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1、专题06高考英语 专项突破“读后续写”哲理故事小故事,大道理01阅读下面短文,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。No More, No LessMany years ago, in the small Polish town of Piczw, there lived a trader named Leib. He worked hard, but times were bad. He couldnt afford to buy any presents for his family. Sometimes he couldnt even buy food.One da

2、y, Leib made an important decision to leave home for the big city of Krakw. Maybe he could earn more money there. In Krakw, Leib poured all of his energy into his work. After twelve months, he earned six hundred zlotys. But he missed his family so much that he decided to go home.On his way home, Lei

3、b stopped in the town of Rozka. Fearing robbers, he decided to bury his money before going to the hotel to rest. Near a seemingly deserted house, he dug a hole and buried his money. But the house was not deserted. The old man owning it was watching through his window. When Leib left, he dug up the m

4、oney.Next morning, when Leib found his money gone, he cried bitterly. Looking around, he noticed the nearby house. “Whoever lives in that house must have seen me bury the money,” Leib thought. “But if I accuse him of stealing it, he will call me a liar.” Thinking for a while, Leib knocked on the doo

5、r. He said to the old man, “Im a stranger here and need advice. I heard youre the wisest man here. Will you help me?” The old man was overjoyed, saying “Tell me what I can do for you”.“Fearing robbers, I buried my money six hundred zlotys in a secret place last night,” Leib said. “Now I have receive

6、d one thousand zlotys. Should I bury it in the same place or in another for the greatest safety?”The old man smiled, “Since you are a stranger here, I advise you have all your money in the same place.” “Thank you for your advice,” said Leib. “I will do as you suggest.”注意:1. 续写词数应为150左右;2. 请按如下格式在答题卡

7、的相应位置作答。Paragraph 1 As soon as Leib was out of sight, the old man took out the money he had stolen._Paragraph 2 When darkness fell, Leib went to the hiding place and found all his stolen money. _【答案】Paragraph 1:As soon as Leib was out of sight, the old man took out the money he had stolen. “If the f

8、oolish man doesnt find his money where he hid it, hell not bury his one thousand zlotys there,” the greedy man thought. However, if he finds his money where he left it, he will think it safe to bury the money in the same place, and I will get all his money. Extremely satisfied with his trick, he hur

9、ried to where hed dug up the money, put the money away and covered the hole just as it was, dreaming to reap without sowing.Paragraph 2:When darkness fell, Leib went to the hiding place and found all his stolen money. “The old man thought he would get more, and now he has nothing,” Leib flashed a bi

10、g smile and then continued his journey home. On his way, he bought presents for his family. In a few hours time, he was sitting cozily at home. His children played with new toys happily and his wife looked lovelier in her new dress. Leib leaned back in his chair and closed his eyes, with a contented

11、 smile. That is exactly what he deserved no more, no less.【解析】本文以人物为线索展开,讲述了一个叫Leib的商人赚了一笔钱,由于害怕强盗,他决定先把钱埋起来,然后再去旅馆休息,结果被一个老人挖走了。于是Leib想了一个聪明的办法,最终找回了自己所有的钱。【详解】1.段落续写:由第一段首句内容“Leib一离开视线,老人就拿出偷来的钱。”可知,第一段可描写老人内心的想法以及老人埋钱。由第二段首句内容“天黑的时候,Leib来到藏钱的地方,找到了他所有被偷的钱。”可知,第二段可描写Leib拿到钱后回家的事情。2.续写线索:老人拿出偷来的钱老人

12、把钱埋起来Leib找到了他所有被偷的钱Leib回家Leib满足3.词汇激活行为类看不见:be out of sight /disappear赶往:hurry to /rush to购买:buy/purchase情绪类愚蠢:foolish /stupid积极:positive attitude/act positively【点睛】高分句型1 If the foolish man doesnt find his money where he hid it, hell not bury his one thousand zlotys there (运用了if引导条件状语从句)高分句型2 That i

13、s exactly what he deserved no more, no less. (运用了what引导表语从句)02What It Means to ServeI didnt continue college after graduation. I moved out of my family. With little work experience, I served as a waitress. But during the five years labor, I found myself burning calories running about only for a tip.

