闽教版六年级下册英语Unit5 Occupation课件

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1、Unit 5 Occupation,farmer 农民,worker 工人,teacher 老师,singer 歌手,dancer 舞蹈演员,doctor 医生,nurse 护士,cook 厨师,policeman 警察,basketball player 篮球运动员,football player 足球运动员,farmer 农民,worker 工人,teacher 老师,cook 厨师,doctor 医生,nurse 护士,job 工作,teacher,singer,dancer,farmer,worker,What does he do?,He is a worker.,What does

2、 he do?,He is a farmer.,What does she do?,She is a nurse.,What does he do?,He is a doctor.,Who is that man?,He looks like your grandfather.,look like 看起来像,谢娜 looks like 包公.,王祖蓝 looks like 葫芦娃.,He is a farmer.,He is my grandpa.,She is my grandma, she is a cook.,She cooks for farm workers.,farm 农场,They have a farm in the UK.,They have many cows.,They grow corns, too.,


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