仁爱版七年级英语上册Unit2 topic 2 Section A教案

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1、1Topic 2 What color is it?Section AThe main activities are 1a and 2a. 本课重点活动是 1a 和 2a。 . Teaching aims and demands 教学目标1.(1) Learn some new words about the colors:black, blue, pink, red, purple, brown, white, gray, green, yellow(2) Learn some other new words:both, color, here2. Learn some useful sen

2、tences:(1)You look the same.(2)Thats right.(3)We are good friends.(4)Its here.3. (1)Continue to talk about peoples appearances:We both have black hair and black eyes.I have blond hair and blue eyes.We dont have the same looks.(2)Identify colors:What color is it?It is pink.Whats red and yellow?Its or

3、ange. Teaching aids 教具实物/教学挂图/录音机/小黑板/ 调色盘/白纸/ 彩笔. Five-finger Teaching Plan 五指教学方案Step 1 Review 第一步 复习(时间 :10 分钟)师生对话,复习并导入新课。由具体实物引出生词,学习用英语描述人物特征。培养学生的观察能力。1. (One by one 练习,对 Does she/he have ?句型进行复习。教师先引导,以班上具体的学生为例,尽可能多地让学生来操练。)T: Does she have long hair?S1: Yes, she does. Does he have short h

4、air?S2: No, he doesnt. He has long hair. Does she have a big nose?S3: Yes, she does. Does she have big ears?2S4: No, she doesnt. Does ?S5: 2. (利用班上长相相似的两位学生来进行师生互动问答,复习表示外貌特征的句型,导出新句型。)(请一位同学到窗前,一位到黑板前,教师指着窗前的那位展开问答。)T: Wang Dan, please stand by the window. Huang Pin, come here, please.T: Excuse me!

5、 Huang Pin. Who is that girl?Huang Pin: She is Wang Dan.T: Is she your friend?Huang Pin: Yes, she is.T: Where is she from?Huang Pin: She is from Fuzhou.(教师解释:be=am, is, are。为后面学习作铺垫。 )(板书并解释。)be from=come fromT: She comes from Fuzhou. (教师补充。)T: Does she have long hair? (有意识地就她与前一个学生相似的外貌特征向此学生发问。)Wa

6、ng Dan: Yes, she does.T: Does she have big eyes?Wang Dan: Yes, she does.(教师端详这两位学生。)T: Wow. You both have long hair and big eyes. You look the same.(板书并要求学生掌握。)both3. (1) (指着学生的衣服,通过师生互动来学习新句型和新单词。)T: OK. Now look at their clothes. They have different colors. What color is it?(指着一位穿黑色上衣的同学,可帮助学生理解句意

7、。)Ss: 黑色。T: Yes. Its black.(板书并要求学生掌握。)colorblack(再次指着班上其他穿黑色的衣服的学生提问。)T: What color is it?Ss: Its black.(然后指着身穿蓝色衣服的学生。)T: Good. What color is it?3Ss: 蓝色。T: Yes. Its blue. What color is it?Ss: Its blue.(板书并要求学生掌握。)What color is it?Its blue.(依 照 上 述 方 法 教 授 red, purple, brown, white, green, yellow,

8、并 要 求 学 生 掌 握 ; 教 授 并 要 求学 生 理 解 gray。 )(板 书 新 句 型 和 所 有 新 单 词 。 并 要 求 学 生 掌 握 : 提 问 颜 色 用 “what color”。 教 师 领 读 ,为教学呈现作铺垫。)Step 2 Presentation 第二步 呈现(时间:8 分钟)借 助 图 片 和 录 音 , 设 置 情 景 , 呈 现 新 课 内 容 。 使 学 生 学 以 致 用 , 从 而 提 高 兴 趣 , 培养其语言表达能力。1. (教师出示 1a 的教学挂图进行问答。)T: Now look at the picture. Who is thi

9、s boy? (指向 Michael。)Ss: He is Michael.T: Where is he from?Ss: Hes from the U.S.A.T: Does he have long hair?Ss:No, he doesnt.(再次指着他的头发问。)T: What color is it?Ss: Its blond. (提示,帮助学生回答。)(板书并要求学生了解。)blondT: Yes, he has blond hair. What color are his eyes?Ss: They are blue. (提 示 , 帮 助 学 生 回 答 。 并 解 释 : 在

