牛津译林版六年级上英语Unit6 Cartoon time&Checkout time教案

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1、Unit 6 Keep our city cleanCartoon time & Checkout timeTeaching contents 教学内容Cartoon time & Checkout timeTeaching aims and learning objectives 教学目标1. 学习主要短语 throw a banana skin on the ground, pick it up, slip on the banana skin and fall。 2. 能通过创设的情景读懂故事,并尝试表演故事,正确运用本课所学的语言。3. 通过学习故事,明白不能随手乱扔垃圾的道理,养成良

2、好的卫生习惯。Focus of the lesson and predicted area of difficulty 教学重点和难点教学重点:通过学习故事,让学生意识到保护环境要从自己做起,从小事做起。教学难点:理解故事内容,能根据故事回答问题,能熟练运用本课所学的语言知识。Teaching procedures 教学过程Step 1 Greeting T: Hello, boys and girls. How are you?S: Fine, thank you. T: Today well come to Unit 6 Keep our city clean, Cartoon time.

3、【设计意图:直接导入新课,快速进入英语语境。 】Step 2 Pre-reading (Part 4 of Cartoon time)T: Look at Picture 4. Where are Bobby and Billy? S: They are in the hospital.T: Whats wrong with Billy? S: Billy hurts his right leg. T: How do Billy and Bobby feel? S: Billy feels angry. Bobby feels sorry. T: What happens? Can you g

4、uess?S: Maybe Billy falls. Maybe Billy climbs the tree and falls down. Maybe Billy slips 【设计意图:展示故事结局,抛出问题,引入故事。 】Step 3 While-reading1. Part 3 of Cartoon timeT: Great. What happens? Lets watch a cartoon and then choose one. A. Billy climbs the tree and falls down. B. Billy slips on a banana skin an

5、d falls.Which one? S: B.T: Great. Billy slips on a banana skin and falls. (展示图片及词组 slip on a banana skin and fall,帮助理解)2. Part 2 of Cartoon timeT: Lets look at Picture 2 and answer the questions.Q1: Who throws the banana skin on the ground, Bobby or Tina? Q2: Can Bobby do that?Q3: What does Tina say

6、 to him?Lets check. S: Q1: Bobby. (教师展示图片和词组 throw the banana skin on the ground,帮助理解)Q2: No.Q3: Bobby, you shouldnt do that! Pick it up. It makes the street messy. (教师展示图片和词组 pick it up)T: What do you want to say to Bobby? Give Bobby some suggestions. You can use the sentences “You should/shouldnt

7、”S: Bobby, you should put rubbish in the bin. / Bobby, you shouldnt throw rubbish on the ground. / Bobby, you should keep our city clean 【设计意图:看图阅读,找出 Billy 滑倒的原因,检查学生的阅读能力。并通过大家给 Bobby 建议,引导学生用英语表达。 】3. Part 1 of Cartoon timeT: Great. We should keep our city clean. We shouldnt throw rubbish on the

8、ground. I think our city will be more beautiful. You will like living the city better, right? Bobby and Tina like living the city too. Why? Please listen and try to fill in the blanks. Bobby likes living in the city because _.Tina likes living in the city because _.Lets check. (展示答案)S: Bobby likes l

9、iving in the city because there are many museums, shops and cinemas. Tina likes living in the city because its clean and beautiful. 【设计意图:通过听的练习,找出 Bobby 和 Tina 喜欢住在城市里的原因,并呼吁学生要保护城市环境,使城市干净美丽。 】Step 4 Post-reading1. T: Lets read after the recorder. S: (Read Cartoon time)2. T: Lets work in fours. (让

10、学生四个一组进行朗读、表演,提醒学生注意表情、动作和语调)S: 【设计意图:根据学生的能力设计不同的训练任务,让每一组学生都得到操练。】3. T: Lets think. What can Bobby do then?S: He can put the rubbish in the bin/He cant throw rubbish on the floor again/ T: What can we do to keep our city clean? 【设计意图:故事延伸,让学生思考接下来 Bobby 会怎么改变,引导学生用英语思考。 】Homework 家庭作业1. Read Carto

11、on time, and try to tell this story to your parents or your friends.2. Preview Checkout time and finish the exercise in this part. (pages 66 & 67)Teaching aids 教学准备(含板书设计)教学准备:PPT 课件。板书设计:说课本节课的内容是一个简单有趣的故事,主要讲述了在放学途中,Bobby 一边和 Tina 谈论自己喜欢城市生活的理由,一边却乱丢香蕉皮破坏城市环境,导致后面的 Billy 滑了一跤。不过,Bobby 最后认识到了自己的错误。

12、教师为了吸引学生的注意力,采用了倒叙的方法展示故事情节,教师通过提问 Where are Bobby and Billy? 将学生引入故事。学生从思考他们为什么会在医院,通过观察图片,观看卡通,听故事及读故事等多种方式,逐步揭开 Bobby 扔香蕉皮造成Billy 受伤的结果,这个过程中,学生还了解到 Bobby 和 Tina 喜爱居住在城市里的原因,以及事故造成后 Bobby 认识到错误并道了歉。教师利用这个故事,让学生思考“Bobby 以后会怎样?我们该做些什么?”这些问题,引导学生意识到保护环境要从自己做起,从小事做起。这样故事倒叙的呈现方式既活跃了学生的思维,又让学生通过预测故事的发展

13、,让他们参与到故事中来。但是这样的方式,对于学生来说,需要较好的Unit 6 Keep our city cleanP1. Why do Bobby and Tina like living in the city?P2. Who throws a banana skin on the ground? Can he/she do that?P3. Whats wrong with Billy?P4. Where are Billy and Bobby? Whats wrong with Billy?表达能力,教师也应该在学生表达遇到困难时给予适当的提示和帮助,也需要教师具备一定的应变能力。本节课的几个主要关注点:1. 关注学生的课堂参与。2. 关注学生的思维发展。3. 关注学生的阅读能力和语言表达能力。4. 关注学生的情感发展,树立他们的环境保护意识,帮助他们形成良好的卫生习惯。


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