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1、2023年广东省珠海市香洲区中考二模英语试卷一、语法选择(本大题共10小题,每小题1分,共10分)请通读下面短文,掌握其大意,根据语法和上下文连贯的要求,从每小题四个选项中选出一个最佳答案,并将答题卡上对应题目所选的选项涂黑。When I was a teenager, I had a chance to study in a college. It was 1 8-week summer camp. We had classes in the morning and the evening was 2 with different activities. 3 , we had breaks

2、in the afternoon. One day, my friend Claude and I went to have a basketball game of one-on-one.At that time, Claude was taller and he was also 4 at basketball than me. I fell behind soon. I really wanted to win, so I 5 very hard to get the ball into the basket-and I missed it! The ball hit the board

3、 and bounced back. Just as I jumped up to catch it, I saw an elbow above my face.As Claude caught the ball, 6 elbow came downright into my left eye. I saw 7 stars everywhere. What a terrible pain! Claude said “Sorry” over and over again, and made sure I was OK. Though my left eye hurt a lot, I laugh

4、ed and said “Never mind”.I spent the next few days 8 around with a black eye, but it was worthy. In the following years, I always got a laugh whenever It old the story 9 happened to Claude and me.In our life, we sometimes get an elbow to the eye, too. When such things happen, why not face them with

5、laughter and forgiveness? In this way, we might turn our pain to 10 . And we can learn and grow through it.1. A. aB. an C. the D. /2. A. fillB. fills C. filling D. filled3. A. Luck B. Lucky C. Luckily D. Unluckily4. A. good B. better C. best D. well5. A. try B. trying C. tries D. tried 6. A. he B. h

6、is C. him D. hes 7. A. thousand B. thousands C. thousand of D. thousands of 8. A. walk B. walked C. walking D. walks 9. A. that B. who C. what D. when 10. A. joy B. joyful C. joyless D. enjoy 二、完形填空(本大题共10小题,每小题1分,共10分)请通读下面短文,掌握其大意,从每小题所给的四个选项中选出一个最佳答案,并将答题卡上对应题目所选的选项涂黑。Beethoven was a great musici

7、an. One evening, young Beethoven was out for a walk. A she was passing a wooden house, he 11 someone inside practicing one piece of his music. He stopped to listen, and a girl said that she wished she could hear a real 12 play it.Beethoven went into the house, 13 the young lady at the piano was blin

8、d. A young man stood beside her. Beethoven asked 14 , “Would you mind me playing for you?” 15 they didnt know who the stranger was, the lady and the man said yes happily. Beethoven sat at the piano and began to play. He played so well that all of them lost themselves in the beautiful music. Even whe

9、n the lonely candle in the room 16 and the moon shone brightly through the window, he was 17 playing!When Beethoven left the house, the moon seemed even 18 in the night sky. He was deeply 19 by the young ladys love for his music and was greatly inspired by the beautiful night. He rushed back home 20

10、 and spent the whole night writing down the music that he had played at the blind girls house.This is a story of “Moonlight Sonata”, one of the classics in the history of music.11. A. tasted B. heard C. felt D. looked12. A. dancer B. teacher C. musician D. singer13. A. imagining B. describing C. che

11、cking D. noticing14. A .politely B. angrily C. rudely D. proudly15. A. But B. Although C. When D. Because16. A. went over B. went on C. went out D. went by17. A .hardly B. almost C. even D. still18. A. brighter B. darker C. heavier D. lighter19. A. hit B. knocked C. beat D. touched20. A. at once B.

12、at least C. at first D. at most三、阅读理解(本大题共15小题,每小题2分,共30分)请阅读A、B两篇短文,从每小题所给的四个选项中选出能回答所提问题或完成所给句子的最佳答案,并将答题卡上对应题目所选的选项涂黑。AChinas1st Super-large Aerospace Center Opensin Feb. 2023 in Zhuhai! Highlights It shows the latest and eye-catching aerospace, aviation, and national defense products in China wi

13、th eight exhibition areas. There is the life-size copy of Chinas Tiangong space station and the Long March rockets. Tourists can enter the display area and get a close look at how astronauts live, work, and sleep in the station. AR, VR, and 4D filming technologies are available. Lectures about the d

14、evelopment of Chinas space industry will be given by a robot. OPEN Opening Hours From Tuesday to Friday:10:0017:00 Weekends & Public holidays: 9:3018:30 Monday: Closed Prices Adults: 168 Discount tickets: 88 (For children, teenagers, university students, elderly over 60) Parent-child tickets: 199 (1

