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1、专题03高考英语 专项突破“读后续写”亲情故事亲情是世界上珍贵的情感之一,因为每个人表达方式不一样,所以亲情的外在表现形式也不一样,但是爱是一样的01阅读下面短文,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。Its hard to talk to dads sometimes. The roles we often expect our fathers to playprotector, providercan make them seem impenetrable(不可理解的). Thats how it was with my dad. He came to Canada

2、at the age of ten and settled in an immigrant community. He was never much of a talker. He rarely drank, so we didnt get to see him loosen up after a few beers. He didnt tell stories about himself at the dinner table or when we went for walks in the park. He was a private person and seemed to want t

3、o stay that way. Bringing up the many questions I had about life before I was born-his early hopes and dreams, loves and heartbreakslet alone sharing my own feelings, felt like too much for us to handle. I didnt want to threaten the integrity(完整)of his hard shell. I had gotten used to it, and it mad

4、e me feel secure. But when my relationship and career took a hit a year ago at the same time, things had to change. I was facing serious questions about my own nature, and I wanted to know that he had faced them, too. I needed to know how he had found his way, because I felt like I had lost mine. In

5、 a severe moment of desperation, it occurred to me that sending an email might be the key. An email can be crafted(精心制作)slowly and carefully. I could speak at a comfortable distance and give him room to adjust. Hed be up in his officea comfortable place filled with bookshelves, dusty CD-ROMs and pil

6、es of old newspapers. Id be at my desk in an apartment 20 minutes away. So I wrote to him. I told him about my regrets and fears, and I asked him to answer, if he felt like it, and to share something about himself, something that would give me much-needed perspective on my life, especially on relati

7、onship and career. Para 1: Two weeks later, his response showed up in my email box. _Para 2: I closed the email and started to cry. _【答案】Para 1: Two weeks later, his response showed up in my email box. It was a scanned three-page document. Apparently, my dad had carefully considered my message, reac

8、hed back into his memory and crafted a response. In the letter, he shared his history of love, longing, self-doubt, fears and struggles in life. He also offered me some practical suggestions on how to handle my relationship and career. While reading, I got the sense that it must have been really tou

9、gh for my dad to settle down in a new country at an early age. I was also impressed by the great perseverance he showed in the face of difficulty. Para 2: I closed the email and started to cry. I cried because I wished I had opened up earlier but was grateful it wasnt too late. I cried because in th

10、e midst of my own struggles, his letter instantly put me at ease. And I cried because in the end, it was so simple: I just had to hit “Send”. Weve since had many exchanges. My problems havent been magically solved, but getting to know my dad betterand learning to love him morehas made the tough stuf

11、f more manageable and life sweeter. Its hard to talk to dads sometimes, but Im glad that I found a way to talk to mine.【解析】这是一篇记叙文。文章以人物为线索展开,讲述了作者的父亲是一个少言少语的人,作者习惯这样的父亲,也觉得这样很安全。但当作者的婚姻和职业受到打击时,他/她感到迷失了自我,想到父亲也可能曾经面临这样的问题,于是决定通过写邮件向他求助。【详解】1.段落续写根据第一段首句内容“两周后,他的回信出现在我的邮箱里”可知,下文可描写父亲在信里真诚地分享了自己的经历,以

12、及作者的感受。根据第二段首句内容“我关了邮件开始哭起来”可知,下文可描写作者哭的原因,以及庆幸找到了和父亲进行交流的方式。2.续写线索:受到回信父亲分享自己的经历对父亲有了更多了解哭起来为什么哭庆幸能和父亲交流3.词类激活行为类思考:consider/think提供:offer/supply/give/provide解决:solve/settle情绪类艰难的:hard/tough/difficult感激的:grateful/thankful高兴的:glad/delighted/pleased【点睛】高分句型1While reading, I got the sense that it must

13、 have been really tough for my dad to settle down in a new country at an early age. (运用了状语从句的省略)高分句型2I cried because I wished I had opened up earlier but was grateful it wasnt too late. (运用了because引导的原因状语从句,和虚拟语气)02“Has Priya not come home as yet?” Surya asked. He had just returned from work. He was

14、 a cashier in the State Bank of Hyderabad, while his wife, Sharada a lab assistant in Reddy College for Women. Their daughter, Priya, was a Class X student in Saint Annes School around six kilometers away. There was a direct bus from Priyas school.“She should have been here by 4.30. It is 5:30 now a

15、nd she still has not come,Sharada replied.Yesterday too she was late. In fact, since the last few weeks she has been coming home late.“Did you ask her?”“Yes, I did, last week.”“What did she say?”“She numbed something about spending time with her best friend, then she kept quiet. You know she is not

