人教版五年级下册英语Unit1 A Let

Unit1 Lets Check 教学设计【内容来源】人民教育出版社(一起点)五年级上册 Unit1 Classmates【课 时】Lets Check一、教学目标通过听、说、读、写活动,检查学生是否理解本单元基本词汇和功能句并能在相关情境中正确运用它们。二、教学建议A. Listen, link

人教版五年级下册英语Unit1 A LetTag内容描述:

1、Unit1 Lets Check 教学设计【内容来源】人民教育出版社(一起点)五年级上册 Unit1 Classmates【课 时】Lets Check一、教学目标通过听、说、读、写活动,检查学生是否理解本单元基本词汇和功能句并能在相关情境中正确运用它们。二、教学建议A. Listen, link and write.1. 热身复习教师带学生玩拼词游戏,即教师读与本单元话题相关的重要词汇,请学生边听边拼写出词汇。具体操作如下:按学生座位每列一组,每次每组按座位顺序派一个学生到黑板前听写,听到教师读词后,学生在黑板上迅速写出该词,写完后迅速举手示意,教师找出这组中写得最。

2、Unit 4 When is Easter?,Part A Lets talk,January,February,March,April,May,June,July,August,September,October,November,December,spring,summer,autumn,winter,Review,When is _? Its in _.,Tree Planting DayMar.,May(Labour) DayMay,Mothers DayMay,Childrens DayJune,Winter vacationJan./ Feb.,EasterApr.,There are some special days in April.,特别的,特殊的,What are they?,When is _? Its on April 5。

3、Easter party,April,Unit 3 My school calendar,May Day,May Day,Mothers Day,May,Childrens Day,June,Fathers Day,June,Spring.,Which season is it?,Which season is it?,Summer.,Autumn.,Which season is it?,Winter.,Which season is it?,Which season is it?,Autumn.,Autumn is my favourite season.,I really like the colours.,What about you?,I like autumn ,too.,We usually have a school trip in autumn.,Great!,When is the trip this year?,Its in October.,the Great Wall,Well go to the Great Wall.,Cool! I love 。

4、Unit 2 My favourite season,Part B Lets learn,人教版(PEP)小学英语五年级下册,Guess and talk,Its sunny and hot. Which season is it? Its _.,summer,Because I like summer vacation.,Lets learn,What can you do in summer?,go swimming,I can _.,Lets learn,go swimming,swimming,swim,Guess and talk,Its green. There are many flowers. Which season is it? Its _.,spring,There are beautiful flowers everywhere.,Lets learn,What can you do in spring?,go on a picnic,I can _。

5、Unit 1 Classmates,Lets Spell,Warm-up,Lets review.,How to pronounce?,b,c,f,g,h,k,l,m,n,p,q,r,s,t,v,w,y,z,Lead-in,Lets read.,b,p,c,g,f,s,l,l,l,l,l,l,Presentation,Presentation,A. Look, listen and repeat.,Presentation,Listen and repeat.,black,blue,plane,plate,Listen and repeat.,class,clever,gloves,glasses,Presentation,Listen and repeat.,fly,flag,slim,sleep,Presentation,Practice,Listen and spell.,black,blue,plane,plate,class,cl。

6、小学英语(PEP)五年级下册,Unit2 My favourite season,Part A Lets talk,平邑县西城实验小学 张磊,Lets review:,What do you do on the weekend?,I often ,Which season do you like best?,I like best.,winter,Which season do you like best?,I like best.,summer,Which season do you like best?,I like best.,spring,Which season do you like best?,I like best.,autumn,Whats your favourite season?,favourite,= like best,Which season do you like best?,I like。

7、,Unit4 When is Easter? A Lets learn,the first floor,the second floor,the third floor,the fourth floor,the fifth floor,1F,2F,3F,4F,5F,first,second,third,1st,2nd,3rd,fourth,4th,fifth,5th,1st,2nd,3rd,4th,5th,Apr.1st,April Fools Day,When is,?,Its on,.,2015年4月1日,m,Jun.1st,Jan.1st,May 1st,Oct.1st,New Years Day,May Day,Childrens Day,National Day,Jan.2nd,Mar.2nd,Aug.2nd,Dec.2nd,Feb.3rd,Nov.3rd,Jul.3rd,Jun.3rd,April 4th Sports meet,When is the sports meet?,Its on April 4th.,Jan.4th,Feb。

8、小学英语(PEP)五年级下册,Unit1 My day,Part B Read and write,平邑县西城实验小学 张磊,Meet Robin!,读句子,猜单词,1、He likes to say “Thank you“, “please“ and “Excuse me“ to his friends. He is . 2、She helps her parents sweep the floor and clean the bedroom. She is . 3、He can speak Chinese and English. He is very .,polite,helpful,clever,Wu Yifan has a friend. He can speak Chinese and English. Who is he?,robot,1.Whats the robots name?2.Who made(制作) it?3.Whats he like?,日期,。

9、Unit 4 when is easter?,A Lets talk,Free Talk,T:when do you_?S:At_. 参考短语: get up , have_class , play sports go to bed, eat lunch , eat dinner T:Which season do you like best? S:I like_.,1.About Easter,I Can read:,first (1st)second(2nd)third(3rd)fourth(4th)fifth (5th)twelfth(12th)twentieth (20th) thirtieth(30th),Lets talk,Christians say Jesus died on Good Friday. On the third day, he rose from the dead. He became alive again.,基督教说耶稣于星期五被钉死,第三天,他从死里复活,他又活过来了。,。

10、Unit 1 My day,Part B Read and write,I,always often usually sometimes,with.on,Saturdays. Sundays. the weekends.,Choose and write the words in the correct row,homework sports class running ping-pong the pipa kung fu dinner Swimming shopping morning exercise,Robinson Crusoe,island,Robinson s ship,an,Robinson,Friday,Read and write,Robins play Robin is in a play. He is Robinson Crusoe. Here is a letter from him.,My name is Robinson.。

