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1、专题21 新高考英语读后续写模拟专练101-105(翻译+范文)新高考读后续写模拟专练101读后续写阅读下面短文,根据所给情节进行续写,使之构成一个完整的故事。Missus Sommersone day found herself the unexpected owner of fifteen dollars. It seemed to her a very large amount ofmoney.For a day or two she walked around in a dreamy state as she thought about her choices. Her daughte

2、r Janie was wearing worn shoes and needed new ones. She would buy cloth for new shirts for the boys. Her daughter Mag should have anotherdress. And still there would be enough left for new stockings for her children. The idea about how to spend the dollars made her restless with excitement.On the da

3、y she planned to go shopping with the money, she ate a light meal- no! Between getting the children fed and the house cleaned, and preparing herself to go shopping, sheforgotto eat at all!When she arrived at the largedepartmentstore, she spotted a pile of silk stockings at the entrance. A sign nearb

4、y announced that they had been reduced in price a young girl behind the counter asked her if she wished to examine the silky leg coverings. She smiled as if she had been asked to inspect diamond jewelry, and started to feel the soft, expensive items. Missus Sommers picked up a black pair and looked

5、at them closely. Two red marks suddenly showed on her pale face. She looked up at the shop girl and said proudly, “Well, I willbuythis pair.”Missus Sommers changed her cotton stockings for the new silk ones in the ladies rest area. She had let herself be controlled by some machine-like force that di

6、rected her actions and freed her ofresponsibility. How good was the touch of the silk on her skin! Then she put her shoes back on and put her old stockings into her bag. Next, she went to the shoe department, where she tried on a pair of new boots. Her foot and ankle lookedlovely. She could not beli

7、eve that they were a part of herself.注意:1.所续写短文的词数应为150左右;2.至少使用5个短文中标有下划线的关键词语;3.续写部分分为两段,每段的开头语已为你写好;4.续写完成后,请用下划线标出你所使用的关键词语。Paragraph 1:After buying a pair of new boots, she walked into the clothing department._Paragraph 2:She was about to leave the store when a kid running around reminded her o

8、f something._翻译小练习:1. 来到化妆镜前,上下打量着镜子里的自己,眼睛盯着鞋子,“如果我的鞋子和我身上完美的衣服搭配,我看起来会更漂亮吗?萨默斯太太心想,向部门的女售货员招手。_2. 萨默斯太太问她今年的时装款式是什么,是否可以试穿一下。_3. 她的要求得到了批准,萨默斯太太继续尝试她认为在她身上最好的东西。_4. 身上穿着不同的衣服,她在镜子前转来转去,像时装秀上的超级模特一样欣赏自己。_5. 她一件接一件地试穿,深情地把它们放进购物车里。_6. “多可爱的女人!“这是每个人看到我的反应。”萨默斯太太笑着说。_7. “哦,天哪!亲爱的我!我把我的孩子都忘了!萨默斯太太大声喊道

9、,意识到自己做错了什么事,开始自责。_8. “对不起,女售货员,请您把我选的东西都放回去,因为我本来打算给我女儿珍妮买一双新鞋,买一件新衣服,给孩子们买新衬衫和新袜子,好吗?_9. 我一定是昏了头!“一种关心孩子的责任感驱使她思考钱该往哪里去的正确想法。_参考答案:1. 来到化妆镜前,上下打量着镜子里的自己,眼睛盯着鞋子,“如果我的鞋子和我身上完美的衣服搭配,我看起来会更漂亮吗?萨默斯太太心想,向部门的女售货员招手。Coming to a dressing mirror, looking at herself in the mirror up and down and fixing her e

10、yes on her shoes, “Wont I look more beautiful if my shoes match a perfect dress on my body?” thought Missus Sommers to herself, waving to the salesgirl of the department. 2. 萨默斯太太问她今年的时装款式是什么,是否可以试穿一下。Missus Sommers asked her what the fashionable dress styles of this year were and whether she could

11、try them on. 3. 她的要求得到了批准,萨默斯太太继续尝试她认为在她身上最好的东西。Her requests approved, Missus Sommers kept trying on whatever she considered was the best on her body. 4. 身上穿着不同的衣服,她在镜子前转来转去,像时装秀上的超级模特一样欣赏自己。With different being changed dresses on her body, she turned around and around in front of the mirror, admiri

