牛津译林版八年级下英语Unit8 Integrated skills 教案

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1、Unit 8 A green world Integrated skillsI. Teaching aims and learning objectivesBy the end of the lesson, students should be able to:1. learn something about environment from listening materials;2. get useful information while listening and develop listening skills; 3. know how to communicate with oth

2、ers about protecting environment;4. know how to do a survey.II. Teaching contents1. New words and phrases: survey, empty, dust, harmful, soil, in place2. New structures: Students were asked about their daily habits.Its great that most students remember to turn off lights when they leave rooms.Air po

3、llution is harmful to our health.III. Focus of the lesson and predicted area of difficulty1. Complete listening tasks and develop listening skills.2. Talk about how to protect the environment in simple English.IV. Teaching proceduresA How green are you?Step 1 Lead-inFree talkT: Pollution has become

4、a serious problem all over the world. What can we do to protect the environment?【设计意图:复习原有知识,同时导入 A 部分的主题,鼓励学生畅所欲言。 】Step 2 Presentation (A1)1. Talk about World Environment Day T: What do you know about World Environment Day? When is it? What is it for?2. Part A1T: World Environment Day is coming. S

5、andy and Daniel want to do a survey on how to go green in Class 1, Grade 8. Look at the table. They are the first things for them to decide. (1) What is the survey about?(2) When and where is it going to be carried out?(3) How many girls and boys are going to take part in it? (4) What time should Sa

6、ndy and Daniel arrive there?T: Lets listen to their conversation and find out the basic information about the survey.【设计意图:设计 Daniel 和 Sandy 做调查的活动,让学生了解调查的第一步设计调查的目的及调查的时间与地点等相关的基本信息。 】Step 3 Presentation (A2)1. Lets discuss T: Now we know they are going to do a survey on students daily habits of g

7、oing green. What does daily habits mean?T: Yes. That is to say they want to learn about what the Class 1, Grade 8 students often do in their everyday life.T: Do you remember we had a survey on reading habits in Unit 4? Lets have a look. And this time Sandy and Daniel have six questions. What kind of

8、 questions do they want answered, do you know?T: Can you help them think of some good and simple daily habits of going green? T: Do you have such habits? Lets see how many of you always do things like these. 【设计意图:学生通过讨论日常生活中保护环境的好习惯,学会调查的第二步根据调查目的设计相关问题。 】2. Part A2T: Here is Sandy and Daniels ques

9、tionnaire for the survey. Now they are talking about the results of the survey. How many students in Class 1, Grade 8 have such good daily habits?Lets listen and find them out. 【设计意图:将 A2 的表格转化为 Sandy 和 Daniel 的问卷调查表后进行听力训练,这是调查的第三步进行问卷调查并统计结果。 】3. Talk about Part A2 T: To make it easier to understa

10、nd, Sandy and Daniel change the table into a bar graph.Lets have a clear look. Try to say a full sentence for each item.【设计意图:调查第四步将文字转化为图表,使之一目了然。将调查结果转化成直观的条状图,并给出例句,让学生用完整的句子陈述 A2 部分的内容。 】Step 4 Presentation (A3)1. Complete the note T: Now Sandy and Daniel have the results and they are writing a

11、note to Mr Wu about it. Would you like to complete the note with them?【设计意图:通过完成 Sandy 给吴老师的信,学习调查的第五步展示调查结果。 】2. Have a discussion T: Mr Wu thinks its necessary to give a presentation or to make a speech to the whole class on the survey. Here are some pieces of advice from him. T: Put these altoget

12、her into a report, with a nice introduction, and a conclusion at the end. You are done!【设计意图:通过吴老师给 Sandy 和 Daniel 的任务就调查结果对全班做个展示或是演讲,让学生展开讨论,并做记录。 】3. Enjoy a video T: Everyone wants to live in a green world. Both the students and grown-ups should do all they can to help protect the environment. A

13、nd every one of us should take actions not only on June 5th, but also every day and everywhere. Lets enjoy a viedo.【设计意图:观看视频绿 ,引导学生注意,保护环境应从生活点滴小事做起。 】B Speak up: We can plant more trees.Step 1 Presentation1. Listen to Part B T: What can they do to protect the environment?2. Talk about trees T: Now

14、 lets listen to the tape again and find out how trees can help us.3. Language points(1) be harmful to(2) keep soil in place【设计意图:在语境中讲解重点词汇,帮助学生了解并操练重点语言点。 】Step 2 Practice1. Read and act2. Read and find out T: Lets read the dialogue again and find some useful expressions: A: Pollution has become a

15、serious problem all around the world.B: Yes, I agree. We should try our best to protect the environment. A: What can we do?B: W can . I think .A: Good idea. B: Right. also .A: Yes. , too.T: Now its your turn to make up similar dialogues. 【设计意图:引导学生找出有用的短语并编排新对话,从而达到学以致用的目的。 】3. Sample conversation 【设计意图:充分利用前面的听力素材,为学生提供范例。 】V. Homework1. Learn to have those good daily habits.2. Learn the new words and phrases by heart.3. Read and recite the dialogue in Part B. 4. Write down what you think about their survey.


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