闽教版六年级下册英语Unit4 Mother’s day Part B课件

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1、Unit 4 Mothers Day,Partt B,Whats the date today? When is Mothers Day? What will you do for your mother on Mothers Day?,What will Ben do for his mother?,What will Kate do for her mother?,What will Sally do for her mother?,Ill give her a card,and say,“Happy Mothers Day!“,Ill give her a kiss,and say, “

2、I love you !“,Lets give her a surprise.,They help their mother with her housework.,Where is Sallys mother? What do the kids say?,dining room,living room,bedroom,kitchen,What is missing?,I love you, Mom.,Happy Mothers Day,Mom! Here is a card for you.,Mom,come and see our bedroom.,Sallys room is clean

3、.Bens room is clean,too. do the cleaning,clean,get up,got up,surprise,What a surprise!,1) Mothers Day is on the _. 2) Sallys mother is in the _. 3) Kate says “ _“ to her mother. 4) Ben says “_ “ to his mother. 5) The kids rooms are very _. 6) The kids can do _ now.,second Sunday,dining room,Happy Mothers Day,I love you,clean,housework,What a surprise!,What a famous mountain ! What a high mountain ! What a nice book ! What an interesting book !A What a new book !,


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