
Unit 5 Whats the highest mountain in the world?,Section A 1a-2d,Presentation,square n. 平方,meter n. 米,deep adj. 深的,desert n. 沙漠,population n. 人口,Asia n


1、Unit 5 Whats the highest mountain in the world?,Section A 1a-2d,Presentation,square n. 平方,meter n. 米,deep adj. 深的,desert n. 沙漠,population n. 人口,Asia n. 亚洲,tour v. n. 旅行,tourist n. 旅行者,wall n. 墙,amazing adj. 令人大为惊奇的,ancient adj. 古代的,wide adj. 宽的;宽阔和,Do you know these interest places?,Qomolangma,Qomolangma runs along the border between China and Nepal. It is covered with snow all the year round. Its 8844.43 high, the highest in the world. Its 26 kilometers 。

2、Unit 5 Whats the highest mountain in the world?,Section A 3a-3c,Which is the highest mountain in the world? Which is the longest river in Asia? ,Revision,freezing adj. 极冷的; 冰冻的,nature n. 大自然,thick adj. 厚的;浓的,New words,1. achievement n. 成就;成绩 e.g. We felt a great sense of achievement when we reached the top of the mountain. 当我们到达山顶的时候,我们有一种巨 大的成就感。 2. achieve v. 达到;完成;成功 e.g. He will never achieve anything if he doesnt work harder. 如果他不加紧努。

3、Unit 8 Ive had this bike for three years.,Section A 3 Grammar focus 4c,1. How long have you had that bike over there? Ive had it for three years. 2. How long has his son owned the train and railway set? Hes owned it since his fourth birthday. 3. Have you ever played football?Yes, I did when I was little, but I havent played for a while now.,表示从过去已经开始持续到现在的动作或状态,可以和表示“从过去某一时刻延续到现在的一段时间状语”连用,如“for+时间段”、“since+过去时间点”、“since+过去时的。

4、Unit 3 Topic 3,Section A,What would you like to drink?,What is this in English?,bread,egg,milk,What is this in English?,rice,fish,chicken,juice,Whatre these in English?,apples,bananas,eggs,Whatre these in English?,hamburgers,vegetables,a,b,c,d,e,f,j,h,i,g,k,Have a try!,Countable Nouns: _ Uncountable Nouns: _,bananas,milk,Group A: Countable nouns,some eggs some cakes some apples some hamburgers some vegetables,Group B: Uncountable nouns,some f。

5、Unit 2 Topic 2,Section A,What does she look like?,color,black,blond,What color are his eyes? What color is his hair?,blue,blond,What color are his eyes?,blue,What color is her hair?,blond,They look the same. They have black hair and black eyes.,看起来很像。 look 意为“看起来”。,They dont look the same, but they are good friends.,Listen, look and say. Pay attention to the intonation.,Oh, he is my friend, Yukio.,Who is that boy?,1b. Listen and complete the table.,Japan,black,black,black,blue,bl。

6、Unit 3 Topic 2 What does your mother do? Section A,My father works on a farm. He is _.,a farmer,a driver,He drives a TAXI. He is_.,a farmer,a driver,an actor,a cook,She acts in the film(电影). She is _.,He cooks every day. He is _.,an actor,a cook,a teacher,an office worker,She teaches English in a school. She is_.,Her mother works in an office. She is _.,a teacher,an office worker,a student,a nurse,She works in a hospital. She isnt a doctor. She is _。

7、Unit 2 Topic 1 Section A,I have a small nose.,注意他们的外貌特征,Look and learn.,head,face,hair,eye,ear,nose,mouth,neck,Hi! 你看我的眼睛像不像字母e, 鼻子是nose的首字母,嘴像不像mouth的第一个字母m,耳朵里藏着小小的e,还有我的头花可是h形的哦!你能记住我的样子吗?,neck,face,ears,mouth,nose,eyes,hair,head,Listen and match.,ear,head,face,mouth,hair,eye,neck,nose,Hi! Im a girl. I have long hair.,Hi! Im a boy. I have short hair.,a long pencil,a short pencil,Im a boy. I have small eyes.,big,small,The boy。

