人教pep版五年级上册英语Unit3 第二课时ppt课件

,人教版(三年级起点)五年级下册,Here is Stellas reply. Read and answer. The poemBed in Summer Find“friends”in the poem for the words below.,Recycle 1, Page 34, Page

人教pep版五年级上册英语Unit3 第二课时ppt课件Tag内容描述:

1、,人教版(三年级起点)五年级下册,Here is Stellas reply. Read and answer. The poemBed in Summer Find“friends”in the poem for the words below.,Recycle 1, Page 34, Page 35,Warm-up/Revision,Whats your favourite season? Why?,Spring. Because,Which month do you like best? Why?,January. Because,Presentation,Whats the weather like in ?,Its ,How about you?,Which season do you like best? Why?, Because,When is your birthday?,Its on July 1st.,When is April Fools Day?,Its April 1st.,When is Mot。

2、,Unit 3 Where did you go ?,Part B Lets learn Look and say,人教版(三年级起点)六年级下册,Lets learn 视频, Lets learn, Look and say,Lets chant,I rode a horse. What did you do? I went camping. What did you do? I went fishing. What did you do? I rode a bike. What did you do? Oh, no! I hurt my foot.,Warm-up/Revision,【过去式】 ate,eat,(动词)吃,He ate fresh food last summer holiday. 去年暑假他吃了新鲜的食物。,Presentation,take,(动词)拍照,【过去式】 took,【短语】 take pictures拍照片 take photos 拍照片,H。

3、,Unit 3 Where did you go ?,Part A Lets learn Listen, answer and write,人教版(三年级起点)六年级下册,Lets learn 视频, Lets learn, Listen, answer and write,Review,S1:Watched TV.,S2:I watched TV.,S3:I watched TV last weekend.,cleaned my room, washed my clothes, stayed at home, read a book, saw a film, had a cold and slept.,Warm-up/Revision,【短语】ride a horse骑马 ride a bike骑车,rode,(ride的过去式)骑(马;自行车),【原形】ride,Presentation,He rode his horse last Sunday.上个星期日他骑马了。,【短语】 go。

4、,Unit3 Look at me,A Lets learn,Lets sing ! Hello,How are you?,How are you?,你好吗?,How are you?,How are you?,Im fine. Thank you. Lets go to school!,Im fine. Thank you!,How are you?,Im fine. Thank you!,How are you?,Im fine. Thank you. Lets go to school!,School学校,school 学校,Lets go to school!,How are you?,Im fine. Thank you. Lets go to school!,toy bear 玩具熊,ear 耳朵,ear,Look at me . This is my ear .,touch your ear .,eye 眼睛,eye,Look at me . This is my eye.,close 。

5、第二课时 一、看图片,选单词。( )1. A. vegetables B. salad( )2. A. sandwich B. hamburger( )3. A. ice cream B. ice( )4. A. tea B. water二、选择不同类的单词。( )1. A. tomato B. photo C. potato( )2. A. juice B. water C. salad( )3. A. healthy B. salad C. beef( )4. A. hamburger B. tomato C. hot dog( 。

6、,人教版(三年级起点)五年级下册,Part A Lets learnLook and say,Unit 6 Work quietly!,Lets learn 视频, Lets learn, Look and say,Warm-up/Revision,Playing, playing. The monkeys are playing. Eating, eating. The pandas are eating. Drinking, drinking. The elephant is drinking. Flying, flying. The bird is flying. Running, running. The tiger is running.,Presentation,play,playing,现在分词,Look and answer,What are the monkeys doing ?,They are _.,playing,eat,eating,现在分词,Look and answer,What are the p。

7、,人教版(三年级起点)五年级下册,Part A Lets learnLook, say and complete,Unit 5 Whose dog is it?,Lets learn 视频, Lets learn, Look, say and complete,Warm-up/Revision,Play games,Whoseis this?,Its ,Presentation,Whats this?,Lets learn,Its a _.,book,Its my book.,Lets learn,This book is _.,mine,同义句,Lets learn,Its her book .,This book is _.,hers,同义句,hers /hz/(代词) 她的,Lets learn,Its his book.,This book is _.,his,同义句,Lets learn,Whose book is it?,Its _。

