2019-2020学年外研版英语必修五讲义:Module 3 Period Three

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1、Period Three Integrating Skills & Cultural Corner.写出下列单词的汉语意思(共 10 小题;每题 1 分,满分 10 分)1outline n外形;轮廓2romantic adj.浪漫的;关于爱情的3fiction n虚构或幻想出来的事4adolescent n青少年5penny n(硬币)便士;(美)分6deduction n推理;推断7pilot n领航员8vivid adj.(描述)生动的;逼真的9establish vt.确立;确定;建立10reputation n名誉;名望;声望.写出下列汉语对应的英语单词(共 10 小题;每题 3 分

2、,满分 30 分)11打扰 vdisturb12喜剧 ncomedy13(影视、音乐)评论 nreview14与相似 vt.resemble15塑造;创作 vt.create16例外 nexception 17警告 vt.warn18浅的 adj.shallow19坚决的 adj.determined 20强迫;迫使 vt.force.写出下列短语或短语对应的汉语意思(共 10 小题;每题 3 分,满分 30 分)21捉弄某人,对某人恶作剧 play a trick/tricks on sb.22编造(说法、解释等)make up23有(做某事的)心情;有意(做某事) be/feel in t

3、he mood (for sth./to do sth.)24设置(戏剧、小说等的)背景 set (a play,novel ,etc.) in25发财 make ones fortune26set off 出发;启程27make up one s mind 下定决心28warn sb.of sth.警告某人某事29set out to do sth.开始做某事30force sb.to do sth.迫使某人做某事.完成句子(共 5 小题;每题 6 分,满分 30 分)31Mark Twain,who wrote The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn and

4、The Adventures of Tom Sawyer, was no exception.写了哈克贝利费恩历险记 和汤姆 索耶历险记的马克 吐温也不例外。32He left school early,and as an adolescent,determined to make his fortune in South America,set off from his home in Hannibal,Missouri,for New Orleans.他很早就离开了学校,作为一名青少年,怀着到南美洲去发财致富的决心,从家乡密苏里州汉尼拔出发去了新奥尔良。33He arrived in Ne

5、w Orleans without a penny in his pocket only to find that there were no boats for South America.他身无分文来到新奥尔良,却发现那里没有开往南美洲的船只了。34He wanted to take a boat to the Amazon,where he thought he could get rich quickly.他想乘船去亚马逊河,他认为在那里他很快就会富起来。35Forced to change his plans,he worked for several years as a pilo

6、t on a steamboat.迫不得已他只好改变了计划,在一艘汽船上当了好几年领航员.True( T) or False(F)1Seldom do the lives of writers resemble the lives of the characters they create.( F )2 “Mark Twain” was a call used by sailors on the Mississippi to warn passengers that they were coming into shallow water.( F )3Mark Twain lived an ad

7、venturous life.( T )4At last,Mark Twain reached the Amazon.( F )5Now Mark Twain is regarded as the greatest writer in America.( F ).Choose the best answer according to the passage.1Mark Twains real meaning is .Awatermark twoBMark Twains workmateCa warning for too deep waterDSamuel Clemens答案 A2The re

8、ason why Mark Twain worked as a pilot is that .Ahe didnt get enough gold he wantedBhe couldn t get to South America by boatChe found New Orleans suitable for himDhis father didnt want him to go there答案 B3Which of the following jobs hasnt Mark Twain done?ASteamboat pilot. BJournalist.CWaiter. DSailor

9、.答案 C4Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the text?AThe characters lives in The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn are not like Mark Twains.BThe Mississippi River flows into the Gulf of Mexico.COnce ,Mark Twain wanted to make a fortune in North America.DMark Twains description in his

10、novels is not vivid.答案 B5The Amazon belongs to .AAsia BEuropeCNorth America DSouth America答案 D重点词汇I decided to go to the next village and make up a story about the steamboat. 我决定到邻村去,编造一个关于这艘汽船的故事。?make up 编造(说法、解释等 );弥补;组成;化妆;和解一词多义 写出下列句子中 make up 的汉语意思(1)We need another player to make up the team

11、.组成(2)She spent an hour making herself up before the party.化妆(3)The two finally made up after two months time without even a single word.和好be made up of 由组成make up for 补偿,弥补make it 成功,达到;赶上make sense 讲得通,有道理,有意义make up ones mind 下决心make good use of 好好利用)(4)As a result,people will eat more food to tr