8、Section A,Unit 3 Getting Together Topic 1 Does he speak Chinese?,T: Excuse me, could you please tell me his name? S: Sure. He is Kangkang. T: Does he come from China? S: Yes, he does. T: Can he speak English? S: Yes. But his English is not very good. T: Could you help him with it? S: No problem.,Have a try!,I have a friend. Id like to tell you something about him. He is Li Wei. He is from China. He often speaks Chinese. He likes English, but his English is not good. He wants to find a pen。

9、1 参考系 时间 质点 第一章 描述运动的基本概念 在我们周围可以看到各种各样的运动 地球在转动乌龟在跑 火箭飞向太空 鸟在飞翔 物体的空间位置随时间的变化,叫机械运动(mechanical moion) 它是自然界最简单最基本的运动形式。 在物理学中,研究物体做机械运动的分支叫力学 (mechanics) 第一次世界大战期间,一名法国飞行员在2000米的高空飞 行时,发现旁边有一个小东西,他以为。

10、第一运动的描述,1.1 质点 参考系 时间,雄鹰在空中翱翔,坐地日行八万里,足球在绿茵场上飞滚,我们生活在一个运动的世界,物体相对于其他物体在空间位置上随时间的变化,叫作机械运动(mechanical motion),简称运动。,问题:该如何描述物体的运动呢?,一、机械运动,生活中随处可见的运动,如玩耍的孩童、行驶的汽车、翱翔的雄鹰,雄鹰在空中翱翔身体向前运动、翅膀上下运动; 足球在绿茵场上滚动。

11、,1 质点 参考系,第一章 运动的描述,学科素养与目标要求,1.理解什么是质点,知道把物体看作质点的条件. 2.知道参考系的概念,知道选取不同的参考系对物体的运动情况的描述可能不同.,物理观念:,知道质点是一种理想化物理模型,知道建立理想化物理模型是研究物理问题的常用方法.,科学思维:,梳理教材 夯实基础,探究重点 提升素养,随堂演练 逐点落实,梳理教材 夯实基础,01,1.定义:用来代替物体的具有 的点. 2.物体可看作质点的两种情况 (1)物体的 和 可以忽略. (2)物体上任意一点的运动完全能反映 物体的运动. 3.一个物体能否看成质点是由 。

12、,让大家认识 我,它们是什么? 有什么样的作用呢?,我们用叶子来介绍一下自己吧!,杨阳,欣赏大自然中的树叶,它们是什么颜色? 有什么样的作用?,看了这么多叶子,你知道怎么制作出来么?,杨阳,一起来装饰我们班级这颗 大树吧!,作品成果,。

13、画 人 像,常见人物脸形有几种?你能总结出来吗?,面部五官的位置怎样确定的? 你知道三停五眼定位法吗?,“站七坐五盘三半”是以人的头的高度为标尺,就是说一般成年人站着时的高度等于他的七个头的高度,坐着时的高度等于五个头的高度,盘坐时三个半。,正常人身体高度比例:,平静 愤怒 高兴 悲伤,我们人类有哪些面部表情呢? 你能模仿出来吗? 五官是怎样表现这些表情的?,欣赏画家的人像 速写:,仔细观察: 作者是按照怎样的顺序表现人物的?,人物动态速写欣赏,衣褶的线条对于人物动态的塑造有很大帮助呢!,看看小朋友的速写:,人物动态速写欣。

14、Unit1 SectionA (Grammar Focus-3d) 参考学案教师寄语:Clothes do not make the man. 人不在衣装。【学习目标】:1、总结归纳 Section A 部分知识重点;2、学会运用 Section A 部分所学知识。【体验学习】:、预习交流1. 根据 Grammar Focu s, 归纳 Section A 部分的知识重点;2. 自学课文,试着完成 3a,3b,3c,3d 的练习。、翻译官1. 男演员 _ 2. 女演员 _3. 英俊的 _ 4. 漂亮的 _5. 某人 _ 6. 人们 _ _合作交流Group work: 总结归纳 Section A 部分知识重点。1.描述某人外貌的词汇:_ _。

