【人教pep版】五年级上册英语:Unit4 导学案 2

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1、Unit4 What can you do?导学案【课题导入】(教师自主设计)课前:T: Where is my English book?S1: Here you are.T: Oh, you are helpful. Thank you.上课:T: Hello, boys and girls.Ss: Hello, teacher.T: Lets chant, Ok?Ss: OK!T: Great! The animals can do lots of things. What about you? What can you do at school? S1/S2/S3: I can T:

2、You are so great Then lets go into the new lesson: Unit4 What can you do? (板书课题)Ss: Read the title after the teacherT: First, lets see the studying aims. 【学习目标】1. 能听、说、读、写表达家务劳动的五个动词短语。2. 能运用 “Im helpful! I can 简单介绍自己能做哪些家务劳动。3. 养成热爱父母、热爱劳动、乐于助人的良好品质。(教师创设情境,呈现本课目标内容,带领学生初步感知,然后开展自主学习)T: (手持 helpful

3、 单词卡)Then are you helpful?Ss: Yes.T: Look, (课件出示词组图片)If you are helpful, tell me :What can you do?S1: I can(通过与学优生的对话呈现词组)T: Ok, lets chant together.Cook, cook ,cook the meals. Sweep, sweep, sweep the floor. Clean, clean, clean the bedroom. Empty, empty, empty the trash. Water, water, water the flow

4、ers. Im, Im, Im helpful! T: Now, please study according to the leading paper.【学习过程】1.自读 Lets learn 部分词组,用双色笔划出不会的词组;2.开动脑筋想一想有哪些好办法记住这些词组呢?3.将新单词写在下面。(头脑风暴:看谁能背写下来哦!) 4.根据 Lets learn 部分图片,试着练习一下新句型吧!群学/展示:1.一名同学领读本课词组,其他人跟读。2.词组操练(1)出示词卡,组员边做动作边说词组。(2)一人做动作,其他人猜词组。(3)说一说都有哪些记忆词组的好方法。1.“周末到福利院照顾孤寡老人”

5、志愿报名现场会。组长做调查“What can you do?”并统计,组员到组长处报名。You can like this:(你可以这样做)A: Im helpful. I can 展示要求:其他组成员一起问这一组的学生:What can you do?组员分别回答:Im helpful, I can方法如下:T: Lets ask them: What can you do? One, two.Ss: What can you do?S1: Im helpful, I can sweep the floor. (也可以边回答边做动作)2.自编小对话。You can like this:(让我

6、们行动起来做一些力所能及的事吧!)例:3.小组合作表演 Lets chant!.【展示交流】同学们:大显身手的时候到了!让我们一起来分享一下自己的学习成果吧!温馨提示:准备任务组内小展班内大展(组内补充、组间质疑)(学生展示后)T: You know, when we grow up, they are old.(课件出示图片) We can help them. We should learn to care for others and help them. Do you want to help them?Ss: Yes.T: What can you do? Lets see who

7、is helpful?S1: Im helpful, I can【达标反馈】1.图文配对A clean the bedroom B cook the meals C sweep the floor D empty the trash E water the flowers2. 根据图片补全句子。(1) Im helpful. I can _.(2) A: What can you do?B: I can _.(3) Im helpful. I can _.【学教反思】说说你这节课学会了什么?最大的收获是什么?【拓展延伸】 Read and guess (读一读,猜一猜)I can empty the trash. I can water the flowers and trees. I can kick the ball.(踢球) I cant fly. Im big. I cant hide in a shoe.(藏在鞋子里) I have big ears and a long nose.I am an _.


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