(江苏省)译林牛津版必修四课件:Unit 2 Sports课件

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1、Unit 2 Sporting Events,U2 Reading,Learning aims: 1.Read a speech about the history of the Olympics. 2.Talk about the Olympics and athletes. 3.What kind of spirits can you learn from these athletes.,Jacques Rogge,president of the International Olympic Committee,First of all, Mr. Rogge said _ to Beiji

2、ng for China had achieved her big dream. 2. Secondly, he comforted people in the quake-hit areas in Sichuan Province. He hoped the Olympics would bring Chinese people _, hope and _. 3. Thirdly, he said _ to Beijing Organizing Committee for its tireless work.,Warming-up,Warming-up,First of all, Mr. R

3、ogge said _ to Beijing for China had achieved her big dream. 2. Secondly, he comforted people in the quake-hit areas in Sichuan Province. He hoped the Olympics would bring Chinese people _, hope and _. 3. Thirdly, he said _ to Beijing Organizing Committee for its tireless work.,joy,congratulations,t

4、hanks,pride,The Olympic Games,1. Where is the hometown of the Olympic Games? A. China B. Greece C. American D. Germany,2.How often are the Olympic Games held? A. Five years B. three years C. four years,3.Who won the first gold medal for China in history? Deng yangping B. li xiaoshuang C. Xu haifeng,

5、4. When and where did the modern Olympics start?A. In 1896; in Athens B. In 1896; in America,Quiz,Pierre de Coubertin,6. What is the Olympic motto?,A. Faster, Higher, Stronger B. Faster, Further, Stronger C. Faster, Higher, Further,7.What is the slogan of the Beijing Olympic Games?,A.New Beijing, Ne

6、w Olympics B.One World, One dream C.New Beijing, Green Olympics,8. Which country will hold the Olympic games in 2016?,A. Chicago B.Tokyo C. Madrid D. Rio,Skimming,Who is the speaker?What is the speech about?What does the speaker wish for?,Mr Johnson, a member of the International Committee,The histo

7、ry and significance of the Olympic Games,Seeing more athletes attempt to push the boundaries of human achievements and wish the Olympic Movement a successful future to match its past glory.,Which of the following shows the right structure of the passage?,A,B,C,D,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,Skimming,_ to the top

8、ic,Para. 2-4,the history and significance of the _ and _Olympics,Para. 5-8,some famous _ and their great _,Para. 9-10,the speakers_,ancient,contributions,Para.1,wishes,introduction,contemporary,athletes,In 776 BC,In 1896,At Olympia in Greece,In Athens,Only men; Single women,Athletes from around the

9、world,With no clothes,in sport clothes,Part 2,Detailed analysis,Muhammad Ali,Michael Jordan,Zhang Ning,Liu Xiang,Deng Yaping,Xu Haifeng,Detailed analysis,Part 3 (Para5-8),Muhammad Ali,American,1. He won the gold medal for America in the _Rome Olympics.,2. He went on to win the World Heavyweight Boxi

10、ng Championship in 1964,3.He _at the opening ceremony in Atlanta in 1996.,Para5,1960,lighted the Olympic flame,Michael Jordan,American,He helped the team to _and he was the highest scorer at the 1984 Los Angeles Olympics.,2. He won the 2nd Olympic gold medal at the 1992 Barcelona Olympics as a _ mem

11、ber.,Para6,win the gold medals,dream team,the first _ to win the gold medal in mens 110-meter hurdles ( 2004 Athens ),_ to win the gold medal in the final match At the age of _.,the first Olympic gold medal for China after 32 years_ ( 1984 Los Angeles ),greatest female table tennis player winning _

12、gold medals (1992&1996) became an IOC member in 2000,Xu Haifeng,Deng Yaping,Liu Xiang,Zhang Ning,Para7-8,absence,four,Asian,hang on,33,significance,History,while,Differences,whatever,same,peacefully,achievements,part/role,successful,Consolidation,What qualities do these athletes have in common ?,The

13、y have passion (love) for both sports and their countries. They are devoted to achieving their aims. They are never satisfied with the present and they struggle for the better. .,Group work,Where there is a will, there is a way.,Nothing is difficult, if you put your heart into it.,No pains, no gains

14、.,some moral lessons,What are the effects of being the host of the Olympic Games?,Discussion,It is a great honor for the country to host the Olympics. It is a good chance to promote friendship between nations . People across the world will learn more about the country and its people. It will appeal

15、to many sports fans to visit the city, contributing to the development of economy.,Advantages:,Disadvantages,It costs much money to host the Olympics. It is a challenge for us to keep everybody safe in the stadium. It may cause much more pollution. The buildings may be wasted after the Olympic Games

16、. It is a burden to hotels, restaurants and transportation, which disturbs our daily life.,作为国际奥委会的一名成员(L1) 对于应邀来贵校感到高兴(L2) 的历史和重要性(L3) 古代奥林匹克运动会(L6) 每四年(L7) 按照传统(L10) 被允许参加(L12) 一个单独的节日(L12) 为了纪念;庆祝 来自全世界(L14) 现代奥运会(L16) 让得以重生(L17) 和平相处(L19) 致力于实现这个梦想(L19) 有史以来(L21) 引起公众瞩目(L21),1. as a member of th

17、e International Olympic Committee 2. be delighted to have been invited to your school 3. the history and significance of 4. the ancient Olympic Games 5. every four years 6. by tradition 7. be allowed to take part in 8. at a separate festival 9. in honour of 10. from around the world 11. the contempo

18、rary Olympics 12. bring back to life 13. live side by side in peace 14. help to realize this dream 15. of all time 16. come to public attention,Important Phrases,16. 赢得金牌(L22) 17. 用原名(L23) 18. 继续做 (L24) 19. 点燃奥运圣火(L26) 20. 在开幕式上(L26) 21. 为奖牌而奋斗(L32) 22. 对做出重要贡献(L35) 23. 在缺席三十二年后(L37) 24. 第一位赢得的亚洲人(L

19、42) 25. 在男子110米跨栏(L42) 26. 独领风骚(L44) 27. 继续坚持做(L48) 28. 在决赛中(L49) 29. 为全世界人们带来欢乐(L50) 30. 不断尝试挑战人类极限(L51) 31. 更多的(L52) 32. 让我们一起祝愿(L53) 33. 彰显往日的荣光(L54),16. win the gold medal 17. under his birth name 18. go on to do 19. light the Olympic flame 20. at the opening ceremony 21. compete for medals 22.

20、make important contributions to sth/doing sth 23. after 32 years absence 24. the first Asian to win 25. in the mens 110-metre hurdles 26. lead the way 27. hung on to do 28. in the final match 29. bring joy to people across the world 30. with their attempts to push the boundaries of human achievement

21、 31. more of them 32. join me in wishing 33. match its past glory,My favourite athlete,Writing,跳水皇后 对.作出贡献 被认为是 参加奥运会 获得金牌 克服困难 心理素质 值得称赞,My favourite athlete is Guo Jingjing, the queen of diving. As a diving athlete, she makes great contributions to the diving. As a result, she is considered one of

22、 the greatest players in the world. She took part in the Olympic Games in 2004 and 2008, winning four gold medals altogether. However, She overcame many difficulties during her athletic career. She once said that it was good mental quality that led him to succeed. In conclusion, her achievements are worth praising.,Thank you!,


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