8、Lesson 2,Recycle 2,抢答单词,说一说,读读写写,钓鱼游戏,做广告,练一练,城乡区别,小结,“吃饭”种种,Read quickly,sky,cloud,flower,grass,mountain,lake,path,forest,river,bridge,house,road,city,building,tree,village,Look and say,grass,mountain,house,tree,path,house hallway cupboard box wood stairs room mouse,bike ,clock , photo ,plant, pipa ,bottle , basketball,Lets play,Make an ad for a house,FOR RENT,Theres a lake and many trees near the house. There are two bedrooms, a living room, a kitchen and a。

9、Lesson 2,Recycle 1,唱一唱,说一说,模拟采访,学唱歌,扑克牌游戏,夺红旗比赛,练一练,小结,形形色色的Party,What would you like to eat ?,Lets talk,What would you like to eat drink ?,Name:_ Favourite food:_ Favourite drink:_ _,What would you like to eat ?,What would you like to drink ?,Interview your classmates,What do you do on weekends?,Present your description to your classmates,Cool!,I see. His favourite food is .,On Saturdays he often plays football.,Lets play a game,How many st。

10、,人教版(三年级起点)五年级下册,Part A Lets learnRead and match,Unit 2 My favourite season,Lets learn 视频, Lets learn, Read and match,Warm-up/Revision,Which season do you like best?,Winter. I like snow.,Which season ?,Presentation,【单词巧记】 sp + ring(戒指) = spring(春天),I like spring best. 我最喜欢春天。,spring /spr / (名词)春天,summer /sm(r)/ (名词)夏天,I can swim in summer. 我可以在夏天游泳。,【同义词】 fall。fall 还有可作动词,意为“降落” 的。,autumn /tm/(名词)秋天,Autumn is golden.秋天是。

11、,人教版(三年级起点)五年级下册,Part A Lets learnAsk and answer,Unit 4 When is Easter?,Lets learn 视频, Lets learn, Ask and answer,Warm-up/Revision,When is_?,Its on_.,Presentation,This is my first comic book. 这是我的第一本漫画书。,October 2nd is my grandmas birthday. 10月2日是我奶奶的生日。,March is the third month of a year. 3月是一年中的第三个月。,Today is my sisters fourth birthday. 今天是我妹妹的四岁生日。,I am the fifth one.我是第五个。,Lets learn,点击“Lets learn”,跟我一起读吧!,视 频,Let。

12、,Unit 1 My day,人教版(三年级起点)五年级下册,Part A Lets learnAsk and write,Lets learn 视频, Lets learn, Ask and write,Warm-up/Revision,When do you,At ,When do you,At ,exercise,(名词)活动;运动,Presentation,【短语】do morning exercises 做早操,【巧记】eat/have breakfast/lunch/dinner 吃早/午/晚饭,【短语】 have English class 上英语课,【拓展】 have a look 看一看 have a good time 玩儿得高兴 have a rest 休息一会儿,【拓展】play basketball 打篮球 play football 踢足球 play the violin 拉小提琴 play the pi。

13、Unit 5 There is a big bed,Part A Lets learn Lets play,What can you see? I can see_.,my room,my new room,What we can put in the room?,This is a clock.,clock,This is a bike.,bike,This is a water bottle.,water bottle,This is a plant .,plant,photo,This is a photo.,pair work,There is/are ,Home work: Design your future room.(设计你未来的房间) Introduce your bedroom.(介绍你的房间),Introduce it to you!,This is my new bedroom. There is an/a _in my bedroom. There are_。

14、(PEP)英语 五年级上unit 4,同步课件Lets learn Do a survey,Free talk,Review,Answer questions,When will they have an English party?What can Zhang Peng do for the party?What can John do for the party?,将课文内容补充完整,Role play,三人一组,分角色表演对话内容。,Dance 跳舞,sing songs,play the pipa,do kung fu,draw cartoons,Make a sentence.,I can . I can ,too.,Game,全班分成两组,老师随机选择一两个单词是地雷,如果老师指着其他单词,学生要大声地读单词三遍,如果老师指向是地雷的单词,那么学生就不能说话。说。