16、very forthcoming.One day she would be become an engineer or doctor.Priya was to appear for the Class X examination in April the next year. This was the month of July and her studies had started in real earnest. Morning six to eight she went for Maths and Physics tuition, and in the evening seven to

17、eight for Chemistry.The next day, Surya happened to discus Priyas strange behaviour with his colleague, Durga, who too had a teenaged daughter.“Surya, you should not take it so lightly. I have an idea. My brother, Ajay, works in a Detective Agency. I will tell him. I am sure he will agree to follow

18、her. Since Priya does not know him, she will not get suspicious.”Surya kept silent for a while, finally agreed.On Wednesday, Surya got a call in the office.“Hello! Surya? This is Ajay?”“Yes, Ajay. Any news?”“Plenty. Can you come to Arts College at 4.30 in the evening?”“Why?”“I will explain when we m

19、eet.”Sharp at 4.30, Surya parked his scooter in front of the Arts College Building. Ajay was waiting for him. “Come with me, “he said. They went behind the building and took a path which led to a small Hanuman Temple. Surya had been there with Priya a couple of times and they both quite liked the se

20、renity of the place.When they reached the place, Ajay asked him to quietly look from behind a boulder.1.续写词数应为150左右;2.请按如下格式作答。As Surya looked, he was surprised_“I left my paintings in the temple. I want to become a painter.” Priya answered on the sofa._【答案】As Surya looked, he was surprised. He saw

21、Priya sitting in the small courtyard in front of the temple. There was a canvas in front of her and she was busy painting. A few paint bottles, brushes and drawing sheets were lying around. Beside her were several canvases, Surya was struck by the beauty, the raw energy, of his daughters art. Then h

22、e left, determined not to disturb her. But why did she spend so much time painting at the approach of the Class X examination? Surya kept wondering until Priya came home that evening. “Why are you late again? Spending time painting? Where are your paintings?” he asked directly.“I left my paintings i

23、n the temple. I want to become a painter. Priya answered on the sofa. “I do not mind struggling, even starving to realize my dream. Is it really that wrong to chase ones dream?” Struck by the childs determination, Surya was lost in thought. They always wanted their daughter to study Physics, Chemist

24、ry, Maths, Biology,and become an engineer or a doctor.They believed painting couldnt guarantee her bread and butter but engineering or medicine could. Maybe it was time to change.【解析】本文以人物为线索展开,讲述了Surya发现女儿Priya一直回家很晚,为了弄清楚女儿的这些奇怪行为,他的同事建议让自己的兄弟Ajay帮助他弄清楚,最后Ajay带着Surya来到了一所寺庙,发现女儿在画画。【详解】1.段落续写:由第一段

25、首句内容“当Surya看着,他感到很惊讶。”可知,第一段可描写Surya发现女儿在画画,画的很好,Surya没有打扰她,等到女儿回家,直接询问女儿的经过。由第二段首句内容“我把我的画留在了寺庙里。我想成为一名画家。Priya坐在沙发上回答道。”可知,第二段可描写Priya告诉Surya渴望实现自己成为画家的梦想,Surya陷入深思,他们总是想要让女儿学习物理,化学,数学等,想要让她成为医生或者工程师,现在Surya有了改变。2.续写线索:看到女儿画画父亲被吸引询问女儿决心实现梦想父亲反思做出改变3.词汇激活行为类.忙于做某事:be busy doing sth./be occupied in

26、doing sth.被吸引:be struck by/be attracted by.下定决心做某事:determined to do sth./make up ones mind to do sth.情绪类好奇:wonder/ be curious/be full of curiosity【点睛】高分句型1. Surya kept wondering until Priya came home that evening.(运用了until引导时间状语从句)高分句型2. They believed painting couldnt guarantee her bread and butter

27、but engineering or medicine could.(运用了省略连接词的宾语从句)03A GIFT FOR GRANDPASummer vacation was coming. Jack and his brother Berlin were filled with excitement as they thought of visiting their grandparents again.The big day came at last. After the happy family got ready, they set out for the grandparents

28、eagerly. On the way, the brothers were excitedly talking about the fun they had with grandparents.A little blue house with a tall white chimney finally appeared. Behind the property was the forest carrying their good memories with Grandpa. They arrived at the driveway, at the end of which Grandma wa

29、s waiting for them joyfully.Jack and Berlin each gave Grandma a big hug and then swept to the living room, shouting excitedly “Grandpa, we are back!”Seeing his grandsons, Grandpa was wild with joy and tried to get up with all his strength from the chair but in vain. A helpless expression flashed on

30、his face. Grandma explained that his health was declining rapidly and maybe couldnt stand up on his own forever. But Grandpa declared stubbornly (倔强地), “I can!” Certainly, he was stuck in his boyish way. Mum and grandparents were happy to meet again after a long time. They sat together and chatted a