15、 adult, 1 child) Family tickets: 329 (2 adults, l child) Tickets can be booked on the We chat Account “Zhuhai Aerospace Center”. AddressZhuhai International Airshow Center, No. 272 Airport Road, Jin wan District (Bus Z 105, Z 107, 207, 504 can take you there.) Tips Visitors are not allowed to enter

16、the Center after 4:30 p.m. Security check is needed before entering the Center. No shouting and no smoking in the Center.21. People can visit Zhuhai Aerospace Center .A. at 10:00 a.m. on Monday B. at 1:00 p.m. on Wednesday C. at 9:00 a.m. on May1stD. at 7:00 p.m. on Saturday 22. If Mr. and Mrs. Gree

17、n visit the Center with their 12-year-old daughter, they need to pay . A. 199B. 256C. 329D. 42023. According to the highlights of the Center, visitors can .A. attend lectures given by astronautsB. experience AR, VR and 5D filming technologies C. work with astronauts in the Tiangong space station D.

18、see the life-size copy of Tiangong space station 24. From the poster, we know that .A. Zhuhai Aerospace Center opened in February in 2022B. People can win free tickets by taking part in a quiz C. You dont have to do security check before entering the Center D. Smoking is allowed in Zhuhai Aerospace

19、Center 25. The poster is most probably fromA. a website B. a picture book C. a novel D. a news reportBThe first World Report on Vision(视力) by the World Health Organization (WHO) came out on October 10th, 2019. According to the report, near-sightedness(近视) is an alarming problem among young adults. I

20、n the United States, about 40% of young adults are near-sighted. But this situation pales compared with that of young adults in China.China Daily reported more serious vision problems in China in 2019. In the report, 80% senior high school students are near-sighted, followed by 71.6% in junior high

21、school, 36% in primary school and 14% of 6-year-olds in kindergarten. This is a shocking fact to the society. What causes this eyesight problem? Besides family history, there are some other reasons, such as not having enough outdoor activities, being short of enough sleep and too much use of electro

22、nic products.However, many young people dont take near-sightedness seriously. They think that it is easy to solve the problem with the help of eye drops, clever glasses, contact lenses or eye operations. And some young people even think that it is cool to wear glasses. But the real facts are not lik

23、e that. Although glasses, contact lenses and other ways may help solve the problem of the near-sightedness, they are lifelong expenses. Not every family can afford them. Whats more, serious near-sightedness can cause other eye diseases in middle age, some of which can even cause loss of vision.It is

24、 time for us to take action to protect our eyesight. Go out and do more outdoor exercise. Have enough sleep and useless electronic product. Good eyesight is priceless. So lets try our best to take care of our eyesight.26. In China, near-sightedness seems to be the most serious among .A. kindergarten

25、 kids B. primary school students C. junior high school students D. senior high school students 27. The reasons for the near-sightedness include .family history wearing glasses everyday being short of sleep not having enough outdoor activities too much use of electronic products A.B.C.D.28. The under

26、lined word “pales” in Paragraph 1 means “ ”.A. seems more serious B. seems less serious C. seems more exciting D. seems less exciting 29. According to Paragraph 3, we can infer that .A. all people think near-sightedness is a serious problemB. eye drops, clever glasses and contact lenses are actually

27、 useless C.it is easy for families to afford glasses or contact lensesD. people might lose their vision if near-sightedness is not well treated 30. The purpose of the passage is to .A. introduce World Report on Vision to readersB. explain the possible reasons for near-sightednessC. call on people to

28、 take good care of their eyesightD. comp are the near-sighted problems in different countriesC左栏是五位对中国传统民间艺术感兴趣的外国学生,右栏是一些非物质文化遗产传承人的工作坊。请为五位同学推荐合适的工作坊。31. Cathy, a 13-year-old student from England, has a large collection of paper cutting works from different countries. She wants to find more in Chi

29、na and hold an exhibition of paper cutting in her school.32. Julia, a 15-year-old student from Australia, is crazy about lovely dolls. She buys and even makes dolls by herself, and she wonder show to make one with clay.33. Alan, a 14-year-old student from Finland, finds it amazing to watch shadow pl

30、ays. He wants to make a short video to le this friends know about the fun of Chinese shadow play.34. Gabby, a 14-year-old student from America, has puzzled over the mystery of Bian Lian for years. He really wants to find out the secret of the special performance.35. John, a 15-year-old student from