15、Unit1 Whats he like,A Lets learn,你能迅速地说出单词吗? 每次只有1秒钟哦! 你会是最棒的. Ready? ,old,young,strict,funny,kind,friendly,quiet,tall,short,Who is he ?,Hes short and,old,old.,He is Cun Zhang,Whats he like?,Lets say,Lets say,Whos he?,Hes very funny.,Whats he like?,Hes Xiao Xin.,shy 害羞的,羞怯的,The baby is so cute(可爱).,But he is very,shy.,Whats the baby like?,shy 害羞的,A:What is he like?B:He is _.,shy,=whats,helpful 有用的; 愿意帮忙的,Whats she like?,She is _.,A:Whats。

16、(PEP)英语 五年级上unit 6,Lets learn & Draw and say,Review,两人一组,请用there be 句型对 下列图片进行对话。,Play a game!,Is there a hill in the park ?,Yes, there is.,Is there a mountain in the park ?,Yes, there is.,Is there a forest in the park ?,Yes, there is.,Is there a lake in the park ?,Yes, there is.,Is there a rier in the park ?,Yes, there is.,house mouse sound count,/au/,双元音/au/的发音和汉语中的“凹”相似,但是更夸张。先发/a/,然后滑向/u/音,嘴巴张大,一定要夸张。,au,ou,_,b,t,f,r,l,g,v。

17、Unit 3 My weekend plan,第二课时,Lets sing,What are you going to do ?,If you are free today, what are you going to do ?,Im going to,What are you going to do this evening?,What are you going to do this morning / afternoon/ evening/ tonight/ tomorrow/ next week?,wash clothes,visit my grandparents,see a film,have an art lesson,draw pictures,take a trip,go ice-skating,go to the supermarket,Guess,Guess what they are going to do this evening/afternoon/tonight/tomorrow.,take a trip,go to the superma。

18、,Unit 3 My school calendar,人教版(三年级起点)五年级下册,Part A Lets learnRead and say,Lets learn 视频, Lets learn, Read and say,Work in pairs,Warm-up/Revision,When ?,Its in,Presentation,Jan.,January /dnjuri/(名词)一月,When is New Years Day?,Its in January.,New Years Day 元旦,Feb.,February /februri/(名词)二月,Mar.,March /mt/ (名词)三月,When is Tree Planting Day?,Its in March.,Tree Planting Day 植树节,Apr.,April Fools Day is in April.,April /eprl/(名词)四月,May Day 劳动节,W。

19、,人教版 (三年级起点) 五年级上册,Part A Lets learn & Role-play& Lets spell,Unit 3 What would you like?,What would you like to eat?,sandwich /snwIt/三明治,tea /ti:/ 茶;茶水,hamburger /hmbg/ 汉堡包,1,2,3,点击“新词展示”,跟我一起学词汇吧!,新词展示,Lets learn,1. ice cream (名词)冰激凌,ice(冰)+cream(奶油;乳脂) = ice cream(冰激凌),巧记,2. hamburger (名词)汉堡包,hamburgers,复数形式,3. salad /(名词)蔬菜沙拉;混合沙拉,salads,fruit salad水果沙拉,复数形式,短语, What would you like to drink? 你想喝什么? Id。

20、Unit 3 What would you like?,A. Lets learn &Lets play,教学目标,1. 能听、说、读、写单词“sandwich”,“salad”,“hamburger”,“ice cream”和“tea”。 2. 能在创设的实际情景中灵活运用句型“What would you like to eat / drink?”,“Id like ”。 3. 能完成“Role-play”部分的任务。 4. 继续保持学生对学习英语的兴趣,激发学生用英语进行交流的热情。,Lets sing,大声说出食物的单词!,fruits,chicken,beef,hot dog,bread,Learn New Words,Mon,Mon,Mon,Mon,Mon,tea,fruit,salad,ice cream,sandwich,Lets read,bread,hamburge。

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