牛津译林版六年级下英语Unit7 Checkout time & Ticking time 教案

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1、Unit 7 Summer holiday plansCheckout time & Ticking timeTeaching contents 教学内容Checkout time &Ticking timeTeaching aims and learning objectives 教学目标1. 正确完成书上 Checkout time 中的练习。2. 能用 will 来谈论和描写将要发生的事情。3. 培养学生合理制定计划,合理利用时间的观念。Focus of the lesson and predicted area of difficulty 教学重点和难点教学重点:能灵活运用将来时态展开

2、话题问答与写话。教学难点:创编对话,谈论计划。Teaching procedures 教学过程Step 1 GreetingsStep 2 Revision1. T: What will we do in this lesson?S1: Will we in this lesson?T: Yes, we will. /No, we wont. 【设计意图:学生运用一般将来时的一般疑问句,预测本课所学内容。 】PPT 呈现教学目标2. T: Do you remember Mike and his friends summer holiday plans? First, Mike.S1: Hel

3、l go back to London. He will stay there for a month.T: What about Yang Ling?S2: Shell visit her aunt and uncle in Beijing. She will go there by train.T: Su Hai?S3: ShellT: And Liu Tao?S4: Hell Step 3 Presentation1. T: Yes, they will go to different places. And do you know where I will go for the sum

4、mer holiday? Do you have any questions?S1: Will you go to ?T: , I will go there by plane. S2: Will you go to?T: , the weather will be cold. S3: Will you go to ?T: , I will not stay in China.S4: Will you go to?T: , I will see kangaroos and koalas. Look at this picture. Where will I go for the summer

5、holiday?S: Sydney.T: Sydney is a very beautiful city. Do you know other cities?S: T: I will go to Australia. Do you have more questions to ask me? (PPT 呈现提示: Where will ? Who will go with? When will ? How will ?)S: 【设计意图:利用学生对老师的好奇心,以及逐步揭示答案的方法,检测学生对 great cities 的认知程度,并在揭示答案后,进一步复习一般将来时的特殊疑问句。 】(模仿

6、老师的例子,学生之间开展小组活动,来猜各自的暑期计划,课件里呈现我们书里提到介绍过的城市如:北京、上海、纽约、伦敦、还有一些我们国内的城市图片)2. T: You did a good job. Now its ticking time. S: 【设计意图:采用同桌互评的方式,培养学生注意倾听的习惯。 】3. T: This is my plan for my summer holiday. What about yours? Please write down your plan on page 76.4. T: Whats your friends plan? Please ask and

7、 answer. You can first work in groups and then complete the chart.5. T: Lets share! Which is your favourite holiday plan and why?S1: I like s holiday plan because6. T: Now its time for you to write your friends plan.(PPT 呈现模板,学生根据模板进行书写)7. Ticking time【设计意图:通过小组内交流批改的方式,让学生习得纠错能力。 】Homework 家庭作业1. 完

8、善并修改自己的暑假计划。2. 合理安排暑假计划,并和朋友分享,看看有什么收获。Teaching aids 教学准备 (含板书设计)教学准备:图字卡、教学课件。板书设计:Unit 7 Summer holiday plans说课Checkout time 板块也是对单元目标句型和词汇的综合复习,因此教师在上课伊始就安排了针对 Story time 的复习活动。Checkout time 第 1 部分难度较大,因此教师让学生对自己的暑期旅行计划进行问答,从而了解写作暑期计划时要涵盖的要点。写完后,再安排学生通过互相问答了解对方的暑期计划并能够写下来。 教师对 Checkout time 进行了适当的改编,增加了描述同学暑期计划的项目,增大了写作难度,提高了对学生的要求。


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