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1、专题08高考英语 专项突破“读后续写”-劳动故事劳动,可以让我们品尝甜蜜01阅读下面短文,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。Theyd been planning this forever. From her birth, most likely. Myas mother, Helena loved hosting parties. And Aunt Beatrice loved birthdays. Together, theyd make her Sweet Sixteen a hundred times bigger, bolder, and brighter

2、than it needed to be. They selected a theme every year and stuck to it. Her fourteenth had been the “Snow White” and her ninth had been the “Frozen”. They never told her what the theme was the day before. Shed just wake up her birthday morning, a brand new birthday outfit (一套服装) laid neatly on her d

3、resser (an outfit related to the theme, of course) and she would open her door to see the adventure that lay ahead of her that day. Mya had a few guesses as to what this years theme would be. A play on the words “Sweet Sixteen” was likely a candy themed party, perhaps? But shed had a baking party a

4、few years ago and Helena was anything but repetitive. Mya didnt have any interest in cars, so she doubted a sports-car party was on the menu. Shed tried to look through her mothers purchase history online, but her mother had been careful enough to delete everything recent. So the only clue left was

5、the birthday outfit she would receive the next morning. May 1st, Mya woke. The bright sunlight begged her eyes to open and she loved the day that her birthday took place. It was always nice out on May 1st and it never rained. This morning was no different than her previous birthdays. She sat up in h

6、er bed and looked to her dresser before slipping out of bed and inspecting the outfit. She unfolded it and held it against her body, seeing how it was like. It reached down, just above the ankle. Mya dressed, eyed herself in the mirror and found it was not so much a pretty outfit as she had received

7、 before. It was totally one for blue-collar workers!注意:1. 续写词数应为150左右;2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。Suddenly, her thoughts were interrupted by a knock._With everything done, her face shone with a sweet smile._【答案】例文1:Suddenly, her thoughts were interrupted by a knock. Helena walked in. “What is my birthday t

8、heme this year, mum?” Mya asked. “Labor!” Helena answered in a firm voice. “But I was expecting a party!” her voice sounded shaky. Oh, how could she forget she was born on Labors Day! Myas feet brought her small steps to follow Helena to the van. On arriving at a farm, she noticed the vast land of w

9、heat spreading over the horizon that made a splendid view itself. Their job was to remove the weeds.With everything done, her face shone with a sweet smile. Several drops of sweat traced a path on her red and pink cheeks and she turned to Helena: “this is not bad, mum and I feel Ive grown up enough

10、to help you with something.” Helena pulled Mya into her arms and planted a big kiss on her forehead. The sun in May was shining brighter than ever like a fire ball. Picturing the good harvest of this year, they hit the road with a happy birthday song echoing in the van.例文 2:Suddenly, her thoughts we

11、re interrupted by a knock. “Is the birthday girl up?” Helena asked. Mya opened her bedroom door and surprisingly found they looked the same! Looking at Myas surprised face, Helena grinned and led her to the kitchen. There was no meal on the table. “Lets prepare for the party together this time.” Aun

12、t Beatrice said gladly dressed in the same outfit. It suddenly occurred to Mya that the theme this year was supposed to be “Sweet Labor, Sweet Sixteen”.With everything done, her face shone with a sweet smile. Looking around the living room, Mya felt the happiness brought by labor the first time. “Ha

13、ppy Birthday!” Mya turned around in surprise. All of her friends jumped out of any hiding spots with everyone wearing the same outfit. They enjoyed the party and cleaned up together afterwards. Tired as Mya was, she pulled Helena and Beatrice into a hug tightly, saying “this is the best sweet sixtee

14、n ever.”【解析】本文以人物为线索展开,主要讲的是Mya的妈妈和阿姨喜欢为她办生日派对,Mya一直在猜测她16岁生日派对的主题,可是没有结果,只能等生日那天早上看梳妆台上的衣服,那天早上她穿上衣服后发现自己完全是一个蓝领工人。【详解】1.段落续写:由第一段首句内容“突然,敲门声打断了她的思绪。”可知,第一段可描写Mya的妈妈告诉Mya今年生日的主题。由第二段首句内容“一切都做完了,她的脸上露出了甜蜜的微笑。”可知,第二段可描写Mya劳动后的感受。2.续写线索:告知主题到农场劳动劳动后的感受回家3.词汇激活行为类回答:answer/respond到达:arrive at/get to掠过:

15、trace a path/skim over情绪类坚定的:firm/determined糟糕的:bad/terrible【点睛】高分句型1Oh, how could she forget she was born on Labors Day!(由that引导的宾语从句,省略了that)高分句型2On arriving at a farm, she noticed the vast land of wheat spreading over the horizon that made a splendid view itself.(由关系代词that引导的限制性定语从句)02It was earl