31、Singapore, is a member of his school painting club. He likes Chinese painting very much and cannot wait to know more about the history of Chinese painting.A. Huang Zu quans WorkshopMr. Huang will show you how to boil sugar and blow it into different figures. This art is really a combination of hand,

32、 eye, heart, breath, and the timing of temperature skill.B. Wang Shao xis WorkshopHere you can enjoy a play of shadow. In the play, actors or actresses are figures made of cow leather. Being controlled by one or several persons, these figures are reflected with a light on the screen. This art is ver

33、y popular in Shanxi and Gansu Provinces.C. Zhang Xiu fangs WorkshopHere you can try creating art pieces with red paper and a pair of scissors. This folk art has a history of more than 1,500 years. People often beautify their homes by putting these art pieces on doors, windows and rooms during Spring

34、 Festival or weddings.D. Yin Chong q ins WorkshopHere you can see a decorative handicraft artChinese knot. It dates back to the Tang and Song dynasties. One major feature is that all the knots are tied using one piece of red thread, which is usually about one meter long.E. Huang Yongyus WorkshopHere

35、 you can discover how Chinese people use a brush and ink to paint figures, landscapes, flowers, birds, and other animals on paper or silk. The art has been developed since six or seven thousand years ago.F. Duan Xiaolans WorkshopMr. Duan will introduce an ancient Sichuan art, Face Changing, or Bian

36、Lian in Chinese. Visitors can see how silk masks are painted to show the mood changes of their characters, and how these masks are change data superfast speed.G. Liu Yongzhans WorkshopHere you can experience the process of making a figure with raw clay by shaping, air-drying, heating, polishing and

37、painting. The works of this old folk art are usually cute children or lively characters from Chinese fairytales or historical stories.四、短文填空(本大题共10小题,每小题1.5分,共15分)请阅读下面这篇文章,在所给的每个空格中填入一个形式正确、意义相符的单词,并将答案填写在答题卡指定的位置上。Here comes a powerful robot! Type in “A cat wants to go to space” and ask 36 robot t

38、o write a bedtime story. Just one second later, youll get the story of a cat 37 Max. In the story, Max goes through many difficulties to sing among the stars.This robot 38 is real. Its name is Chat GPT. The US tech company Open A I made this powerful robot. It can 39 with people, write stories, song

39、s, poems and even jokes. Its one of the most 40 AI writers.Chat GPT can write things really 41 .You may spend hours writing an article, 42 Chat GPT can write a good one in seconds. Will Chat GPT answer all your questions? No. If you ask a harmful 43 , it will not give you an answer.However, the thin

40、gs that Chat GPT creates are difficult to tell from those made 44 humans. This brings many troubles. For example, Chat GPT is trained using words from the In tem net, so it might also pick up the biases(偏见) about certain things on the Internet. Humans need to 45 such kind of problems. Theres still a

41、 long way to go.五、读写综合(本大题分为A,B两部分,共25分)A. 回答问题(本题共5小题,每小题2分,共10分)请阅读下面短文,根据所提供的信息,回答5个问题。要求所写答案语法正确、语义完整切题,并将答案填写在答题卡指定的位置上。Su Dongpo was a great poet, writer, painter and calligrapher in the Song Dynasty. Su Shi, which is his real name, together with his brother Su Zhe and father Su Xun, were call

42、ed “Three Sus” in the history of China.Su Dongpo was born in 1037 in Meishan Sichuan Province. At the age of 5, he began to learn reading and writing from his mother. The boy became very talented in the Chinese classics when he was only 7 years old. Su Shi passed the important examinations to get th

43、e title of Jing Shi at the age of 19. Later, he served in a number of government offices. However, he went through some difficult tie in his life. He lived in exile(流放) for many years. No matter what trouble he was in, he always created new works to cheer himself up.Su played a very important role i

44、n the history of Chinese poetry. Luckily, more than 2,300 of his poem have survived. Among them, Battle of Red Cliff, Jiang Chenzi, The Immortal by the River, Prelude to Water Melody and quite a few other poems are very famous. The last two lines of the poem Prelude to Water Melody are so popular th

45、at nearly every student can recite them, “May you live along life, the moon we share across 1000 miles”Su died in 1101 in Changzhou after a long period of exile.Su Dongpo, a star in Chinese history, lights up uncountable people she arts and souls with his great talent and positive spirit.46. What is Su Dongpos real name? 47. When did Su get the title of Jing Shi? 48. What did Su do when he was in trouble? 49. How many Su Dongpos poems can we enjoy today? 50. Whats the Chinese for the underlined part of the poem?


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