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1、四川省绵阳市 2016 年中考英语试卷第一部分:英语知识运用(共两节,满分 20 分)第一节:单项填空(共 20 小题,每小题 1 分,满分 20 分)从(A 、B、C、D )四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑1.Jason likes _ shape of the cakeIt is _ heart ( )Athe; a B a; the Cthe; the Da; a2.It is a good habit of _ to read something before going to bed ( )AI Bme Cmy Dmine3.He was born i

2、n Germany, but he has made China his _ ( )Afamily B address Chouse Dhome4.What did you get for your birthday,Tony?An iPad4,_ my aunt ( )Ato Bfrom Cwith Dfor5.Do you want to be healthy?_Smiling can help you stay healthy ( )ASmile B Smiling CSmiles DSmiled6._is the boy with a pair of glasses?My brothe

3、r,John ( )AHow BWho CWhere DWhat7.My mother is ill in hospitalI have to _ my grandparents at home ( )Alook for Blook at Clook up Dlook after8.Anita,where is your brother?He _ out in the garden with a group of kids ( )Aplays Bplayed Cis playing Dhas played9.Don t you see the sign“No Parking!”on the r

4、ight?Sorry, I _But now I know parking here is not right ( )Adont B didnt Chadn t Ddoesn t10.My father caught a big fish this morning,but I caught a _ oneI feel great!( )Asmaller B biggest Cbigger Dbig11.Driving in the mountains can be very dangerousYou cant be _careful ( )Aso Bvery Cmuch D too12._ c

5、an you finish your homework?In about an hour ( )AHow long BHow soon CHow often D How far13.Would you like some tea?_ ( )AYes ,please BThe same to youCMe,too DMy pleasure14.Could you tell me_?At nine oclock,in ten minutes ( )Ahow will he leave Bwhen he has leftCwhy he is leaving Dwhen he will leave15

6、.Is Mr Brown driving here?Im not sureHe _ come by train ( )Amay B shall Cneed D must16.Our classroom is so cleanIt _ every day ( )Ais cleaned Bwas cleaned Ccleans Dcleaned17.How do you like the concert given by EXO?Exciting,_ one piece of the music wasn t played quite well ( )Athough Bbecause Cso D

7、and18.I dont want to go shopping_,I haven t got any money ( )AThen BHowever CBesides DInstead19.How kind you are!You always do what you can _ others ( )Ahelp B helping Chelps Dto help20.I prefer movies _ me something to think about ( )Awhich gives B that gives Cthat give Dwho give第二节:完型填空(共 2 小题,每小题

8、 10 分,满分 30 分)阅读下列短文,从短文后各题所给的(A、B、C、D)四个选项中选出能填入相应空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑21 (10 分) (2016 绵阳)Deb and Sara were sistersThey lived with their parents on a farm deep in the countrysideGrowing up in the countryside gave them so much (21) As children they were never bored because there was always (22) to do

9、 on the farmEvery day they would (23) up early and help their parents feed the cows before schoolIn the evening,after they had finished their homework,they would work in the fields until the sun went downWeekends were their favorite time(24) they could have picnics in the country and,when the weathe

10、r was really (25) ,go camping21Apity Btrouble Cfun Dpride22Anothing Beverything Csomething Danything23Astand Bmake Cgrow Dwake24Abecause Bso Calthough Dbut25Awarm Bgood Ccold Dbad26 (20 分) (2016 绵阳)Noah is only 13 years old,and he s a heroHe has helped his (26) out of a fireOn 10thMay,Noah was at ho

11、me aloneSuddenly he heard someone (27) “Fire!Fire!”He ran (28) He saw a lot of smoke from next doorHe went in and saw his neighbor,the 79yearold MrsSmith ,in the kitchenShe could not get out because she had hurt her (29) Anything could happen to her at that momentNoah (30) ran back to his flat and p

12、oured water over his jacketThen he (31) into MrsSmith s kitchen to save herThere was a lot of smoke and the fire was very hotBut he was not scaredHe (32) the fire with a blanket and helped MrsSmith outThe fire burnt Noahs neck,arms and faceAs a result,he was (33) for a monthMany people visited him a

