牛津译林版六年级上英语Unit6 Story time教案

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1、Unit 6 Keep our city cleanStory time & Song timeTeaching contents 教学内容Story time & Song timeTeaching aims and learning objectives 教学目标1. 能听懂、会读、会说 keep, clean, make, air, dirty, smoke, rubbish, messy, dead, bin, move away from, plant, more。2. 能听懂、会读、会说日常用语 What makes dirty/messy? make(s) dirty/ mess

2、y. What can we do to ? We can .。3. 能正确地理解并朗读对话内容,在教师的引导和帮助下尝试复述课文内容。4. 能初步运用本课所学的词汇和日常用语谈论城市的污染问题,并能说出多种解决方案。5. 能正确演唱歌曲 Two little blackbirds。Focus of the lesson and predicted area of difficulty 教学重点和难点教学重点:能正确地理解并朗读对话内容,在教师的引导和帮助下复述课文内容。教学难点:能初步运用本课所学的词汇和日常用语谈论城市的污染问题并能说出多种解决方案。Teaching procedures

3、教学过程Step 1 Greeting & Sing a song 1. GreetingT: Hello, boys and girls.S: Hello, Fiona.T: Nice to meet you.S: Nice to meet you, too.2. Sing a songT: I have two animal friends, one named Jack and one named Jill. Do you want to meet them?S: Yes.T: OK, listen! Here they are. (播放歌曲 Two little blackbirds

4、一遍)T: Do you like this song? Now follow me. (老师带着学生用手势表示歌词内容,学生边唱边学做动作) This time, lets try to sing and do some actions together.(再次播放歌曲,学生加上动作一起唱)【设计意图:让学生体会 named, fly away, come back 的意思,让学生在欢快的音乐中开始一堂新课,也为下一步学习进行铺垫,通过歌曲中自由飞翔的小鸟引出城市环境这一话题。 】Step 2 Presentation1. Talk about City AT: A lovely song,

5、 yes?S: T: (教师利用歌曲 Two little blackbirds 向学生提出几个关于鸟的话题)Do you like birds?What birds do you know?Can you see any birds in our city?Where can you see any birds?T: Ill show you some pictures. (向学生展示一组风景优美、环境幽雅的城市图片,然后提出问题让学生思考和讨论,引入话题) These pictures are of City A. What can you see in the pictures?S1:

6、I can see a lot of beautiful flowers and trees.S2: I can see many birds. They are flying high in the sky.S3: I can see a clean river.S4: I can see a clean road.S5: I can see a lot of beautiful flowers and trees.S6: I can see some nice houses.S7: I can see some tall buildings.T: Do you like this city

7、? Why?S: 【设计意图:让学生看图片进行讨论,激发学生思维,形成良好的学习氛围。 】2. Talk about City BT: OK. Now lets look at some pictures of City B. (用 PPT 展示另外一组城市图片) Is it clean?S: No.T: Its not clean. Its dirty. (新授 dirty,让学生跟读几遍)T: What can you see in the river? (用 PPT 呈现河流的图片)S: I can see some fish. T: The fish are dead. (新授 dea

8、d,让学生跟读几遍) And the river is _.S: Dirty. (教师用口型帮助学生说出这个新单词)T: The river is dirty. Theres rubbish and dead fish. (同样方法新授 rubbish) So rubbish makes the river dirty. (展示句子 makes dirty,并让学生跟读几遍) 【设计意图:通过对河流图片的讨论,帮助学生理解 dead, rubbish,并引出句子 makes dirty。 】T: What can you see in the street? (用 PPT 呈现街道的图片)S:

9、 I can see a lot of rubbish. T: How do you think of the street? S: Its dirty. T: Yes, its dirty and its messy, too. (展示单词 messy) So what makes the streets messy and dirty? S: Rubbish makes the streets messy and dirty. T: Please follow me: What makes the streets messy and dirty? Rubbish makes the str

10、eets messy and dirty. S: (跟着老师朗读句子)【设计意图:通过对街道图片的讨论,帮助学生理解 messy,并引出问句 What makes dirty?】T: What makes the air dirty? (用 PPT 呈现一组空气污染的图片)S: Smoke. T: Where is the smoke from?S: Its from cars. / Its from factories. (教师展示汽车和工厂污染图片和相应短语)T: So what makes the air dirty?S: 【设计意图:通过对河流和街道图片的讨论,引出本单元的句子结构后,

11、让学生通过对空气图片的讨论,自己总结出答案。 】Step 3 Story time1. Watch and choose(教师播放课文视频第一部分内容,即书本第 58 页内容。让学生初步了解课文大意,观看后完成两道简单的选择题:1) Who are in the passage? 2) Whats the title of this passage?)2. Read and find(教师让学生带着问题 What makes our city clean?自读课文第一部分,进一步了解课文内容。教师提醒学生边读边将重点句划出来。随后,学生分组讨论问题,用句型 makes dirty. 进行回答)