12、y to make up for that something missing.因此,人们将会吃更多的食物来弥补失去的东西。(5)No matter how I tried to read it,the sentence didn t make sense to me at all.无论我怎样读,这个句子对我来说就是讲不通。(6)Williams two books helped Benjamin to make up his mind to be a painter.(2017浙江)威廉姆斯的这两本书使本杰明下定决心当一名画家。(7)You ought to make good use of

13、 any opportunity to practise English.你应该好好利用任何机会练习英语。Which film doesnt Billy feel in the mood for? 比利没心情看哪部电影??be/feel in the mood(for sth./to do sth.)有意( 做某事);有(做某事的)心情be in a good/bad mood 情绪好/ 不好be in no mood for doing sth./to do sth.没有心情做某事(1)I am in the mood to talk with her about it.我有意和她谈论那件事

14、。(2)He failed again and was in no mood to do(do) anything.他又失败了,没心情做任何事。(3)Lucy is not in the mood for going(go) to the ball tonight.露西今晚没有心情去参加舞会。单句改错(4)The boy is in bad mood,so we d better leave him alone. a“Mark Twain”,which means “watermark two”, was a call used by sailors on the Mississippi to

15、 warn shipmates that they were coming into shallow water. “马克吐温”是“水位标志 2”的意思,是密西西比河上的水手们警告同船水手们他们到了浅水区时用的称呼。?warn vt.警告;提醒warn sb.of/about sth.提醒/警告某人注意某事warn sb.(not) to do sth.提醒某人( 不)做某事warn sb.against doing sth.告诫某人不要做某事warn sb.that.警告某人warning n警告;预兆 adj.警告的;引以为戒的(1)Experts warn smokers that th

16、ey could lose one third of their everyday memory.专家们告诫烟民他们可能会丧失三分之一的日常记忆。(2)We all warned him not to drive(drive) before he got a driving licence.我们都告诫他,在拿到驾照之前不要开车。(3)The path to Dawson was covered with thirty feet of wet snow that could fall without warning(warn)(2018 全国)通往道森的路上覆盖着三十英尺厚毫无预警就会坍塌的雪。

17、一句多译(4)我觉得有义务警告您不要吸烟。I feel it is my duty to warn you against smoking.I feel it is my duty to warn you not to smoke.He left school early,and as an adolescent,determined to make his fortune in South America,set off from his home in Hannibal,Missouri,for New Orleans. 他很早就离开了学校,作为一名青少年,怀着到南美洲去发财致富的决心,从

18、家乡密苏里州汉尼拔出发去了新奥尔良。?determined adj.坚决的,有决心的be determined to do sth.决心做某事 (表状态)determine v决定;使下定决心;确定determine to do/on/upon (doing) sth.下决心做某事(表动作)determine sb.to do sth.使某人决定做某事determination n决心,确定(1)Yesterday,I sat with my son,Shepherd,determined(determine) to test my own theory on this.(2018全国)昨天,

19、我和我儿子谢泼德坐在一起,决定在他身上试验我对此的理论。(2)We determined to leave(leave) at once so that we could avoid traffic jams.我们决定立刻离开以便避开交通拥堵。(3)I have determined on going(go) to the countryside after graduation.我已经决定毕业后到农村去。(4)The teachers encouraging words determined him to study(study) harder.老师令人鼓舞的话使他决定更加努力地学习。高级表

20、达(5)As he was determined to get there on time,he got up very early.(用过去分词短语作状语改写)Determined to get there on time,he got up very early.?set off 出发;启程;使爆炸;引发;激起set off/out for sp.动身去某地set about doing sth.开始做某事set out to do sth.开始做某事set down 写下,记下set aside 把放到一旁;留出set up 开办;建立;搭建(6)Now Mr Anderson has

21、set up an online campaign to raise money for Mr Smith and other homeless people in the area,which by yesterday had received 8,000.(2018北京)如今安德森先生已经发起了网络募捐运动来为史密斯先生和这一地区其他无家可归的人捐款,到昨天已经收到了 8 000 英镑。(7)Do you know how to set about going(go) on this work?你知道怎样着手进行这项工作吗?(8)Emerson would always set down