14、I had had enough so I moved to a smaller town hoping to pursue a college degree. I promised I would never serve people again - at least not in such way. It was time to serve myself. Luckily, I received a position as an afterschool program tutor at a local middle school, with the added benefit of com

15、pleting English education degree. I had the opportunity to go big! The kid would need me - a role model and a trustworthy friend, I believed.But my first day was welcomed by the students indifference (冷漠). The desks were messy and the whole room smelled of dirty gym socks. My excitement began to die

16、 down. I doubted whether the new job was a mistake. The playground activity was deafening while homework time was not much better. After my repeated persistence, they finally turned off the playground mode. But just a few minutes passed when I noticed two kids quarreling in the corner.I supposed it

17、was another little incident but one kid named Jeremy bothered me. He shouted at me for coming at him. And when I asked them to return to their seats, he slammed (用力摔) his backpack and grew mad as I tried to urge him to take the right attitude. “I dont like you, homework and this afterschool program!

18、 All you guys do is yell at me. Im never coming back.” he walked out of the classroom, slamming the door.Naturally, I was so frustrated (挫败的). I wondered why I am here. Most kids disrespected me! I paused to take a deep breath. Then suddenly I thought to myself, “You said you would never serve peopl

19、e again, but you dont understand what these kids really need.” At that moment, I remembered my middle-school life. I always had a poor attitude, never did my schoolwork, repeatedly got into fights, and disrespected my elders.注意:1. 续写词数应为150左右;2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。Realizing I was not different, I wal

20、ked out into the hall and caught up with Jeremy._At that moment, my heart broke for this boy and his family life._【答案】Realizing I was not different, I walked out into the hall and caught up with Jeremy. “Im sorry, Jeremy. Could I have a talk with you?” I said, trying to be calm and sincere. He turne

21、d around, looked at me for a moment and nodded, “OK”. “Jeremy, could you tell me what have happened to you?” I asked. Hesitantly, Jeremy began to share with me about his story. From what he said, I knew his mother was killed in a car accident three months before. Worse still, his father, who was in

22、deep sorrow, lost his job at the same time. After that, his father became bad-tempered and often shouted at him, ignoring all his requests. As he told me what was happening, he began to cry.At that moment, my heart broke for this boy and his family life. I gently hugged him and patted him on the bac

23、k. Then I walked him home and encouraged him to face life in a positive way. After that, I often chatted with Jeremy and helped him deal with his troubles. I even paid a visit to his father several times. As time went by, Jeremy behaved better and better and smiles often appeared on his face. At the

24、 end of the program, Jeremy hugged me tightly and thanked me again and again. At that moment, I suddenly realized what it meant to serve - Get to know a person from the bottom of your heart and give what he needs.【解析】本文以作者的经历为线索展开。作者高中毕业后,去做了一名服务员。五年之后,作者去一所中学担当了一个课外活动的老师。在第一堂课上,作者遇见了一个非常暴躁的学生Jeremy

25、。作者和Jeremy了解他的情况,了解了他悲惨的家庭生活。之后作者一直帮助Jeremy,并取得了成功。通过自己的经历,作者明白了为他人服务的真谛。【详解】1.段落续写:由第一段首句内容“意识到我没有什么不一样,我走出去进入大厅,赶上了Jeremy。”可知,第一段可描写作者和Jeremy聊天,了解他的情况的过程。由第二段首句内容“在那一刻,我为这个男孩和他的家庭生活心碎了。”可知,第二段可描写作者帮助Jeremy,鼓励他,并且最终获得成功的故事。2. 续写线索:询问情况Jeremy讲述家庭情况了解情况鼓励帮助Jeremy转变感悟 3.词汇激活:行为类一谈话:talk with sb. / cha

26、t with sb. / have a conversation同意:nod/agree情绪类 感谢:showing his appreciation/show his gratitude/be grateful 积极:positive attitude/act positively【点睛】高分句型1I said, trying to be calm and sincere.(现在分词作状语)高分句型2 Worse still, his father, who was in deep sorrow, lost his job at the same time.(由关系代词who引导非限制性定语

27、从句)高分句型3 I suddenly realized what it meant to serve.(what引导的宾语从句)03When we are having quarrels with others, it is easy to say or do hurtful things in anger. The verbal wound can be as bad as a physical one. And no matter how many times you say you are sorry, or how many years pass, the scar of those

28、 wounds will still be there. If we are wise, we will spend our time building bridges rather than barriers in our relationships.Once upon a time there was a little boy who was talented, creative, handsome, and extremely bright. A natural leader. The kind of person everyone would normally have wanted

29、on their team or project. But he was also self-centered and had a very bad temper. When he got angry, he usually said, and often did, some very hurtful things. In fact, he seemed to have little regard for those around him, even friends. So, naturally, he had few. “But, “he told himself, “that just s

30、hows how stupid most people are! “One day at school, when having a craft class, his partner accidentally crushed a small part of their handiwork. The boy immediately got extremely angry, starting to criticize and tease her. “You disgust me! “After hearing those hurtful words, she started to cry unco

31、ntrollably. Before long, the girl began shutting herself away from everyone and was seized by a sense of worthlessness. Fortunately, under the guidance of teachers, she broke away from the trap of worthlessness. But she never talked with the boy.Having known what happened at school, the boys parents

32、 became concerned about this personality flaw, and thought long and hard about what they should do. Finally, the father had an idea. And he struck a bargain with his son. He gave him a bag of nails, and a big hammer. “Whenever you lose your temper, “he told the boy, “I want you to really let it out.

