【人教pep版】五年级上册英语:Recycle2 第二课时(ppt课件)

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1、Lesson 2,Recycle 2,抢答单词,说一说,读读写写,钓鱼游戏,做广告,练一练,城乡区别,小结,“吃饭”种种,Read quickly,sky,cloud,flower,grass,mountain,lake,path,forest,river,bridge,house,road,city,building,tree,village,Look and say,grass,mountain,house,tree,path,house hallway cupboard box wood stairs room mouse,bike ,clock , photo ,plant, pipa

2、 ,bottle , basketball,Lets play,Make an ad for a house,FOR RENT,Theres a lake and many trees near the house. There are two bedrooms, a living room, a kitchen and a bathroom. Theres a bed, a closet, a sofa and a table. Please call ,Read,This is my school. Its my village. Its _ the mountains. There is

3、 a river _ it. There are many _ in the river. There are many small _ near the school. There arent any tall buildings. I like my school.,write,and,There is _. There are _ . There is _. There are _ .,Find, say and write,There is a shirt in the end table.,Ted isnt a tidy boy. His room is a mess when hi

4、s mom comes. Can you find his things?,Talk about the pictures,city,village,小,结,There is / isnt . There are / arent . How many are there?,Sentences,Do you know?,Lets take our meal 咱们吃饭吧。 They had a good(big)meal. 他们饱餐一顿。 He eats too much dinner 他饭吃得太多。 Shall we ask him to dinner? 我们要请他吃饭吗? Wont you stay here for lunch? 在这吃午饭好吗? He is my companion at table 他是和我同桌吃饭的人。 They made a poor meal 他们吃了一顿粗茶淡饭。,


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