12、ng herself as if she were a super model at a fashion show. 5. 她一件接一件地试穿,深情地把它们放进购物车里。One dress after another tried on, she put them into her shopping cart fondly. 6. “多可爱的女人!“这是每个人看到我的反应。”萨默斯太太笑着说。“What a lovely woman! is the response for everyone to see me.” smiled Missus Sommers.7. “哦,天哪!亲爱的我!我把我的

13、孩子都忘了!萨默斯太太大声喊道,意识到自己做错了什么事,开始自责。“Oh, my! Dear me! I forgot all about my kids!” yelled Missus Sommers, realizing that she had done something wrong and starting to blame herself.8. “对不起,女售货员,请您把我选的东西都放回去,因为我本来打算给我女儿珍妮买一双新鞋,买一件新衣服,给孩子们买新衬衫和新袜子,好吗? “Excuse me, salesgirl, would you be so kind as to let

14、me put back all I had chosen, for I had intended to buy my daughter Janie a new pair of shoes, Mag another dress, boys new shirts and all of them new stockings? 9. 我一定是昏了头!“一种关心孩子的责任感驱使她思考钱该往哪里去的正确想法。I must have lost my head!” A sense of responsibility of caring about her kids drove her to think of

15、the right idea where the money should go.参考范文:After buying a pair of new shoes,she walked into the clothing department. Coming to a dressing mirror, looking at herself in the mirror up and down and fixing her eyes on her shoes, “Wont I look more beautiful if my shoes match a perfect dress on my body

16、?” thought Missus Sommers to herself, waving to the salesgirl of the department. Missus Sommers asked her what the fashionable dress styles of this year were and whether she could try them on. Her requests approved, Missus Sommers kept trying on whatever she considered was the best on her body. With

17、 different being changed dresses on her body, she turned around and around in front of the mirror, admiring herself as if she were a super model at a fashion show. One dress after another tried on, she put them into her shopping cart fondly. “What a lovely woman! is the response for everyone to see

18、me.” smiled Missus Sommers.She was about to leave the store when a kid running around reminded her of something. “Oh, my! Dear me! I forgot all about my kids!” yelled Missus Sommers, realizing that she had done something wrong and starting to blame herself. “Excuse me, salesgirl, would you be so kin

19、d as to let me put back all I had chosen, for I had intended to buy my daughter Janie a new pair of shoes, Mag another dress, boys new shirts and all of them new stockings? I must have lost my head!” A sense of responsibility of caring about her kids drove her to think of the right idea where the mo

20、ney should go. 新高考读后续写模拟专练102读后续写阅读下面短文,根据所给情节进行续写,使之构成一个完整的故事。Mei Mei frowned as she helped her mother and father set out the cooking supplies in the shiny steel kitchen. Her family had just moved here from San Francisco, having bought a smallrestaurant, which was set to open in the next few days.“

21、Moving here was a stupid idea. I have lost all my friends in San Francisco. What should I do now?” Mei Mei grumbled, mostly to herself.“Whats that?” Hermotherasked, opening a box and lifting out several pots and a wok.“Nothing,” Mei Mei mumbled. The girl had been complaining about the move, but her

22、parents had made the decision and were now too busy getting ready for the grand opening to listen to her complaints.The first few days at her new school hadnt been easy, either. She found it hard to talk to people she didnt know, and it seemed like the students hadnt evennoticedher. Mei Mei sighed a

23、nd got back to washing dishes.On the day of the grand opening, Mei Meis parents were allsmiles, welcoming customers into the restaurant, brightly decorated in gold and red. Even Mei Mei was in a good mood as she rushed around, seating guests, handing out menus, and pouring tall glasses of water. Thi

24、s was a big day for her family.At one of the tablessata family with two daughters who were about Mei Meis age. As shefilledtheir glasses, Mei Mei realized thetwinswere in her class. Mei Mei ducked her head down so her long hair covered herface, and she turned away from the table.Mei Meis motherfound

25、her soon after, in the kitchen loading the dishwasher.“Honey, what are you doing back here? We need you out front with the customers.”注意:1.所续写短文的词数应为150左右;2.至少使用5个短文中标有下划线的关键词语;3.续写部分分为两段,每段的开头语已为你写好;4. 续写完成后,请用下划线标出你所使用的关键词语。Paragraph1:“Mom, I dont want to be out there!”_Paragraph2:Mei Mei put a ha

