还没来得及回答,她就挂上了电 话。5. I want it typed right away, please. 请立刻把它打印出来。6. 。

12、Section 2 Notes to difficult sentences from Unit 4 Earthquake1. But the one million people of the city, who thought little of these events, were asleep as usual that night. 但是城里的百万群众,没有理会这些事件,那天夜里还和以往一样,安然入睡了。句中 who 引导的“非限制性定语从句 ”。 非限制性定语从句只是对主句内容,或先行词的补充、解释或附加说明。主句与先行词或从句之间一般用逗号分开,常常单独翻译。没有它,主句意思仍然完整。引导非限制性定语从句的关系代词有 as,which,who , whom,whose 等,作定语。

13、Period 5 grammarTeaching Aims:1.Review the Attributive Clause and learn to use the relative pronouns: who, whom, which and that.2. Learn the relative pronouns: whoseTeaching Important Points:Review the Attributive Clause and try to master the relatives better.Teaching Difficult Points: How to help the students master the Attributive Clause better.Teaching methods:!. Review method to help the students remember what they have learnt before.2. Individual work or pair work to make every student work。

14、Period 2 A sample lesson plan for Learning about Language(The Attributive Clause )Introduction In this period students will be helped to build their word power and structure power. The ready used materials for teaching about relative pronouns and testing may be useful to students.Objectives To help students learn about the usage of who, which, that and whose used in the attributive clause To discover useful words and expressionsProcedures 1. Warming up by discovering useful words and expressi。

15、1Unit 4 Period 1 Warming-up 2. Train students listening ability and try to improve their pronunciation;3. Know the damage that an earthquake and other disasters could bring about and ways to reduce the losses of an earthquake.Teaching important points: Train the students listening ability and improve pronunciation.Teaching difficult points:Develop Ss listening ability.Teaching aids:the blackboard; computerTeaching methods:Task-based teaching and learningDiscussionKnowledge aims:1. Ss will be 。

16、Part 1 Teaching Design第一部分 教学设计Period 1 A sample lesson plan for reading(A NIGHT THE EARTH DIDNT SLEEP)Introduction In this period, after the warming up, students will first be guided to share their views about earthquake. Then they will be helped to read a narration(记叙文)entitled A NIGHT THE EARTH DIDNT SLEEP. Its about Tangshan Earthquake which happened in 1976. Summary of the text and analysis of the text organization is offered for teachers reference. Computer and overhead projec。

17、Part 3 Teaching Assessment第三部分 教学测评I. Structure and vocabulary 1. _ is the population _ Canada?I dont know exactly, but I am sure that it has _ population than China.A. How much; in; much less B. How many; of; few C. What; with; much less D. What; of; a much smaller2. Do you mind if I smoke? _ .A. Pardon, I do B. Yes, not at all C. No, I do mind D. Im sorry, but I do.3. We dont visit Tom _. A. as many as we used to B. as many as we were used to C. as much as we。

18、Unit 4 peroid 2 ReadingEarthquakeTeaching goals:Knowledge aims:1. Ss will be able to master the following useful new words and expressions.well,smelly,pond,burst,canal,steam,dirt,injure,brick,dam,useless,steel,shock,rescue,quake,electricity,army,shelter,fresh,organize,bury, at an end, dig out, coal mine, in ruins2. Ss will be able to know the basic knowledge about EarthquakeAbility aims:Develop Ss reading ability. Emotional aims:1. Ss will be able to know damages earthquake bring about and th。

19、Unit 4 Module 5 Making the news 单元教学目标talk about jobs in a newspapertalk about the basic qualities and skills a journalist should havelearn about the writing and printing process for an article and what is the primary source and the second source learn how to use Inversion correctlylearn how to make an appointmentwrite a newspaper article教材重组及课型设计1st period Reading (整合warming up, Pre-reading, Reading 与 Comprehending四部分)2nd period words Task-based methodTeaching procedures:I.。

20、1Teaching plan for unit 4Earthquakes Teaching aims and demands:1. Topic: Basic knowledge of earthquakes; how to protect oneself and help the others in disasters 2. Useful words and expressions:shake, well (n.), rise, smelly, pond, pipe, burst, canal, steam, dirt, ruin, injure, destroy, brick, dam, useless, steel, shock, quake, rescue, electricity, disaster, army, organize, bury, coal, shelter, fresh, percent, speech, judge, honour, prepare;right away, (be) at an end, dig out, bring in, a (great 。

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人教新课标高中英语必修1 Unit4教案
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