12、3. Ask and answerT: Look at these pictures of our city. Is the city clean? What makes our city dirty? Talk about it with your deskmates. (完成教材第 60 页 Ask and answer)S: 4. Listen and thinkT: What can we do to keep our city clean? Listen to the dialogue and find the answer.(学生仔细听课文第二部分录音,边听边思考问题;教师通过 P

13、PT 呈现句型、图片及关键性动词 put, walk, move, plant,让学生能将单词组词,在老师的引导下,给出回答 We can )【设计意图:通过让学生观察图片和所给的提示单词,进行独立思考并找到问题的多种答案,培养学生的语言组织能力和自主学习的能力。 】5. Think and writeT: You have so many good ideas. Try to write them down. (展示教材第 60 页 Think and write) Now you can begin. S: (完成练习)6. Listen and read(教师播放第 58 和 59 页课

14、文的录音,要求学生模仿跟读,并选择一种喜欢的方式朗读课文,如分角色朗读、齐读等)7. Retell Story time(教师与个别学生进行问答活动,回顾课文内容)T: What makes the city dirty?S1: T: What can we do to keep the city clean?S2: Step4 Make a posterT: Better city, better life. Boys and girls, lets do something to keep our city clean. What can we do? Lets keep our clas

15、sroom clean first. Lets make a poster to keep our classroom clean.(学生以小组为单位合作完成一张海报,在海报上标明自己所在组的组号。每个人在叶子上用 We can 写下自己的建议。最后用写好的叶子装饰自己的海报,比一比谁的叶子多。在三分钟内完成。)Homework 家庭作业1. Copy the new words. 2. Read and recite Story time. 3. Make a poster about keeping the city clean. (可以与他人合作,也可以和家人一起完成)Teaching

16、aids 教学准备(含板书设计)教学准备:PPT 课件、制作海报的铅画纸、写建议的树叶(彩色卡纸) 。板书设计:Unit 6 Keep our city cleanWhat makes our city dirty? What can we do to keep our city clean?Smoke from cars the air take the bus and metro to school.walk to school.Smoke from factoriesthe streets move some factories away from our city.put rubbis

17、h in the bin.Rubbishmake(s)the riversdirty.We canplant more trees.说课本节课以歌曲导入新知,歌曲中两只自由欢快的小鸟把学生一下子引领到一个干净、优美的自然环境中。教师通过与学生一系列的对话互动,逐步引出本课话题:城市环境问题。接着,通过一组城市图片,让学生展开对城市 A 的讨论,让学生通过观察来描述干净、整洁的城市 A。当学生们正沉浸在美的感受中时,一组不协调的城市 B 照片适时展现出来,与之前的城市 A 形成鲜明对比,让学生从感官上对 dirty 和 messy 产生联想。学生从学过的句型 I can see 开始探讨,在老师

18、的引导下逐渐转用新句型 make(s) dirty/messy 进行讨论,分别谈论了河道、街道和空气的污染源。在课文学习部分,教师将这篇对话分成了两个部分。第一部分,先要求学生带着两个简单任务观看课文视频,旨在对课文第一部分有个初步印象。然后,让学生自读课文,对课文作进一步了解,这次学生可以找出该部分的中心句What makes our city dirty? 并在文中逐一找出答案。在学生完全解读文本的基础上,可以让学生操练教材第 60 页上的 Ask and answer,该环节巩固了第一部分出现的句型 Is the clean? What makes dirty? 课文第二部分是先用听力练

19、习的形式呈现的,让学生带着 What can we do to keep our city clean?的疑问听该部分,教师通过 PPT 呈现句型、图片及关键性动词 put, walk, move, plant,让学生能将单词组词,让学生观察图片和所给的提示单词,进行独立思考并找到问题的多种答案,培养学生的语言组织能力和自主学习的能力。然后通过教材第 60页上的练习 Think and write,巩固这部分内容。分段学习完课文后,让学生通过不同形式的读来完整解读课文,教师在这个过程中纠正和规范语音语调,指导学生朗读。在语言输出部分,设计了复述课文和制作海报的环节。制作海报是学生喜爱的活动,通过这个环节,即巩固操练了新授内容,又联系了生活实际,让他们意识到环境卫生的重要性,要从身边做起,创造美好的生活环境。本节课的几个主要关注点:1. 关注学生对课文的整体感知和细节信息的获取。2. 关注学生的朗读,注重指导。3. 关注学生的合作性学习。4. 关注学生的阅读习惯,指导学生找关键词、句,根据上下文的意思猜出生词的意思。


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