26、ndful of cookies into a small plate and left the kitchen._翻译小练习:1. 梅梅低声说,好像在恳求妈妈不要让自己面对尴尬的局面。_2. “为什么?”妈妈问。“他们是我的同学,在这种情况下我不想跟他们打招呼。”_3. “你不应该害怕。也许这是你认识他们的机会。_4. 梅梅犹豫了一下,接受了母亲的建议。_5. 她给他们端上了饼干,那对双胞胎认出了梅梅。_6. 他们热情地向她打招呼。他们谈论了很多关于梅梅的家庭。_7. 这是她来这里后第一次和家人以外的人交谈。_8. 梅梅发现她被接受了。从那以后,这对双胞胎经常来餐馆吃饭,妹妹和他们成了好朋友

27、。_参考答案:1. 梅梅低声说,好像在恳求妈妈不要让自己面对尴尬的局面。Mei Mei whispered, as if pleading with her mother not to let herself face the awkward situation. 2. “为什么?”妈妈问。“他们是我的同学,在这种情况下我不想跟他们打招呼。”“Why?” her mother asks. “They are my classmates and I dont want to greet them in this situation.”3. “你不应该害怕。也许这是你认识他们的机会。“You sh

28、ouldnt be afraid. Maybe this is your chance to meet them. 4. 梅梅犹豫了一下,接受了母亲的建议。Go ahead and get them these cookies, too.” Mei Mei hesitated and accepted her mothers suggestion.5. 她给他们端上了饼干,那对双胞胎认出了梅梅。She served them the cookies, and the twins recognized Mei Mei. 6. 他们热情地向她打招呼。他们谈论了很多关于梅梅的家庭。They gree

29、ted her warmly. And they talked a lot about Mei Meis family. 7. 这是她来这里后第一次和家人以外的人交谈。It was the first time since she had been here that she had talked to anyone other than her family. 8. 梅梅发现她被接受了。从那以后,这对双胞胎经常来餐馆吃饭,妹妹和他们成了好朋友。Mei Mei found that she was accepted. From then on, the twins often came to

30、the restaurant for dinner, and Mei Mei became good friends with them.参考范文:Paragraph 1:“Mom, I dont want to be out there!” Mei Mei whispered, as if pleading with her mother not to let herself face the awkward situation. “Why?” her mother asks. “They are my classmates and I dont want to greet them in

31、this situation.” “You shouldnt be afraid. Maybe this is your chance to meet them. Go ahead and get them these cookies, too.” Mei Mei hesitated and accepted her mothers suggestion.Paragraph 2:Mei Mei put a handful of cookies into a small plate and left the kitchen. She served them the cookies, and th

32、e twins recognized Mei Mei. They greeted her warmly. And they talked a lot about Mei Meis family. It was the first time since she had been here that she had talked to anyone other than her family. Mei Mei found that she was accepted. From then on, the twins often came to the restaurant for dinner, a

33、nd Mei Mei became good friends with them.新高考读后续写模拟专练103读后续写阅读下面短文,根据所给情节进行续写,使之构成一个完整的故事。The spot of red was what first caught Randy Heisss attention on December 16, 2018. He was hiking the remote land behind his farm in a small town near the U.S.-Mexico border, and there lying on the grass was a ba

34、lloon. He walked toward it with his dog, thinking he should pick it up and throw it away.Thats when he noticed the balloons string was attached to a piece of paper. “Dayami,” it read on one side, in a childs writing. Heiss flipped the paper over. On the back he saw a numbered list, all in Spanish. H

35、is Spanish wasnt very good, but he could see it was a Christmas list!Heiss was charmed. He suspected that a child had tried to send Santa Claus a Christmas wish list by balloon, something he used to do himself when he was a kid. Nobody had ever returned the letters Heiss had sent, but he wondered wh

36、ether he could find the girl who had sent this one.It would be difficult, but Heiss had a few clues. About 20 miles to the southwest, just across the border, was the city of Nogales, Mexico, with a population of about a quarter million. Based on the wind direction, he was almost sure that was where

37、it came from. Heiss brought the note home to his wife, who is fluent in Spanish and helped him translate the list. They determined that Dayami, probably a girl, had asked for a doll, a dollhouse, doll clothes and art supplies.Heiss then posted his search about finding Dayami on Facebook, attaching photos, hoping some of his friends in Nogales might know the girls family. A few days passed with no results; Heiss worried that time was running out before Christmas. On December 19, 2018, he decided to send a pri


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