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1、题型组合加餐练( 二).完形填空Theres a saying about elephants that goes, “Elephants never forget.” A recent online video holds 1 to this saying, as a baby elephant saved a man from drowning.The five-year-old elephant was named Kham La.The man she “ 2 ” is Darrick Thomson,her trainer.Darrick 3 to Kham La while he

2、was in a rushing river of the Elephant Nature Park,Thailand.Kham La 4 to her favorite person and immediately offered her trunk when she got close to Darrick.To further 5 him from the rushing water,Kham La blocked it by putting up her left leg.Darrick 6 her trunk when Kham La attempted to bring him t

3、o safety.7 Darrick wasnt in danger.He pretended to be 8 to show people the close bond he had formed with Kham La.The close bond was formed when Darrick saved Kham La from the 9 methods used on baby elephants for tourist attractions.“Kham La was in a really 10 way when she came to us, ” explained Dar

4、rick.“She had been tied up and 11 to have cruel training known as crushing to prepare her for work.We 12 her and helped her to recover.She became really 13 to me.I went in the river to show just how close our 14 is.If you show warmth and kindness to them,theyll 15 you well,too.”“Crushing” is a 16 me

5、thod used on baby elephants.They are beaten 17 they obey their trainers.“Shes now a(n) 18 young elephant.The video shows just how close she is to me and its an important lesson to be kind to 19 .This really goes to show that an elephant truly never 20 !” Darrick added.语篇解读 本文是一篇记叙文。作者叙述了驯象人与小象结下的友情。

6、赞扬了动物知恩图报的美德,提醒人们要善待它们。1.A.necessary B.trueC.special D.possible答案 B解析 此处表示一个视频适用于这个谚语,hold true 适用,符合语境。2.A.fought B.invitedC.saved D.visited答案 C解析 由上段最后一句中的“saved a man”可知,saved 符合题意。3.A.called out B.pointed outC.handed out D.reached out答案 A解析 由“in a rushing river”可知,德里克处在湍急的河水中,显然要大声喊叫。call out大叫,

7、符合题意。point out 指出;hand out 分发;reach out 伸出。4.A.rode B.flewC.rushed D.floated答案 C解析 从下文可知,小象喜欢德里克,听到呼叫肯定会冲过去提供帮助。rush 冲,符合语境。ride 骑;flow 流动;float 漂流。5.A.separate B.controlC.lift D.protect答案 D解析 小象为了“保护”德里克汤姆森,抬起了左腿。protect 保护,符合题意。separate隔开;control 控制;lift 举起。6.A.held on to B.kept up withC.took noti

8、ce of D.broke away from答案 A解析 小象想把德里克汤姆森送到安全的地方,显然他要抓住小象的鼻子。7.A.Hopefully B.FinallyC.Gradually D.Actually答案 D解析 由设空后“Darrick wasnt in danger.He pretended”可知,德里克“事实上”并没有处在危险中。actually 实际上,符合题意。8.A.escaping B.researchingC.drowning D.arguing答案 C解析 由“pretended to be”和第一段最后一句中的“saved a man from drowning”

9、可知drowning 符合语境。9.A.useless B.cruelC.unusual D.scientific答案 B解析 由下一段中的“have cruel training known as crushing to prepare her for work”可知,cruel 残酷的,符合题意。useless 无用的;unusual 不同寻常的;scientific 科学的。10.A.bad B.differentC.easy D.strange答案 A解析 in a bad way 处境困难。 different 不同的;easy 容易的; strange 奇怪的。11.A.encou

10、raged B.allowedC.forced D.reminded答案 C解析 从设空后“have cruel training known as crushing to prepare her for work”可知,这种残酷的训练显然是要“强迫”小象去做。force 强迫,符合题意。encourage 鼓励;allow 允许;remind 提醒。12.A.followed B.freedC.accepted D.rewarded答案 B解析 从设空后“helped her to recover”可知,德里克让小象获得了自由。free 释放,符合语境。follow 跟着;accept 接受

11、; reward 奖赏。13.A.important B.niceC.helpful D.close答案 D解析 由下句中“how close”可知,close 亲密的,符合题意。 important 重要的;nice 好的;helpful 有帮助的。14.A.relationship B.careerC.concern D.service答案 A解析 由上下文可知,德里克想验证的是两者之间的亲密关系。relationship 关系,符合题意。career 生涯; concern 关心;service 服务。15.A.rescue B.influenceC.treat D.judge答案 C解

12、析 根据“If you show warmth and kindness to them”可知,如果你对大象好,大象也会这样对待你。treat 对待,符合题意。 rescue 营救;influence 影响;judge 判断。16.A.fanning B.trainingC.working D.acting答案 B解析 根据下句中“they obey their trainers”可知,设空前提到的“crushing ”应该是训练小象的方法。training 训练,符合题意。17.A.since B.even ifC.unless D.so that答案 D解析 打它们的目的就是让它们服从驯象

13、师的命令。so that 以便,引导目的状语从句。18.A.happy B.unluckyC.naughty D.careless答案 A解析 从下句“The video shows just how close she is to me.”可知,这头小象与德里克关系密切,肯定是“幸福的” 。happy 幸福的,符合题意。unlucky 不幸运的;naughty 淘气的;careless 粗心的。19.A.friends B.classmatesC.strangers D.animals答案 D解析 由设空前“its an important lesson to be kind to”可知这是

14、善待动物的重要一课。animal 动物,符合题意。friend 朋友;classmate 同学;stranger 陌生人。20.A.settles B.forgetsC.ignores D.changes答案 B解析 此处应呼应开头。forget 忘记,符合题意。settle 定居; ignore 忽视;change 变化,改变。.短文改错(2018安徽六安一中高一检测)Every time my mother and I started to have a conversation,it turns into an argument.We talk about something so si

15、mple as dinner plans.Sudden,my mother will push the conversation into the topic of her best friends son,that graduated from Tsinghua University last year.He is now earning 100,000 yuan a year as the engineer.In fact,I dont want to do any job related science like him.I dont know what to explain my pl

16、an to my mother.Im the type of person who love to help out in the community.I even want to make a career of it because of I love it so much.Id rather following my dreams and create my own future.答案 Every time my mother and I to have a conversation,it turns into an argument.We startedstarttalk about

17、something simple as dinner plans. ,my mother will push the conversation soas SuddenSuddenlyinto the topic of her best friends son, graduated from Tsinghua University last year.He is thatwhonow earning 100,000 yuan a year as engineer.In fact,I dont want to do any job related thean toscience like him.I dont know to explain my plan to my mother.Im the type of person whathowwho to help out in the community.I even want to make a career of it because of I love it so lovelovesmuch.Id rather my dreams and create my own future.followingfollow


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