33、 Just take a nail and drive it into the oak boards of that old fence out back. Hit that nail as hard as you can!注意:1. 续写词数应为150左右;2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。The boy started to hit the nail, but it wasnt as easy as it first sounded. _To show him what remained in the fence, his father told him to pull out o

34、ne nail each time he controlled his temper. _【答案】The boy started to hit the nail, but it wasnt as easy as it first sounded. By the end of the first week, the boy had driven 40 nails into the oak boards of that would fence. Little by little, the number became less. Holding his temper proved to be eas

35、ier than driving nails into the fence. Finally, the day came when the boy didnt lose his temper at all. He took pride in himself as he told his parents about his progress.To show him what remained in the fence, his father told him to pull out one nail each time he controlled his temper. He did as hi

36、s father told him. Finally, one day the boy was able to report excitedly that all the nails were gone. At that point, the father asked his son to take one more look at the fence. The young boy found many holes were left. The father said: “No matter what happens from now on, the fence will never be t

37、he same. Saying or doing hurtful things in anger produces the same result. So we need to avoid as many of those hurts as we can.”The boy nodded with satisfaction.【解析】本文讲述了一位父亲想让自己的儿子控制脾气而让他去钉钉子的故事,告诉他伤害一旦产生就不会消失,要避免做一些给别人带来伤害的事情。【详解】1.段落续写:第一段首句内容“男孩开始钉钉子,但是并不像听起来那样容易”可知,第一段可描写男孩通过钉钉子来发泄自己的情绪。由第二段首句

38、内容“为了让儿子看到拔掉钉子以后篱笆上会留下什么,他让儿子每一次控制住脾气后,就拔一颗钉子”可知,第二段可描写男孩拔出钉子后的感受。2.续写线索:发脾气钉钉子控制脾气拔掉钉子留下的洞父亲教诲感悟3.词汇激活行为类控制脾气:hold ones temper/ control ones temper自豪:take pride in/ be proud of发脾气:lose ones temper/ become angry情绪类兴奋:excitedly /be wild with joy / be very excited满意地:with content/ with satisfaction【点睛

39、】高分句型1. Finally, the day came when the boy didnt lose his temper at all.(运用了when引导的分隔式定语从句)高分句型2. No matter what happens from now on, the fence will never be the same.(运用了让步状语从句)04My teacher, Ms. Dixon, sent me to sit in the corner for a while to quiet the class. I didnt understand at all. I knew ho

40、w to operate the record player. And besides, not everyone had steady hands or the know-how to play a record without damaging it.So why was it, I wondered, that the class got upset when I tried to take over and show Marcia how to handle the record player the right way? I was only trying to help, as I

41、 had done many times before. I also couldnt understand why the teacher had sent me to the corner. I was taught to always help my classmates if they didnt understand or know how to do something. If anything, I thought the class was wrong in their judgment of me. I thought the teacher was certainly wr

42、ong in siding with them.When everyone was excused for recess(休息), Ms. Dixon kept me in. I figured that I was in serious trouble, but I still didnt understand how my actions could have caused the teacher to react like this. I had never been in trouble so bad before.Why am I here and not at recess? I

43、asked Ms. Dixon.The teacher didnt say a word. Instead, she placed a word puzzle in front of me. I guessed Ms. Dixon wanted me to do it, so I got out my pencil and attempted to solve it. This was like no other puzzle I had done before. It was difficult, with words I didnt understand. I raised my hand

44、 for help, but Ms. Dixon ignored me. Maybe Ms. Dixon was just keeping me in to protect me from the other students mean words.I struggled with the word puzzle until I was about to give up and throw it away. But I was not a quitter, and so I stayed with the challenge. Once I got one word. I was able to get another, and soon I had solved the problem by myself.注意:1. 续写词数应为150左右;2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。I felt proud and raised my hand high to get Ms. Dixons attention. _


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