10、 对 话 时 , 要 用 人 称 代 词 替 代 之 前 提 到的人或物。)T: Good. Now please listen to the tape and answer my questions.2. (播放 1a 录音,然后让学生回答问题。教师出示小黑板。)(1) Who is that boy?(2) Where is he from?(3) Do Yukio and Kangkang look the same?(4) Do Michael and Kangkang have the same looks?(核对答案。)T: Well done! Now look at the b

11、lackboard and pay attention to the sentences.4Thats right.We both have black hair and black eyes.We dont have the same looks.Step 3 Consolidation 第三步 巩固(时间:7 分钟)听录音,进一步熟悉 1a 话题。表演对话,完成 1b 和 1c,锻炼学生的听说读写能力。1. (教师让学生听录音并跟读 1a,然后两人一组表演对话。挑选两组学生上台表演。 )T: Listen to 1a and repeat, then act it out in pairs

12、. Ill ask two groups of you to act it out in front of the class.2. (根据 1a 完成 1b,核对答案。)T: Complete the table according to 1a.(师生互动问答,巩固新句型和新单词。)T: Where is Yukio from?Ss: Hes from Japan.T: What color is his hair?Ss: Its black.T: What color are his eyes?Ss: They are black.3. (完成 1c。要求学生根据 1b 描述这三个男孩,并

13、上台表演。 )T: Finish 1c. Describe the three boys according to 1b and act it out in the front.Step 4 Practice 第四步 练习(时间:10 分钟)教 师 运 用 学 生 学 过 的 句 型 , 通 过 对 话 , 继 续 呈 现 新 单 词 。 通 过 小 组 活 动 , 培 养 学 生 的 合 作 精神 。1. (小组活动。)(教师出示 2a 中的调色盘,以对话的形式教学新单词。然后请学生两人一组依照对话操练句型,完成 2a。要求学生掌握表示颜色的黑体词。)T: Work in pairs. Ta

14、lk about the colors with your partner like this:A: What color is it?B: It is pink.(板书并要求学生掌握。)pink.2. (看图片,完成 2b。)(为了活跃课堂气氛,提高学生学习兴趣,巩固新单词,教师可采取课堂看图抢答形式,找到颜色最多者获胜。)3. (小组活动,完成 3。)(1) (教师出示 3 中左半部分动物图片,并就其中一幅演示句型,板书。)T: Whats red and yellow?5Ss: Its (让学生推测颜色。)T: Its orange.T: Where is it?Ss: Its here

15、. (帮助学生回答。 )(板书并要求学生掌握。)here(让学生仿照上述句型,自己调色,依次问答其他三幅图片。)(2) (出示右半部分房子图片,帮动物找家,完成 3。)T: OK. Lets help the animals find their homes.(核对答案。)(3) (学生两人一组操练此句型。)Step 5 Project 第五步 综合探究活动(时间:10 分钟)通过游戏,锻炼学生的探究能力,体现学以致用的原则;并培养学生的想象力和创新能力。1. (发给学生每人一张白纸。让学生把它撕成十小份。让他们在每一小份纸上分别画一样物品如 book, pen, bus, pencil 等。

16、画好后,给每种物品涂上一种颜色,并在本子上写下物品名称及颜色。如:a red book a yellow pen)(把学生分成四人一组。把他们画好的图打乱顺序,背面朝上放在桌子上。然后每人从桌子上拿十张。请学生用以下对话互相询问,拿回自己的图。最先拿回的学生是获胜者,给予掌声鼓励。如:)S1: Do you have a blue pencil?S2: Yes, I do. (把图给 S1。)(学生每拿回一张自己的图,就在本子上划掉该物品。)2. Homework:(1) 复习关于颜色的单词。(2) 仿照 Section A 中的 1a,编一个对话。(3) 观察家中卧室里的物品有些什么颜色并写

17、在作业本上。板书设计:What color is it?Section A1.Words: black blue pink red purple 3.(1)What color is it?brown white gray green yellow It is pink.2. Sentences: (1) You look the same. (2)Whats red and yellow?(2) Thats right. Its orange.(3) We both have black hair and black eyes.(4) I have blond hair and blue eyes.(5) We dont have the same looks, but we are good friends.(6) Its here.


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