
上传人:好样****8 文档编号:11362 上传时间:2018-09-07 格式:DOC 页数:8 大小:44.50KB
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1、Unit 3 My Friends第三单元 课题:A(Lets talk Lets play ) 课型:新授 主备人: 学习目标:1.能询问或回答他人的姓名如 Whats his name? His name is并能运用2.能说 photo 和 a Chinese friend学习重点:1句型:Whats his name? His name is He has2词汇:Chinese, photo课前尝试 1 用 Whos your best friend?展开互问互答练习:2.理解应用 Whos he/she? He/She is .)课堂探究1Whats his/her name? Hi

2、s/Her name is你是怎么理解的?2请你对运用所学知识对你的伙伴进行描述一下。4试着对 Lets talk/A 中的会话内容回答下面的问题吗?Does John have a Chinese friend? Whats his friends name?课后检测1、向你的同学介绍你的父母2、用 Whats his name? Whats her name? 在同学们中展开应用。3、要求写单词。shes(完全形式) long( 反义词) lets (完全形式) he (物主代词) her(主格) new(反义词) youre(完全形式) 作业设计一、 改错。 1、He name s Mi

3、ke. 2.Her names Sun3.She have a long pencil. 4.I likes sports.二、向你的父母介绍你的同学课题:A(lets learn Lets chant) 课型:新授 主备人: 学习目标:1.能听.说.认读 long hair,short hair,strong,thin,quit,friends 等单词和词组。2.会说“Whos he/she? Whos your best friend? My friend is 学习重点:1. 名词复数的使用2词汇:hair, thin, strong, quiet friendly课前尝试1.同学们把你

4、在上一个单元中已经掌握的单词和句子与同学们分享一下吧!2.想想你知道哪些动物单词并加以描述如:long nose strong arms课堂探究 1、你能猜一猜下面这个谜语中,说得是哪一个小动物吗?Its so big. It has a long nose and a short tail. What is it? Its small. It has two long ears. What is it? 2、在教学图片中, 说说你观察到的人物的特点?3、请你模仿一下他们的样子。4、你能用 long, hair,short 分别应用到 My friend is 课后检测1、写出下列单词的汉语意

5、思friends strong thin short bear elephant 2、你能把下面的词语连成一句话说出来吗?(1)he , big , eyes , has , and , nose , a , small. (2)spell , these , can , words , you? (3) whats , name , his?3、情景选择。( ) 1.当你告诉别人 Amy 是个女孩时,说;A.Shes a boy. B.She has a girl. C.Shes a girl.( ) 2.当你想告诉别人她长着长头发时,说:A.She is long hair. B.She

6、has long hair. C.She has a long hair.( ) 3.当你想告诉别人他很强壮时,说:A.He isnt thin. B.He is strong. C.He likes strong. 作业设计1、选择题:( )1.Is it your dress? _ A.Yes, it is. B.No, it is. C.Yes, it isnt. ( )2. _color is it?A.Which B.Who C.What2、写出下列单词的汉语意思friends strong thin short hair bear elephant - - - - - -第三单元

7、课题:A Lets spell 课型: 新授 主备人:学习目标:1通过读、听、唱巩固所学内容,同时培养学生对英语的兴趣课前尝试1、根据各幅图, 说说所表达的意思。课堂探究1、听录音,跟读理解大意。2、根据所给的资料对完成任务3、听,圈、写。课后检测1、 据问句,选择答句。( ) 1.May I have a look? A. Her name is Amy.( ) 2.Wheres my book? B.Forty.( ) 3.Whats that? C.Sure. Here you are.( ) 4. How are you? D. Many books.( ) 5. What colou

8、r is it? E. I like computer game.( ) 6. Whats her name? F. Its on the desk.( ) 7. What do you like? H. Hes John.( ) 8. Whats in your bag? I. Its red.( ) 9.How many books do you have? J. Its a small bee.( ) 10. Whos the boy? K. Shes fine. 第三单元 课题 B(Lets talk Lets play 课型: 新授 主备人: 使用时间: 组别: 学习目标:1.能听懂

9、,会说 Whats her name? Her name is并能在情景中应用。2. 应用“Whos he/she? Is he / Is She展开练习学习重点:1区别 Whats her name?与 Whats his name?2区分 Whos she? Whos he? he, his; she, her 本身人称代词与物主代词易搞混。课前尝试1接龙游戏。从一个学生 Whats his name?开始发问,另一学生回答后,继续问同样的问题,直到教师命令停止为止。 (注:如指的是女生则用 Whats her name?来询问)课堂探究 1、观察课件说说你理解了什么?2、人一组表演课文内

10、容。4、录音,让学生跟读 Lets play.课后检测一、会话完成句子。What is his name ? His name is He likes What is her name ? Her name is She likes 、 二、画一画 have a friend.He has big eyes,small nose and long hair.your friend is a girl. She has long hair. The hair is red.He has short ears,big mouse and small eyes,He is a bear.作业设计 1

11、、连词成句。put , English , on, head , your , book , your.whats , name , his?课题 B(Lets learn) Say and draw 课型:新授 主备人: 学习目标:1.能用 My friends 介绍朋友突出的颜色特征。 (发色、着装.)2.能根据听读做出相应的动作学习重点:重点掌握有关爱好的词汇:shoes glasses hair 课前尝试 找同伴,向她描述一下你的朋友?课堂探究 1看谁能很快在老师的带领下读单词。2教教其它同学读单词.3、结合图片读单词。4、用: My friend has .形容一下你的同学或朋友。课

12、后检测 1、耳语游戏:My friend has .由一名学生到黑板前,通过耳语布置任务,随后请其它学生表演动作,然后全班同学猜,是我们今天学过的哪一个内容。2、向你的同学介绍你们家庭成员。如:爷爷、奶奶、爸爸、妈妈等。作业设计 1说一说,写一写My friend has. He/She has.第三单元 课题:B(Read and write) 课 型:新授 主备人: 学习目标:1.能听.说.认.读书写规范单词学习重点:1.学习书写单词及句子的拼写,课前尝试 试读 P29 页的内容,说说你理解了多少?课堂探究1、说一说,写一写?2、读一读,说一说 read and match课后检测一、抄写

13、下列句子。 1,Shes my friend.2,He has big eyes and a small nose.3.May I have a look?4,My friend is a boy.5,Whats her name?课题:B (Lets check) Story time 课型:新授 主备人: 学习目标:1.完成 Lets check 部分的内容 2. 理解故事学习重点:1培养良好的听读能力2鼓励自己进行角色表演,并渗透互相帮助的思想理念。课前尝试1.自由交流了解故事大意。课堂探究1.听一听,读一读,演一演2听音完成 P30 页内容。3唱一唱。课后检测 连词成句。1. he , big , eyes , has , and , nose , a , small.2. whats , name , his?作业设计 1按要求写单词;shes(完全形式) long( 反义词) ts (完全形式) strong( 反义词) I(宾 格) he (物主代词) her(主格) have(同义词) new( 反义词)


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