11、cool the meals,read books,play football,visit grandparents,climb moutains,water the flowers,go shopping,empty the trush,go hiking,Set the table,make the bed,play the piano,Clean thebedroom,Sweep the floor,do homework,Part B 第二课时,Unit 1 My day,Whats missing?,visit grandparents,play the piano,go shopping,play the piano,go shopping,play the piano,visit grandparents,visit grandparents,go shopping,Usually Often Sometimes 的比较,Usually,often,Sometimes, , 。

12、Part B 第一课时,Unit 1 My day,The days of the week,周末 Weekend,Saturday, Saturday,What do you do on Saturdays?I often paint or watch TV. Saturday is fun for me!Sunday, Sunday, What do you do on Sundays?I often read books or play computer games. Sunday is sweet for me!,Lets chant,What do you do on Saturdays, Zhang Peng?,climb moutains.,I often,climb moutains,climb,What do you do on Sundays, Amy?,I often,go shopping,shopping,go shopping,What do you do on Sundays, Sarah?,I often,go 。

13、,Who is falling?,sports,dinner,exercises,breakfast,eat,when,usually,Game,每组选派一名代表上讲台表演,教师向该学生出示动词卡片,各组学生根据他/她的表演猜测动作名称,并把短语拼读出来,相同时间内猜对动作名称多的一组为胜.,看动作猜词语,What time is it?,Its,Which is Padros timetable?,Lets talk,Listen and fill in the table.,听录音完成表格,Work in pairs,When do you ?,I usually at,make dialogues,情景: Mike is late 话题一:让学生思考,Mike迟到了,你是一个非常严格的老师,你想知道Mike是怎么安排自己放学后的。

14、6:20,4:00,8:15,7:00,12:00,9:30,in the morning,in the afternoon,go to work,eat dinner,go home,eat breakfast,go to bed,get up,Which is the truth?,A,B,Read and write,;,Amy : Excuse me. Can I ask you some questions.,Policeman: Sure!,Amy : What do you do?,Policeman: I am a policeman.,Amy : When do you get to work?,Policeman : I go to work at 9:00 in the evening.,Amy : When do you eat dinner?,Policeman : I eat dinner at 7:00 in the evening.,Read and write,;,Amy :When do you go home?,Polic。

15、Unit 1 My day,Part A 第二课时,Brain storming,watch TV,read books,play computer games,play ping-pang,Listen to music,do homework,do housework,cook meals,sweep the floor,Clean the bedroom,water the flowers,make the bed,set the table,dothe dishes,wash the clothes,What time is it?,Its_.,Its time for English class,What time is it?,Its,I eat breakfast,What time is it?,Its 7:00,Its time for,at 7:20,breakfast,eat breakfast,What do you do?,I have English c。

16、Unit 1 My Day,A Lets talk,Warm-up,Sing a song,Warm-up,Sing a song,What time is it? Its _ .,Its time to _.,6:00,get up,Warm-up,Free talk,Where are Zhang Peng and Pedro?,Lead-in,Lets try,He is from Spain.,Where is Pedro from?, Presentation,Lets talk, Presentation,Lets talk,At 1 oclock.,When does Pedro finish class in the morning?, Presentation,Lets talk,When does he go back to school after lunch?,At 2:30.,When does he。

17、小学英语(PEP)五年级下册,Unit1 My day,Part B Lets talk,-What do you do on the weekend?,Review,-I always/ often/ sometimes ,That sounds like a lot of fun(乐趣).,That sounds good.,like + 名词,形容词,That sounds,That sounds _ nice. That sounds _ good. That sounds _ a great idea. That sounds _ delicious. That sounds _ my sister. That sounds _ a sad story. That sounds _ wonderful.,Practice,/,/,like,/,like,like,/,-What does Sarah do on Saturdays?,-She often cleans th。

18、小学英语(PEP)五年级下册,Unit1 My day,Part B Lets learn,平邑县西城实验小学 张磊,What do you do on the weekend? I often.,Do you often,clean the room,go for a walk,go shopping,take a dancing class,clean the room,wash the clothes,make the bed, ,go for a walk,go shopping,take a class,dancing,singing, ,always often usually sometimes,always 表示 100%, usually 表示 80%, often 表示 60%, sometimes 表示 40%,,A: What do you do on Saturday/on Sunday/on the weekend? B: I always/ususlly/often/sometimes,H。

19、Unit 1 My day Lets spell,plate,eggplant,please,play,pl,ay,an,ot,ow,ace,ane,astic,have English class,English,clean the room,clock,Hes _.,clever,cl,ab,am,ad,ap,ay,od,ose,lift,Please clean your plate! No more eggplant! No more peas!,Can you think of more words with “ou”? 你能想一想其他带有“ou”的单词吗?,Homework:,2.Listen to P60.听读第60页。3.Find more words with “ou”.找一找更多关于字母组合”ou ”的单词,并试着去读一读。,round,count,outside,our,blouse,loud,around,thousand,mouth,out,about,Read。

20、小学英语(PEP)五年级下册,Unit1 My day,Part A Lets talk,平邑县西城实验小学 张磊,My name is Amy.Im your new today.My favourite food is .My favourite drink is . My favourite colour is red.My favourite idol is,偶像,He is Pedro. He is from Spain(西班牙).,Do you know him?,China,Spain,Pedros,finish class 下课,When do you finish class in the morning? 你们上午的课到几点结束?,We finish class . 我们一点钟结束上午的课。,at 1 oclock,Pedros,1:00,finish class,Its time for lunch! Lets 。

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