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1、PEP 五年级上册,Unit 4 What can you do ?,Learning goals,能够听、说、读、写5个有关课余文化活动的 单词或词组。 2. 能够在语境中正确运用这5个词组。 3. 能够填写关于课余文化活动的调查表并进行描述。,Warm-up,Hi, Wu Yifan!,Hi, Sarah! What can you do?,I can cook. How about you?,I cant cook, but I can swim.,Oh, great! I want to learn it!,I can help you.,New words,烹调;烹饪,游泳,打篮球,

2、乒乓球,打乒乓球,说英语,Lets learn,swim 游泳,speak English 说英语,cook 烹调、烹饪,play basketball 打篮球,play ping-pong 打乒乓球,Can you swim?,Yes, I can. I can do some kung fu, too.,Can you do some sports?,Yes, I can play ping-pong, but I cant play basketball.,Play roles,Can you speak English?,Yes, I can. I can speak Chinese,

3、 too!,Grammar,1、英语中不同的“说”。 talk, say, tell和speak都有“说,谈论”的意思。 talk有相互交谈的意思。 例:talk to. 同谈话;talk with. 和谈话;talk about 谈论, say 强调说的内容,后面不能直接接人。 例:Be quiet, I have something to say.安静,我有话要说。 tell 强调告诉某人一些事情,后面常接双宾语。,例:tell sb. sth 告诉某人某事;tell a story 讲故事;tell a lie 说谎, speak 后面常接语言。 例:He can speak Engli

4、sh.他会说英语。,2、I can do some kung fu,too!我也会武术。,too常用以下几种用法:,【例句】 The dress is much too big for me. 这条裙子对于我来说太大了。 There is too much water in the bottle. 瓶子里有太多水。 The girl is too young to go to school. 这个女孩年龄太小而不能上学。,辨析too与also,Write and say,can,cant,Talk about your special talents with partners.,can,ca

5、nt,speak English and Chinese,sing English songs,dance,swim,cook,play ping-pong,do any kung fu,play the pipa,Play roles,I can sing songs. I can speak English. I can play ping-pong, but I cant play basketball.,I can cook. I can dance. I can play the pipa. But I cant speak English.,Practice,cook,play p

6、ing-pong,swim,play basketball,( )1.你告诉别人你会游泳时,应该说:A. I can sing.B. I can cook.C. I can swim.,根据情景选择正确的答案。,( )2.你想知道别人会不会武术时,应该说:A. Can he do any kung fu?B. Can you do any kung fu?C. What can you do?,C,B,( )3.当你想告诉别人你不会讲汉语时,你应该说:A.I can speak English and Chinese.B.I cant speak English.C.I cant speak Chinese.,C,


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