15、Unit1 SectionA (1a-1c) 参考学案* 教师寄 语: Clothes do not make th e man. 人不在衣装。【学习目标】:1. 学习描述人外貌的词汇;来源:Zxxk.Com2. 学会描述人的外貌 。-What does he/she look like? 来源:学科网 ZXXK- He / She is, and he/she has.【自主学习】:I、预习交流1. 根据单元标题和图片等 ,预测新课内容;2. 根据音标 拼读新单词并牢记; 3. 自学课文,勾画出重点和疑惑。II、翻译官1. 长发_ 2. 短发_3. 直发_ 4. 卷发_ 来源:Z#xx#k.Com5. 高的_ 6. 矮的_7. 重的_ 。

16、Unit1 SectionA (2a-2d) 参考学案*教师寄语: Clothes do not make the man. 人不在衣装。【学习目标】:1. 学会描述某人的外貌。【体验学习】:I、预习交流1. 根据课本图片和对话等,预测新课内容;2. 根据音标拼读新单词并牢记;3. 自学课文,勾画出重点和疑惑 。II、翻译官1. 今天 _ 2. 今晚 _3. 电影院 _ 4. 戏剧院 _5. 一点;少量 _ 6. 少;几乎没有 _来源:学_科_网 Z_X_X_K7. 一杯牛奶_ 8. 一副眼镜 _9. 戴眼镜 _ 10. 去看电影 _合作交流Group work: 分析总结如。

17、Section A (Grammar Focus-3d),Unit 1,What does he look like?,Grammar Focus,1. 他长的什么样子?_ 2. 他个子很高。_她长的什么样子?_ 4. 她有一头长直发。_ 5. 他们长的什么样子?_ 6. 他们中等身材。_,阅读Grammar Focus部分,完成下列句子。,He is really tall.,What does he look like?,What does she look like?,She has long straight hair.,Theyre of medium build.,What do they look like?,7. 他们是直发还是卷发? _。

18、Section A (1a-2d),Unit 1,What does he look like?,知识目标: (1) 复习掌握本课时重要的词汇。 (2)掌握句型:What does he look like? 2能力目标: (1)能熟练地运用句型Whatlook like?询问人的外表。 (2)能较熟练地运用普通形容词来描述人的外貌特征等。 3情感目标:培养观察分析能力,树立正确的审美观。,教学目标,height,straight,curly,build n.,Main words,tall,heavy,thin,long hair,black hair,short hair,straight hair,short hair,curly hair,long hair,curly hair,straight hair,black hair,blonde hair,blonde hair,1a M。

19、Topic 3 What class are you in? Section A,Unit 1,six,ten,nine,three,five,seven,eight,two,Read the numbers you have learned.,four,one,zero,_ apples,eleven,_ peaches,Twelve,Thirteen,_peaches,_ babies,fourteen,_ oranges,fifteen,_strawberries,sixteen,_ strawberries,seventeen,eighteen cakes,_pencils,nineteen,_ strawberries,twenty,2a Look, listen and say,I am twelve years old. How old are you?,Im twelve, too.,2b Help Li Ming。

20、Topic 2 Where are you from? Section A,Unit 1,A: Excuse me, are you Jane? B: Yes, I am. A: Excuse me, are you Michael? B: No, I am not.,Discuss with your desk mates,A: My names Sally. Whats your name? B: My names Li Ming. Whats your name? C: My names Whats your name? D: My names ,1b Ask and answer in pairs, using What ? and Where ? Then make your own conversations according to 1a.,Whats your name? _ Where are you from? _,Jane,Canada,Is she 。

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