22、new ideas that occurred to him.爱默生总是会记下突然想到的新想法。Forced to change his plans,he worked for several years as a pilot on a steamboat. 迫不得已他只好改变了计划,在一艘汽船上当了好几年领航员?force vt.强迫,迫使;强行;把强加于n力量,武力;军队;魄力force sb.to do sth.迫使某人做某事force ones way through 强行挤过by force 靠武力;强迫(1)Benjamin was forced to admit what he

23、had been doing.(2017浙江)本杰明被迫承认了一直做的事情。(2)She forced her way through the crowd of reporters.她从记者群中挤出一条通道。(3)After a fierce fight,they took the city by force.一场激战过后,他们用武力攻占了这座城市。易混辨析 force,strength,energy,powerforce 指“力量 ”,侧重于外力,指“力”所产生的效果,也可指军事力量或强迫(暴)力。strength 指“体力,力气” ,指一人或一物所含的内在力量,此种力量属于其本身素质,能用

24、于从事、忍受或抵抗许多事物。energy 指物理上的“能量” ,也指人生理上的“精力” ,也可指 “能源” 。power 多指抽象性的力气、精神力量,如“权力,本领” 。选词填空 force,strength,energy,power(4)He had a physical strength that matched his outward appearance.(5)The navy is one of the armed forces.(6)Young people usually have more energy than the old.(7)Its beyond my power t

25、o help you out this time.经典句式He arrived in New Orleans without a penny in his pocket only to find that there were no boats for South America.他身无分文来到新奥尔良,却发现那里没有开往南美洲的船只了。only to do.不料,反而,结果却,是动词不定式作结果状语,表示意料不到的情况,且多为不愉快的结果,有时前面也可不加 only;而现在分词短语作结果状语则表示“自然而然的结果” 。(1). . ., he reached inside and pulle

26、d the wallet out hoping to find some ID so he could contact(联系) the driver,only to discover it contained 400 in notes,with another 50 in spare change beside it.(2018北京)他伸手往车里够,拿出了那个钱包,想在钱包里找到一些能够证明主人身份的东西,却意外发现钱包里有 400 英镑的纸钞和 50 英镑的零钱。(2)She reached the airport,only to be told(tell) the plane had al

27、ready taken off.她到达机场,结果被告知飞机已经起飞了。(3)The boys parents have gone to Guangzhou to see his grandpa,leaving(leave) him alone at home.男孩的父母去广州看望他的祖父,留下男孩自己在家。.单句语法填空1He was forced to admit (admit) what he had been doing.2The boy left home,determined(determine) never to come back.3Many peasants,in China,

28、 go to big cities to make their/a fortune.4They are setting off for Hong Kong in a few days.5His plan is so creative(create) that we are all behind him.6People in western countries like to play a trick on others on April Fools Day.7Attracted(attract) by the beauty of nature,the girl decided to spend

29、 another two days on the farm.8Yesterday I went to see him,only to learn(learn) that he had gone abroad two days before.9May I ask for your views(view) on a few questions?10He purposely ignored her call because he just didnt feel like being disturbed(disturb).完成句子11He went to school without breakfas

30、t ,only to find that the gate was locked.他没吃早饭就去了学校,却发现大门锁着。12She was disturbed to hear of her mothers sudden illness.听说妈妈突然病了,她感到心神不宁。13Determined to give his mother a surprise,Tom arrived home ahead of time.因为决定给妈妈一个惊喜,汤姆提前到家了。14The old professor entered the room,followed by his assistants.这位老教授进了

31、房间,后面跟着他的助手们。15She climbed onto the top of the hill,where she could have a good look at this city.她登上了山顶,在那里可以好好看看这个城市。.课文短文改错As we all know,Mark Twain leads an adventurous life.He left school early.As a adolescent,he was determined to make his fortune,so he set off New Orleans.However,when he reach

32、ed New Orleans without a penny in his pocket only to find there were no boats for South America,where he could get rich quick.Forcing to change his plans,he worked for several year as a pilot on a steamboat.Later he became a journalist but began to write stories about life on the river.Twains vivid

33、and often amused descriptions of life on the river became popular,made him one of Americas greatest writers.答案 As we all know,Mark Twain an adventurous life.He left school early.As leadsled aanadolescent,he was determined to make his fortune,so he set off New forOrleans.However,when he reached New O

34、rleans without a penny in his pocket only to find there were no boats for South America,where he could get rich . to change his quickquicklyForcingForcedplans, he worked for several as a pilot on a steamboat.Later he became a journalist yearyears butandbegan to write stories about life on the river.

