
Unit 8 When is your birthday第三课时 Section B (1a1d)A 基础起航 .用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空。1When is _Lucys_ (Lucy) birthday party?2My birthday is on June the _second_ (


1、Unit 8 When is your birthday第三课时 Section B (1a1d)A 基础起航 .用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空。1When is _Lucys_ (Lucy) birthday party?2My birthday is on June the _second_ (two)3The football _games_ (game) are interesting.4Tina, Rose and Lisa are not _Chinese_ (China)5My grandmother is having her _sixtieth_ (sixty) birthday today.6Tuesday is the _third_ (three) day of a week.7The _first_ (one) letter in the word “develop” is “d” 8I sit in the _fifth_ (five) row (排)9How many 。

2、Unit 8 When is your birthday第五课时 Section B (3aSelf Check)A 基础起航 .根据句意以及首字母或所给的汉语提示填写单词。1January_ is the first month_ of the year. 2When is the school _trip_(郊游)?Its on August_ 15th.3This _term_ (学期) is really busy_ because we have many activities.4Womens_ Day is on _March_ (三月) 8th.5Jennys _ninth_ (第九) birthday is in December_.用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空。1She is always the _first_(one) one to come, and the last to leave. 2Ill have my_fourteenth_(。

3、Unit 8 When is your birthday第四课时 Section B (2a2c)A 基础起航 .短语翻译。1你的生日派对_your_birthday_party_ 2篮球赛 _basketball_games_ 3学校郊游 _school_trip_ 4英语考试 _English_test_ 5图书售卖活动 _book_sale_ 6运动会 _sports_day_ 7艺术节 _art_festival_ .根据句意及首字母提示填写单词。1The fourth month of a year is April_2I am very busy_ today. I cant go shopping with you.3Sunday_ is the first day of a week.4This term we have an art_ festival and two ball games.5Fathers Day is the third_ Sund。

4、Unit 8 When is your birthday?第一课时 Section A (1a2e)A 基础起航 .根据句意及首字母提示填写单词。1When_ is your birthday?Its on October 10th.2The last month of a year is December_3The second month of a year is February_4My parents birthdays are in March_, the third month of a year.5My mothers birthday is in November_6There are twelve months_ in a year.7Chinas National Day is on October_ 1st.8January_ is the first month of a year.9Teachers Day is on September_ 10。


6、观沧海同步练习一、单选题。1对下列诗歌分析正确的是( )A.观沧海-背景:北征乌桓失败。诗歌特征:悲凉。B.次北固山下中“潮平两岸阔,风正一帆悬”表现出诗人感觉旅途的顺利。C.钱塘湖春行的作者白居易是宋代诗人。D.马致远的天净沙 秋思这首词表现了一个长期漂泊他乡的游子的乡愁。答案:B解析:A.观沧海-背景:曹操这次登碣石山是在北征乌桓的途中。诗歌特征:慷慨悲壮。C钱塘湖春行的作者白居易是唐代诗人。D 马致远的天净沙 秋思这首曲表现了一个长期漂泊他乡的游子的乡愁,不是词。点评:对于古代诗词曲,要了解作者、作者朝代、作。

7、18 木兰诗2作品简介木兰诗又叫木兰辞 ,选自宋代郭茂倩编的乐府诗集 ,是南北朝时北方的一首乐府民歌。这首诗收入乐府诗集的横吹曲辞梁鼓角横吹曲中,至唐代已广为传诵,唐人韦元甫曾拟作木兰歌 ,因此,学者们大都认为,民歌木兰诗产生于北朝后期。在中国文学史上, 木兰诗与南朝的孔雀东南飞合称为“乐府双璧” 。文 体 知 识乐 府继诗经 楚辞之后,在汉魏六朝文学史上出现了一种能够配乐演唱的新诗体,叫作“乐府” 。 “乐府”本指乐府官署所采集、创作的乐歌,也用以称魏晋至唐代可以入乐的诗歌和后人仿效乐府古题的作品。宋元以后的。

8、木兰诗基础巩固1给下列加点的字词注音或根据拼音写汉字。 机杼( ) 鞍鞯( ) 胡骑( ) 金柝( ) 策勋( ) 赏赐( ) 理云 bn( ) pi 头( ) 扑 shu( ) 雄 ch( )阿 z( )2形似字注音组词拆( ) 戎( ) 傍( ) 折( ) 戍( ) 滂( ) 柝( ) 戊( ) 榜( ) 析( ) 戌( ) 谤( ) 3解释下列句中加点的字词。木兰当户织( ) 昨夜见军帖( )旦辞爷娘去。

9、第8课木兰诗课时练习课时1基础达标1.给下面加点的字注音。军帖 ( ) 鞍鞯( ) 胡骑( ) 燕山( ) 辔头( )戎机( ) 朔气( ) 金柝( ) 云鬓( )2解释下面加点字词的意思。(1)愿为市鞍马( ) (2)旦辞爷娘去( )(3)万里赴戎机( ) (4) 朔气传金柝( )(5)策勋十二转( )(6)著我旧时裳( )3.下面句中加点词语的古今含义差别最小的一项是( )A. 卷卷有爷名 B. 旦辞黄河去 C. 著我旧时裳 D. 双兔傍地走4.下面诗句的朗读节奏停顿无误的一项是( )A. 不/闻爷娘唤/女声,但/闻黄河/流水鸣/溅溅。B. 小弟/闻/姊来,磨刀/霍。

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