31、bout what happened recently.The brothers were soon bored with adult conversation, went out and wandered into the forest. Tall trees stretched up to the heavens with large branches crossing each other, while young ones rose straight like soldiers. Grandpa was once a great explorer full of wisdom. He

32、could tell where the birds came from only by their calls and songs. The trees, birds, lizards, lots of bugs.How many merry moments they spent with Grandpa in the kingdom!But now Grandpa couldnt get up. This made them worried. “Wed think out a way to cheer him up.” Jack said. “Grandpa is a bird lover

33、, and we can catch him a bird.” Berlin suggested. “But he hates birds being caged!” Jack shook his head.Then a bright idea came to Jacks mind. “Why not make a cane (拐杖) out of a young tree!”注意:1.续写词数应为150左右;2.请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。Berlin thought it was a good idea._Jack and Berlin handed the cane to Gra

34、ndpa._【答案】Berlin thought it was a good idea. When the two brothers reached an agreement, they quickly ran back to their grandfathers house, got the tools they needed to make the cane, and ran back to the woods. Jack said, “What kind of tree should we pick for the walking stick?” Berlin thought for a

35、 moment and said, “I think we should choose a straight tree, so no knots will scratch grandpas hands.” Jack nodded his head in agreement. They found a straight tree and set to work. They cut the tree down, and with a knife they took the bark off. It was a wonderful tree, which was smooth and was jus

36、t of the right size. They thought grandpa would love it.Jack and Berlin handed the cane to Grandpa. When grandpa took the cane, his hands shook with joy, thinking, “This is made by my grandsons themselves. How precious it is!” Jack said, “Grandpa, we hope this cane will help you stand up and come wi

37、th us to explore the woods.” Grandpa smiled and decided to give it a try so as not to make his grandchildren disappointed. He held the cane in his right hand and the arm of his chair in his left hand. He stood up with strength on his legs. Everyone was surprised and excited to see grandpa stand up.

38、At that moment, Jack noticed a tear coming from the corner of his grandfathers eye.【解析】本文以人物为线索展开,讲述了暑假即将来临,杰克和他的弟弟柏林去看望祖父母,他们却发现爷爷站不起来了,兄弟俩走进了森林,杰克突然想到了一个好主意,就是给爷爷做一根手杖。【详解】1.段落续写:由第一段首句内容“柏林认为这是个好主意。”可知,第一段可描写兄弟俩怎么做手杖。由第二段首句内容“杰克和伯林把手杖递给爷爷。”可知,第二段可描写爷爷拿到手杖后的反应。2.续写线索:拿工具做手杖爷爷尝试站起来众人反应3.词汇激活行为类拿:ge

39、t/fetch砍下:cut down/chop down站起来:stand up/rise to ones feet情绪类高兴:joy/delight兴奋的:excited/thrilled【点睛】高分句型1When the two brothers reached an agreement, they quickly ran back to their grandfathers house, got the tools they needed to make the cane, and ran back to the woods.(由when引导的时间状语从句)高分句型2It was a w

40、onderful tree, which was smooth and was just of the right size.(由关系代词which引导的非限制性定语从句)04Avacation with my motherI had an interesting childhood: It was filled with surprises and amusements, all because of my mother loving, sweet, yet absent-minded and forgetful. One strange family trip we took when I

41、 was eleven tells a lot about her.My two sets of grandparents lived in Colorado and North Dakota, and my parents decided to spend a few weeks driving to those states and seeing all the sights along the way. As the first day of our trip approached, David, my eight-year-old brother, and I unwillingly

42、said good-bye to all of our friends. Who knew if wed ever see them again? Finally, the moment of our departure arrived, and we loaded suitcases, books, games, camping equipment, and a tent into the car and bravely drove off. We bravely drove off again two hours later after wed returned home to get t

43、he purse and travelers checks Mom had forgotten.David and I were always a little nervous when using gas station bathrooms if Mom was driving while Dad slept: “You stand outside the door and play lookout while I go, and Ill stand outside the door and play lookout while you go.” I had terrible picture

44、s in my mind: “Honey, where are the kids?” “What?! Oh, Gosh I thought they were being awfully quiet.” We were never actually left behind in a strange city, but we werent about to take any chances.On the fourth or fifth night, we had trouble finding a hotel with a vacancy. After driving in vain for s

45、ome time, Mom suddenly got a great idea: Why didnt we find a house with a likely-looking backyard and ask if we could set up tent there? David and I became nervous. To our great relief, Dad turned down the idea. Mom never could understand our objections. If a strange family showed up on her front doorstep, Mom would have been delighted. She thinks everyone in the world is as nice as she is. We finally found a vacancy in the next tow


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