牛津译林版五年级下英语Unit4 Fun time 教案

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1、Unit 4 Seeing the doctorFun timeTeaching contents 教学内容Fun time Teaching aims and learning objectives 教学目标1. 能熟练运用句型 Whats wrong with? . have/has a. What should. do? You/he/ she should .进行交流。2. 能较熟练运用所学句型询问病情,给不同的病症不同的建议。3. 能完成 Fun time 中的任务,与同学合作完成生病看医生的场景表演。Focus of the lesson and predicted area of

2、 difficulty 教学重点和难点教学重点:能运用所学句型询问病情,给不同的病症不同的建议。 教学难点:能与同学合作完成 Fun time 中的拓展表演。 Teaching procedures 教学过程Step 1 Greeting &Warm-up 1. Sing a song (此处可插入与单元主题相关的英文歌曲)【设计意图:通过歌曲活跃课堂气氛,充分调动学生感官。 】2. Look and fillT: Whats wrong with them? What should they do? Lets work in pairs.【设计意图:通过表格形式,复习 Story time

3、内容,引导学生有效巩固文本。 】Step 2 Fun time1. Revision of Grammar timeT: Now boys and girls, we want to talk about illness. How to ask?S: Whats wrong with you/her/him/them?T: How to answer?S: I/They have He/She has T: We want to get advice. How to ask?S: What should I do?T: How to answer?S: You should/shouldnt【

4、设计意图:引导学生再次归纳询问病症及提出建议的重点句型,反馈回顾,并为下阶段学习作好铺垫。 】2. Do a role-playa. Make a model T: Look at the pictures. Lets do a role-play. I will be the doctor. Who can be the patient?S1: I can.T: Whats wrong with you?S1: I have a cough. What should I do, Doctor?T: You should drink warm water and take some medic

5、ine. You shouldnt eat ice creams. T: Well done. Lets give him more advice.S2: You shouldnt shout. S3: You shouldnt eat sweet food.S4: You shouldnt eat cold food.T: So what should he do? What shouldnt he do?S: He should drink warm water and take some medicine.He shouldnt eat ice creams, shout, eat sw

6、eet or cold food.【设计意图:引导学生在扮演医生,提出建议时不仅遵循教材资料,也适当补充已知经验,扩大语言的输出面,培养学生的发散性思维。 】b. Work in pairsc. Act and showStep 3. Consolidation1. Read and orderT: When we go to see the doctor, we should do these things.Lets read and order. Please use “first, next, then, finally”.a. go to the doctors room and ge

7、t some checksb. go to the medicine window and get the medicinec. go to the register roomd. pay for the medicine2. Enjoy a storyT: Look. Who is ill? The crocodile is ill. He goes to see the doctor. What happened then? Lets read.Useful expressions: I dont want to see him, but I have to.Shall I go thro

8、ugh?I feel afraid.I should be brave.I am ready. Ouch. It hurts.I really dont want to see him again.What should I do?S1: You should brush your teeth in the morning and before bedtime.You shouldnt eat too many sweets【设计意图:教师引入生动有趣的绘本故事,让学生耳目一新。同时,故事内容中再现单元重点目标语言,帮助学生形成语言技能。 】Homework 家庭作业1. Make a dia

9、logue with your partner2. Finish the exercises in the workbookTeaching aids 教学准备(含板书设计)教学准备:图片、词汇卡、多媒体板书设计: Unit 4 Seeing the doctorillness more adviceshould shouldntcough have a rest eat sweet or cold foodshouttoothache rinse mouth eat sweet foodcold take some VC sleep too lateheadache sleep on bed

10、 play with ipad read or write说课Fun time 板块的“fun”应体现出外在趣味与内在趣味的结合。本课,教师沿用了单元话题 Seeing the doctor 进行内容统整,对板块有效延伸补充,并渗透趣味性的绘本故事,使课堂教学真正蕴含“趣” 。课堂伊始,教师以对话问答,帮助学生归纳复习询问病症和提出建议的日常用语,让学生了然于胸,为导入 Fun time 的教学作好铺垫。教师在教授 Fun time 时,对教材资源进行了重整,教材中原先呈现的项目 Do a role-play 只是类似于 Ask and answer 的简单问答,教师改编设计后增加了语言,并非

11、简单地重复和识记,而是将机械的词句操练变成了生动有趣的情境表演。学生体会到高层次的、能启发思维的“趣” ,从而使形式和内容都充满趣味。同时,除却教材中的建议外,教师还适时补充 take some VC、shouldnt eat cold food 等词汇,扩充学生知识面。本课,教师增添了两个部分的课外资源,一是补充了就医的过程,通过first, next, then, finally 排序的方式,找到新内容和旧知完美的结合点。二是引入The crocodile is afraid. The doctor is afraid.这个绘本故事,新颖有趣的故事情节可以吸引学生的注意力,激发他们的学习热情,并主动表达,使语言点和文本相得益彰。


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