牛津译林版七年级下英语Unit5 Study skills 教案

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牛津译林版七年级下英语Unit5 Study skills 教案_第1页
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牛津译林版七年级下英语Unit5 Study skills 教案_第2页
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1、Unit 5 Amazing things Study skillsI. Teaching aims and learning objectivesBy the end of the lesson, students should be able to:1. know that ed can be pronounced /t/, /d/ and /d/;2. pronounce ed correctly.II. Focus of the lesson and predicted area of difficultyPronounce ed correctly.III. Teaching pro

2、ceduresStep 1 Warm-upWatch some pictures and answer the questionT: What did you do today?【设计意图:检测学生观看的效果,将所听到的内容重复出来。 】Step 2 PresentationT: The words dried, washed, cleaned and brushed are the past forms of the regular verbs. Many verbs in the simple past tense end in the letters ed. Do you know ho

3、w to pronounce this ending? 【设计意图:抛出问题,期待和学生共同解答。 】1. Three ways of pronouncing ed (1) -ed pronounces /t/ after the voiceless consonants.(2) -ed pronounces /d/ after the voiced consonants and vowels.(3) -ed pronounces /d/ after the sounds /t/ and /d/.【设计意图:以典型单词为例,通过归纳法帮助学生总结出三条-ed 的发音规则。 】2. Listen

4、 and repeatT: Can you pronounce the following endings correctly now? Listen carefully and repeat these words. 【设计意图:听录音,跟读单词,注意发音的准确性, 再次体会三条发音规则。 】Step 3 Practice1. More examplesT: Id like to show you more examples. Would you please read some words with the consonant /t/?What about /d/? Can you rea

5、d them?The last chance, some examples about /d/. Please have a try.【设计意图:根据所给音标,让学生读出含有音素/t/ 、/d/和/id/的词汇,检测学生是否能将这三个音发准。 】2. Listen and writeT: How do you pronounce the endings of these words? Listen carefully and write /t/, /d/ or /d/ in the blanks. 【设计意图:回归课文,完成书上练习。 】3. More exercises(1) Work in

6、 pairs and tell us the pronunciation of ed.【设计意图:口头练习,检测学生是否能掌握刚才讲的三条发音规则。 】(2) Do the two words have the same pronunciation? T: You can do it like this: opened /d/, stopped /t/. They are different.【设计意图:口头练习单词辨音。 】(3) Word matching.T: Match the following words with the sounds of their letters. 【设计意

7、图:按-ed 的发音归类,检测学生的掌握程度。 】(4) Listen and read the dialogue.T: Millie and Kitty met Sandy outside a museum. Listen to their conversation. Pay attention to the different pronunciations of the ed ending. 【设计意图:在具体的语境中检测规则动词过去式的发音。 】IV. Homework1. Write down some past forms of the regular verbs and put them in the right groups according to the pronunciations of -ed.2. Read the verbs with ed endings correctly.


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