牛津译林版七年级下英语Unit8 Integrated skills 教案

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1、英语 (七年级下册) Unit 8 PetsIntegrated skillsI. Teaching aims and learning objectivesBy the end of the lesson, students should be able to:1. find the features about goldfish;2. learn to finish the conversation with the available information;3. learn to talk about their favourite pets in English.II. Teachi

2、ng contents1. New words and phrases: weigh, talk, noise, gram, brush, fur, put in the sun, once a day,grow up, make some noise2. New sentences: How do you look after your dog?How much can a goldfish weigh?III. Focus of the lesson and predicted area of difficultyTalk about students favourite pets in

3、English.IV. Teaching proceduresA GoldfishStep 1 Lead-in Free talkT: Do you like animals?Do you keep a pet at your home?If you have a chance to keep a pet, what will you choose? Why?(Ask some students to answer the questions.)【设计意图:通过熟悉的话题,引出生词和词组,使学生在自然状态下带着兴趣进入学习,并且导入今日的话题。 】Step 2 Presentation1. A

4、 guessing gameT: Read the sentences and guess what the animal is.It likes eating fish and good at catching mice. It loves to sleep on you knees. It is a cat.It likes eating carrots and has long ears. It is lovely and it can run fast. It is a rabbit.It has colourful feathers. It can sing and we can t

5、each it to speak. It is a parrot.We can watch it swim around at home. It doesnt make any trouble. It just bubbles. It is a goldfish.2. Watch and answerT: Boys and girls, I would like you to watch a video then. After watching it, Id like you to answer some questions.Are you interested in the video? W

6、hat can you see in the video? What do you think of them? Would you like to have a pet goldfish? Why or why not? Do you know how to look after a goldfish?【设计意图:通过猜谜和视频,激发学生的学习兴趣,引入进入话题。 】Step 3 Listening1. A surveyT: Ask and answer in pairs.(1) Can you put a gold fish in the sun?(2) Is a goldfish hea

7、vy?(3) Does a goldfish weigh several kilograms?(4) Does it need clean water?(5) Can you pick it up with your hands?(6) Does it need special fish food?(7) Is it very difficult to look after a goldfish?(8) Is a goldfish very expensive?【设计意图:通过调查,让学生对金鱼有一个大体的了解,为下面的听力做好铺垫。 】2. Part A1T: Peter is listen

8、ing to a talk on goldfish and writing down some notes. Listen to the talk and help him check his notes below. Write a T if a sentence is true or an F it is false.2. Part A2T: Peter recorded the talk. Listen again and help him prepare a fact sheet about goldfish with the correct information.【设计意图:听录音

9、材料,扑捉信息,让学生了解金鱼的相关信息。 】Step 4 PracticePart A3T: After the talk, Peter calls Amy to tell her about goldfish. Complete Peters answers with the help of the information on page 99.T: Lets read the dialogue together. Read in roles. Boys read Peters word and girls read Amys words.【设计意图:根据一二两个部分完成对话,分角色朗读,

10、为下面学生的操练做好准备。 】B Speak upStep 1 Presentation1. Listen and answerT: The students are talking about how they look after their pets. Listen to the conversation among the students, and then answer some questions.(1) How does Millie look after her dog?(2) Does Amy walk her cat?(3) How does Peter look aft

11、er his fish?2. Read the dialogue aloudStep 2 Practice1. Make up a similar dialogueT: Work in pairs to talk about pet care. Use the conversation on the screen as a model.2. Act the dialogue out【设计意图:半开放练习,通过对话,谈论照顾宠物,理论联系实际。 】3. Group discussionT: Look at the screen. Discuss the following questions i

12、n groups of four.(1) What did we talk about?(2) What do we call the animals living in the wild?(3) Do the wild animals live a happy life? Why or why not?【设计意图:全开放练习,上升到情感目标,动物是我们的朋友,我们要保护动物、保护环境。 】4. ConclusionT: Animals are our friends. Remember: When the hunting stops, the killing can too.【设计意图:情感目标。 】V. Homework1. Revise what we have learnt today.2. Write a passage about how to look after the goldfish.


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