闽教版六年级英语下册Unit2 Part A精品同步课件

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1、Part A,Unit2 Helping each other,闽教版(三起点) 六年级下册,Sing a song.,Did you go anywhere in winter?,Free talk,What did you do there?,How was the weather there?,Listen and follow.,Sally, Ma Li and Yang Ming are talking about _. Wang Tao is in _ now.,Wang Tao,hospital,Listen and follow.,They want to go to _. T

2、hey want to take _ with them.,see him,some fruits,Listen and follow.,The basket is _. _ will carry it.,heavy,Yang Ming,Listen and follow.,heavy,light,Listen and follow.,break,Listen and follow.,broke,hear,lesson,Listen and follow.,Listen and follow.,carry,(注意模仿语音、语调哦),Listen and follow.,(注意模仿语音、语调哦)

3、,Listen and follow.,(注意模仿语音、语调哦),Listen and follow.,三人一组,练习对话,随后 表演出来吧!,Role play,Look and say.,Listen and number.,Listen and learn the English sounds.,e,i,cat bag hat black,ten pen bed leg,six fish swim big,dog not clock pencil-box,run duck jump luck,活动,What can we do to help him?,1.青海门源地震,孩子们失去了家园, 失去了校园。 2.一只小鸟,翅膀断了。 3.老奶奶提着一篮子的菜要过马路。,本节课学习的重点单词有:,heavy light,break,broke,carry hear lesson,本节课学习的重点句型有:,He broke his leg. Im sorry to hear that.,What can we do to help him? We can ,The basket is heavy/light.,


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