35、Twains vivid and often descriptions of life amusedamusingon the river became popular, 或 him one of Americas greatest writers. which mademaking基础巩固.单词拼写1Find a quiet,warm and comfortable room where you wont be disturbed(打扰)2Beethoven,who was deaf,composed a sea of attractive tunes and created(创造) bea

36、uty for the world.3While walking in the shallow(浅的) water,we let her play on her own.4The audience was completely carried away by the storytellers vivid(生动的) descriptions.5He suffered serious injuries in the accident,which forced(迫使) him to receive dozens of surgeries.6The restaurants business is ta

37、king off because it got a good review(评论) in the newspaper.7The school has won a high reputation(名誉) because of its strict management and excellent teaching quality.8The tradition of eating mooncakes on Midautumn Day resembles(与相似) that of western people eating turkey at Thanksgiving.选词填空be set in,

38、warn sb. of sth., set off, force sb. to do, make ones fortune, without exception9Having been warned of danger in the street at night by police,young women in India nowadays have to go home with a friend or a family member accompanying them.10Due to the heavy rain and flood,tens of thousands of peopl

39、e have been forced to leave their homes.11The Chinese film,which is set in Tang Dynasty,is also popular among many foreign viewers.12It is required that all students without exception should take the exam to be held next week.13Many young people went abroad,hoping to make their fortune there.14I set

40、 off for the company early in order to avoid the heavy traffic.单句语法填空15Determined(determine) to complete the job on time,they set out to work immediately.16John made up a funny joke to amuse his younger brother who was in deep sorrow for his dead pet.17To tell you the truth,he is not really in the m

41、ood to do(do) anything now because he failed the exam.18The film,set(set) in Mo Yans novel, is well received by many foreign viewers.19Because it was boring to sit there without anything to do(do),Tom decided to find a novel to read.20We hurried to the cinema,only to be told(tell) that the film was

42、cancelled.21I warned her against walking(walk) on this thin ice but she didnt listen.能力提升.阅读理解AShyness is the cause of much unhappiness for a great many people.Shy people are anxious and selfconscious;that is, they are concerned with their own appearance and actions too much.Negative thoughts are co

43、nstantly occurring in their minds: What kind of impression am I making? Do they like me? Do I sound stupid? Am I wearing unattractive clothes?It is obvious that such uncomfortable feelings must affect people unfavorably.A persons selfconcept is reflected in the way he or she behaves and the way a pe

44、rson behaves affects other peoples reactions.In general,the way people think about themselves has a deep effect on all areas of their lives.Shy people,who have low respect,are likely to be passive and easily influenced by others.They need faith that they are doing “the right thing”Shy people are ver

45、y sensitive to criticism.It makes them feel inferior(自卑的) They also find it difficult to be pleased by praises because they believe they are unworthy of praise.A shy person may respond to a praise with a statement like this one: “Youre just saying that to make me feel good.I know its not true.” It i

46、s clear that,while selfawareness is a healthy quality,overdoing it is harmful.Can shyness be completely got rid of,or at least reduced? Fortunately,people can overcome shyness with determination since shyness goes hand in hand with lack of self respect.It is important for people to accept their weak

47、nesses as well as their strengths.Each one of us has his or her own characteristics.We are interested in our own personal ways.The better we understand ourselves,the easier it becomes to live up to our chances for a rich and successful life.语 篇 解 读 本 文 主 要 讲 了 害 羞 的 负 面 影 响 以 及 针 对 如 何 克 服 害 羞 这 个 问

48、 题 提 出 了 一 些 建 议 。22The first paragraph is mainly about .Athe cause of shynessBthe effect of shyness on peopleCthe feelings of shy peopleDthe questions in the minds of shy people答案 B解析 段落大意题。第一段主要讲了害羞对人们的影响,故选 B。23According to the writer,selfawareness is .Aharmful to peopleBa weak point of shy peopleCthe cause of unhappinessDa good characteristic答案 D解析 细节理解题。根据第三段中的“It is clear that,while selfawareness is a healthy quality, overdoing it is harmful.”可知答案选 D。24What is the shy peopl


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