牛津译林版三年级上英语Unit7 Cartoon time教案

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1、Unit 7 Would you like a pie?Cartoon timeTeaching contents 教学内容Cartoon timeTeaching aims and learning objectives 教学目标1. 巩固单词 a cake, a pie, a hot dog, a hamburger, an egg, a sweet, an ice cream。2. 能熟练地会运用句型:Would you like? / What about?以及应答语Yes, please.和 No, thank you.3. 能初步听懂、会读、会说、会运用句型 Whats this?

2、并能用 Its 来回答。4. 能整体感知故事内容,理解课文的幽默之处,提高学生的思维品质。Focus of the lesson and predicted area of difficulty 教学重点和难点教学重点:能初步听懂、会读、会说、会运用句型 Whats this?并能用 Its来回答。教学难点:能熟练运用本课所学的日常交际用语征询及回答对方意见。Teaching procedures 教学过程Step 1 Greeting &Warm up 1. GreetingT: Hello, boys and girls.S: Hello, T: Nice to meet you.S: N

3、ice to meet you, too.2. Play a game: Quick respondT: Say the words when you see the words or pictures. Say “Nice to meet you” when you see Yang Ling. Are you ready?S: Yes.T: Lets go. (播放 PPT)【设计意图:用游戏复习新单词和句型,一开始就让学习充满乐趣,同时揭示本节课的主线人物 Yang Ling。 】Step 2 PresentationPlay a game and learn the new sente

4、nces1. T: Yang Ling wants to have a picnic with her friends. So she goes to the shop and buys some food. Look! Whats this? (看形状,猜物品;快速闪现猜物品)S: Its an egg.T: Whats this?S: Its an ice cream.S1: (引导学生问)Whats this?T: Its a pieS2: Whats this?T: Its cake. S: Whats this?T: Its a hot dog.S: Whats this?T: It

5、s an apple.(渗透句型: Whats this? Its a/an.)【设计意图:用游戏教授新句型,学生较感兴趣,让学生想学、乐学,同时在这里教授新句型,为下面的活动进行铺垫。 】2. T: Oh, here are so many things in the shop. Yang Ling needs some help. Can you give her some advice?S: Hi, Yang Ling. Would you like a hamburger?Y: No, thank you.S: What about a cake?Y: Yes, five please

6、.【设计意图:在情境中自然地复习新句型。 】Step 3 Cartoon time1. T: Now Yang Ling goes home. She is happy. So she shows us a funny story. Look! Who are they?S: Theyre Sam, Bobby and Willy.T: Look at Sam. Hes hungry. Can you help him?S: Yes.T: Please work in pairs. One is Sam. The other is the helper.(学生用自己学过的句型进行问答)2. W

7、atch and judgeT: Now, Sam is full.What about Bobby and Willy. What would they like? Please watch, judge and answer. (播放动画)S: Bobby would like an egg.S: Willy would not like a hot dog.T: Willy would not like a hot dog. Why? Look at him carefully? Is he scared or unhappy?S: He is scared. T: Why?S: Wil

8、ly 误认为 hot dog 是一只烧熟的狗.T: Yes. So Willy is scared of the hot dog. But is hot dog a real dog?S: No. T: Hot dog is kind of food.T: OK. Lets read this funny story together.S: OK.T: Please pay attention to the pronunciation and intonation.【设计意图:通过学习有趣的 Cartoon time,让学生整体感知故事情节,理解课文的幽默之处,从中也提高学生的思维品质。 】3

9、. Read the storyT: Now boys and girls, lets read the story together, OK? (出示小提示:注意读出故事中人物的情绪) S: OK.4. Act the storyT: This is a very funny story. Lets try to act it, OK?Ss: OK. (Act in groups)【设计意图:朗读和表演有助于学生对于文本的理解,同时也增加学生的听说机会,提升课堂的趣味性。 】5. T: Yang Ling is happy today. She invites us to have a pi

10、cnic with her. Do you want to go with her?S: Yes.T: OK. Lets go and have a picnic tomorrow.【设计意图:为下节课的内容埋下伏笔。 】Homework 家庭作业1. 听磁带,读故事 5 遍。2. 和同学表演 Cartoon time。Teaching aids 教学准备教学准备:PPT,图字卡板书设计: 说课首先由游戏引出本节课的主线人物 Yang Ling,并用 Yang Ling 来贯穿整节Unit 7 Would you like a pie?Would you like a/an?Yes, plea

11、se./ No, thank you.What about a/an ?Yes, please./ No, thank you.Whats this?Its a.Yang Ling 图片课的教学。接下来以 Yang Ling 要和朋友野餐,所以去商店买食物为背景,以游戏方式复习所学食品类单词并渗透新句型 Whats this? Its a/an. 为 Cartoon time 的学习扫除语言障碍。然后请学生给 Yang Ling 提建议,借此复习句型Would you like和 What about ?Yang Ling 在得到帮助后感觉很开心,决定跟我们分享一个有趣的故事,进而教授 Cartoon time。在 Cartoon time 教学时,教师先介绍故事中的主要人物,认识新人物 Billy。教师提出图片上 Sam 很饿,请大家一起帮助他,在这里设计一个编对话的形式,起到承上启下的作用。接下来通过看动画让学生整体感知文本,回答问题,通过不同的问题帮助学生理解文本,体会这个文本的幽默之处,从中也提高学生的思维品质,并训练学生听的能力和对文章的判断思维能力。通过朗读和表演帮助学生增加学生听说机会,同时,提升课堂的趣味性。最后,以 Yang Ling 今天很开心,邀请我们一同去野餐为契机,为下一课时的教学埋下伏笔。


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