16、y spring and Nana was in the backyard with her grandchildren. Amy, Michael, and Justin were playing when Nana said, “Im going to start planting my garden. Who wants to help me?”“What are going to plant, Nana?” asked Amy. “I like big, yellow sunflowers.”“Im going to plant vegetables. That way we can

17、have them to eat when they are ready,” said Nana.“How long does that take?” asked Michael. He liked vegetables sometimes, especially carrots.“It will take a few months before anything is ready to eat,” answered Nana. The children were surprised.“Months? Why would you do all that work and then have t

18、o wait so long?” asked Amy. “You should just go to the store and buy them.”“Patience, my sweeties! Dont you know food always tastes best when you grow it yourself?” replied Nana. “And if all of you come to help, it wont be too much work.”“Ill help you, Nana,” offered Justin. He put down the soccer b

19、all and went to look at the gardening tools Nana had laid out. “What do we do first?” Michael and Amy came over to look, too. Nana taught Justin how to use a trowel (小铲子) to dig small rows of holes for the seeds. Next, Nana showed Amy how to pour the seeds into each hole. And it was Michaels job to

20、cover up the holes with soil. Finally, Amy wrote the vegetable names on sticks that Justin pushed into the ground. “This way we can remember which vegetable seeds we have planted,” said Nana.When they had planted everything, the children took turns filling up the watering can so that Nana could make

21、 the soil nice and wet for the seeds to start to grow. “Now we just water them a little every day, and with some time and sunshine, well have some delicious things to eat in the summer,” said Nana.注意:1. 续写词数应为150左右;2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。Whenever the grandchildren came to visit, they would dash into t

22、he garden._Finally, Nana said it was time for the first harvest._【答案】Possible version1 :Whenever the grandchildren came to visit, they would dash into the garden. Not surprisingly, they were going to see how the garden was growing. After watering the vegetables, they would remove the weeds that popp

23、ed up around the plants and apply organic fertilizer under Nanas instruction if necessary. As time went by, the plants were growing taller and stronger. When they noticed the vegetables flowering and producing fruits, their eyes were sparkling like diamonds. Never had they looked forward to summer l

24、ike this before. But they clearly knew that its worthwhile to wait for the inviting results.Finally, Nana said it was time for the first harvest. Hearing that, the children all jumped into the air and cheers filled the whole garden. Nana gave them each baskets and, together they gathered some of the

25、 cucumbers, carrots and tomatoes, which were turned into delicacies. “Who wants to help eat this fresh salad?” Nana asked. “Me!” everyone responded loudly. Tasting the salad, they thought nothing could be more delicious, because it was they who grew these vegetables. They all learned that many hands

26、 make light work and patience really pays off. Possible version 2 :Whenever the grandchildren came to visit, they would dash into the garden. Eager to help grow the vegetables well, they first took turns to water the plants. Then Nana showed them which plants needed trimming or which needed tying up

27、 to grow tall and straight. Day after day, spring turned into summer and finally, the plants started revealing their colorful secrets. The children were thrilled to see the tomatoes turning red, the cucumbers hiding under the green leaves and the peppers growing bigger. Not until then did they reali

28、ze that Nana was right- all they needed was patience. Finally, Nana said it was time for the first harvest. With baskets ready, Nana and the children started out on their business. Nana took them around the garden and picked some tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers and cabbages. Then for the following hour

29、, they were busying making vegetable salad. The children helped wash the dirt off the food while Nana chopped up the vegetables. When Nana asked who wanted to try the fresh salad, everyone expressed their willingness excitedly. “OK. Amy, get the plates. Justin, get the water and cups, and Michael, g

30、et the forks. Lets celebrate the harvest!”【解析】本文以奶奶和孙子们在后院一起种植蔬菜为线索展开,讲述了那年早春,娜娜和她的孙子们在后院,艾米、迈克尔和贾斯汀正在玩耍,奶奶提出要种植蔬菜,一开始孙子们建议奶奶去商店买,因为自己种植蔬菜要做那么多工作,然后还要等这么长时间,奶奶让孙子们耐心点,因为自己种的食物总是味道最好的,奶奶认为如果大家都来帮忙,工作也不会太多。孙子们听了都乐意来帮忙,奶奶给孙子们分了工,奶奶耐心教导,当他们把所有的东西都种好后,孩子们轮流往水罐里灌满水,这样奶奶就能把土壤弄湿,让种子开始生长。奶奶说只要每天给它们浇水,再加上一些时间

31、和阳光,夏天就可以吃到美味的东西了。【详解】段落续写(以version1为例):由第一段首句内容“每当孙子们来拜访时,他们都会冲进花园。”可知,第一段可描写孩子们怎样照顾这些植物们,以及看着蔬菜开花并结出果实时的兴奋心情。由第二段首句内容“最后,娜娜说是第一次收获的时候了。”可知,第二段可描写孩子们听到消息的喜悦之情,他们一起收集蔬菜,并把这些变成了美味佳肴,们认为没有什么比这更美味了,付出总有回报。续写线索:冲进花园看如何生长照顾花园开花结果高兴词汇激活行为类冲进:dash into/storm in除草:remove weeds/clean out weeds注意:notice/note/

