牛津译林版六年级下英语Unit1 Cartoon time教案

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1、Unit 1 The lion and the mouseCartoon timeTeaching contents 教学内容Cartoon timeTeaching aims and learning objectives 教学目标1. 能听懂、会读、会说 cheer,hit,deep ,reach, quickly,pour into2. 了解三组新的形容词与副词:realreally 、hardhard、quickquickly 。3. 能根据上下文与图片猜测新单词含义。4. 能正确地理解并表演卡通故事。5. 能使用一般现在时态编写乌鸦喝水的故事。Focus of the lesson

2、and predicted area of difficulty 教学重点和难点教学重点:能正确地理解、朗读故事内容,并能表演故事。教学难点:能整理出关键词,并根据关键词复述故事。Teaching procedures 教学过程Step 1 Free talk &Review T: Hello, boys and girls. Do you like stories? Do you know these stories? What do you know about that? Discuss in groups. (PPT 呈现故事图片)S: This is story is from Ae

3、sops fables/Chinese idioms. Its about T: What do you know from the story?S: 【设计意图:通过谈论伊索寓言与中国成语故事中的小故事复习上节课内容,引导学生用一般过去时态和副词描述故事,通过小组合作的形式降低难度,给学生足够思考与准备的时间。 】Step 2 Presentation1. Pre-readingT: Today well read a new story. Look! Here are some question words. Can you ask questions about the picture?

4、 (出示 Cartoon time 第一幅图)T: What questions can you ask about the picture? (PPT 呈现提示词)S: Who are they? /What are they doing? / How do they feel? /Which one plays table tennis better?T: Look at Sam! He can play table tennis very well. Hes really good at table tennis. (教学 really)【设计意图:学生围绕图片提问,一方面复习特殊疑问词

5、语调,一方面训练了学生的提问能力,然后根据图片内容解决部分问题,引出 real 和really。 】2. Reading time(1) T: Now what happened then? Whats the story about? Lets watch the cartoon.(播放卡通动画,学生了解故事整体内容)T: What is the story about? (PPT 呈现三个选项)(2) Look, read and orderT: Here are four pictures and some sentences. Can you read and try to put t

6、hem in order? Lets work in groups.(学生小组合作,边看图边读句子,然后将句子按照正确的故事顺序排序)T: Can you find the key words for each picture?(PPT 出示四幅图,学生为四幅图挑出关键词语,教师按顺序板书)【设计意图:通过看图给句子排序的练习,学生在合作中互相学习,在任务中体会有效的学习方法。提炼每幅图的关键词汇的环节既巩固复习了语言,又锻炼了学生提的概括能力,并为最后的课文复述做好了铺垫。 】(3) Think and sayT: Look at the picture? What will they sa

7、y? (PPT 逐一呈现 Cartoon time 的 图片,学生先试着为图片中的人物添上台词)T: Good! Now lets see what they say. Please listen to the tape and read after the tape. (出示课文内容并播放录音,学生跟读。教师板书每幅图的关键词。)【设计意图:第三幅图较难,教师可引导学生说出书上的句子。此环节不但发挥了学生的想象力,更是让学生对所学语言进行了输出反馈。 】(4) Read and imitateT: Whats the story? Lets read after the flash.【设计意

8、图:跟读 flash,在流畅的情境中完成语音的模仿。 】3. After reading(1) Retell the storyT: Can you try to retell the story. The words on the blackboard and the pictures on PPT can help you. Please work in pairs and then report.【设计意图:学生选择看图进行复述或者看黑板复述,再次巩固所学内容。 】(2) Show timeT: Can you act the story in groups of four? You c

9、an change the story if you like. (四人一组:旁白、Bobby、Sam 及 Willy&Billy,学生选择Cartoon time 原文表演或是表演自己准备的改编剧本)【设计意图:学生选择表演书上的原文或者是自己改编的故事,给予学生选择权与创造权,让他们在表演的过程中将自己最喜欢的表现形式展示出来,发挥各组的主观能动性。 】(3) Think and sayT: Do you have other ideas to get the ball out?S: T: Can you give the story a name?S: T: In Aesops Fabl

10、es, there are also some clever animals. Do you know them?Heres oneThe crow and the pitcher.【设计意图:学生思考还有没有别的方法把球取出,培养学生的创造思维。】Step 3 Consolidation and practiceT: The crow is clever. Can you try to tell this story in English? Please work in groups. You can write the key words for each picture first an

11、d then retell according to the key words.【设计意图:复习一般现在时态,通过写关键词的方法让学生找到讲故事的技巧所在,从在句子中总结提炼关键词过渡到自行思考关键词并串联成句,提升学生的思维质量。 】Homework 家庭作业1. 跟录音朗读 Cartoon time,并背诵。2. 抄写新词汇与句子。3. 总结本单元学习过程中出现的副词与形容词。4. 复习 Unit1。Teaching aids 教学准备 (含板书设计)教学准备:PPT板书设计: Unit 2 The lion and the mouseplay table tennis hit the

12、ball hard a deep hole bring get many balls cheer for cannot find cant reach pour intorealreally hardhard quickquickly 说课本课教学内容是 Cartoon time,教师首先对上一节课的伊索寓言与中国成语故事进行复习。对 Cartoon time 文本的处理主要通过提问猜测、看图排序、补全台词、模仿表演四个环节来进行,注重培养学生读句子提炼关键词、根据关键词复述课文以及自行写出关键词并串联成文的能力,体现了学习技巧的培养过程。学生在学习中通过合作商量、对话练习、想象发挥、模仿表演等多种方法进行语言操练与巩固,并通过最后讲述乌鸦喝水的故事来考查学生综合运用语言的能力。本课还教授了三组副词与形容词,其中 hard 和 really 的形容词形式是补充的,学生温故而知新,巩固复习副词与形容词转变的规律。特别分享:学习的技巧需要在运用中掌握。逐渐培养学生提炼、总结文本的能力。合作学习是降低学习难度、提高学习效率的好方法。


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