32、find情绪类:骄傲地:loudly/with pride兴奋:jump into the air/ be up in the air【点睛】高分句型1. After watering the vegetables, they would remove the weeds that popped up around the plants and apply organic fertilizer under Nanas instruction if necessary. (由关系词that引导的限制性定语从句)高分句型2. Never had they looked forward to sum

33、mer like this before.(否定词never提于句首的部分倒装句)高分句型3. They all learned that many hands make light work and patience really pays off.(由连接词that引导的宾语从句作learned的宾语)03The Trouble With Chores (家庭杂务)The twins, Jenna and Jeff, were good at most things. Their dad was good at most things, too. But there was one thi

34、ng the twins and Dad were not good atthat was chores. It wasnt that Dad and the twins didnt want to do their chores. It was just that they always seemed to have reasons not to do them. And they had such good excuses.“Youre right, my dear,” said Mum. “The grass does need cutting. But a spider has spu

35、n a wonderful web on the lawn mower and I havent the heart to put all her hard work to waste.”“Mum,” said Jenna, “I know its my week to put up my cards. Its just that Im waiting for them to dry. Theyll be easier to scoop up that way.”“Mum,” said Jeff, “may I skip setting the table tonight? Theres a

36、TV show on the Ice Age, and I have to do a report on the Beast of Baluchistan.”There were also the endless quarrels about who did what and who got the easy job. Mum sighed. If only Dad and the twins were as good at doing their chores as they were at arguing about them, life would be easier. Talking

37、of chores, Mum thought instead of pushing them for chores, it would be a lot easier to do them herself. And that was what she did. She put away all cards and set and cleared the table. She chased the dust bunnies from under the furniture and cleaned up the twins messy room.The twins did pick up and

38、put away things occasionally. Dad did cut the grass once in a while. Not surprisingly, things began to slide. Everybody got a little unhappy, especially Mum, who spent much time doing chores. Something had to be done. But what?注意:1. 续写词数应为150左右;2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。Mum decided to host a family meeti

39、ng._Living in all that messy build-up wasnt much fun._【答案】Mum decided to host a family meeting. “My dear,” she said, “theres a lot more to life than chores. Ive been so concerned with the house that I havent been to the gym for weeks.” “Go to the gym to work out,” Dad and the twins applauded. The wh

40、ole family enjoyed themselves and not worrying about chores worked pretty well at first. But bit by bit, messy build-up began to take up the house.Living in all that messy build-up wasnt much fun. Dad decided to host a family meeting, too. No sooner had the meeting begun than everybody decided to do

41、 something about the awful mess. They picked up all the wet towels. They got the dishes out of the sink and banished the dust bunnies. Then they sat down, exhausted but pleased. At last, they realized there were a lot of meaningful things in life, including chores.【解析】本文以人物为线索展开,讲述了双胞胎和爸爸在大多数事情上都很擅长

42、。但有一件事他们都不擅长,那就是做家务。并不是他们不愿意做家务。只是他们似乎总有理由不去做。他们有很好借口;有时这对双胞胎确实偶尔会收拾东西,爸爸确实偶尔割草,但是似乎每个人都有点不高兴尤其是妈妈,因为她花了很多时间做家务。妈妈意识到必须做点什么。【详解】1.段落续写:由第一段首句内容“妈妈决定召开一次家庭会议”可知,第一段可描写家庭会议的计划和安排。由第二段首句内容“生活在如此混乱的环境中并没有多少乐趣。”可知,第二段可描写大家决定一起打扫如此混乱的环境。2.续写线索:家务找借口拒绝混乱收拾干净感悟3.词汇激活行为类拒绝:have excuses/didnt want to do/refus

43、e politely情绪类.高兴:pleased/happy .担心: concerned/worry【点睛】高分句型1. At last, they realized there were a lot of meaningful things in life, including chores.(省略连接词that的宾语从句作realize的宾语)高分句型2 No sooner had the meeting begun than everybody decided to do something about the awful mess. (否定词置于句首的半倒装句)04I reached

44、 into my backpack, feeling for my cellphone. I was tired of Aunt Letty talking on and on about her chickens, horses and cows. Worse, I was afraid of having to spend spring break at her farm.In spite of my protest, my parents decided that spending time at the farm would be a great experience for me.

45、My parents both grew up on farms and believed that responsibility, hard work and respect for the land were valuable lessons. “Lessons you need to learn, son,” they said.“So, have you ever ridden a horse?” Aunt Letty asked, trying to turn my attention away from my phone.“Hmmm, no. But Ive seen horses on TV,” I answered, absent-minded.“Well, weve got a nice horse I think youll like. Hercules sounds like a beast, but hes a gentle giant. The other animals have names too, but dont worry, you w


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