13、nd brought him flowers and presents “What a (34) young man!”they saidNoah was (35) that he helped MrsSmith “We should help each other, ”he saidNoah also said, “Fire can be very dangerousIt is important to be careful with fire ”26Aneighbor Bclassmate Cteacher Dfriend27Asaying Bsinging Cshouting Dment

14、ioning28Aupstairs Bdownstairs Cinside Doutside29Ahand Bshoulder Cleg Dear30Acarefully Bquickly Cproudly Dslowly31Arushed Bjumped Cwalked Dclimbed32Adiscovered Bfought Clighted Dbuilt33Aon vacation Bat home Cin hospital Dat work34Aclever Bkind Csweet Dbrave35Aglad Bsurprised Cafraid Dsorry 第二部分:阅读理解(

15、共 4 小题,每小题 10 分,满分 40 分)第一节:短文理解(共 4小题,每小题 10 分,满分 40 分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C、D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑36 (10 分) (2016 绵阳)Josh and Amy are like many teenagers these daysThey have jobs to do to help out around the homeJosh washes cars for his neighbors while Amy helps their neighbors kids with their h

16、omeworkLike many families,both of Josh and Amys parents work outside the homeEveryone in Josh and Amys family is busyTheir mom works in an office and often has to stay late for meetingsTheir father owns his own small business and stays late to finish his work Josh and Amy go to schoolBoth belong to

17、clubs and sports teamsThey also have lots of friends with whom they want to spend timeJosh and Amys mom leaves for work at 7:00in the morning and does not get home most days until 6:30pmThe same is true for their dad,but he leaves home in the morning even earlierJosh and Amys parents work to be able

18、 to provide for their familyThey need money to pay for their home and to pay their billsNext year they want to buy a new carThe family also wants to go on a vacation to CaliforniaJosh and Amy need clothes,books,and other things for schoolTheir parents are also saving money so Josh and Amy can go to

19、college when they finish high school36How many people are there in the family? AOne BTwo CThree DFour37What does the father do? AWork in an officeBRun his own businessCPlan vacations to CaliforniaDDrive kids to school38What do the kids do to help their parents ? ATake parttime jobsBJoin clubs and sp

20、orts teamsCSpend time with their friendsDGo to school early39Where do the parents spend most of their daytime? AAt homeBAt workplaceCIn their kidsschoolDOn business trips40What s the best title for this passage? ALovely kidsBHardworking parentsCFamily wishesDA busy family 41 (10 分) (2016 绵阳)Got a ba

21、d grade,afraid to show my parentsReport cards are going out this Friday,and I realized I had failed in chemistryMy parents are probably going to kill me for thatWhat should I do?It is better to be honest with them and tell them it is a very difficult course and you are trying your hardestPromise the

22、m you will work harderStudy a little every night so when your next test comes youll be much more preparedLet me guess,you have always been a great student and slipped up just this one time?Explain that to your parentsYou should learn from insectswhen they try to cross a wall, they fall down again an

23、d again until at some time they get successDo what I didshow your parents your report cards and then simply ask them“Did any one of you guys ever fail a test?”I never showed my parents my test scoresIts none of their business!41Lady Rita put her question here to Aask for helpBdraw othersattentionCpl

24、ease her parentsDshare her grades with others42How many people advised Lady Rita to tell the truth? AFive BFourCThree DTwo43According to Butterfly , Anobody can do well in chemistryBbetter preparation may lead to better gradesCyou won t get bad grades if you do your bestDparents dont care how their

25、kids do at school44What can we learn from Male Ts suggestion? AGood news never goes beyond the gateBKnowledge is powerCFailure is the mother of successDThere s no smoke without fire45What do we know about Naughty? AHe does well in all his subjectsBHis parents used to be great studentsCHe thinks its

26、normal to fail sometimesDHe dare not show his grades to his parents46 (10 分) (2016 绵阳)Students who get tired of looking at the four walls of a classroom might like to take the nature course being offered by Carvel College again this summerGroups of about a dozen students each,led by an experienced g

27、uide,will go on tenday camping trips to the mountains to study the plants and animals that grow and live thereStudents carry their own things,which includes sleeping bags,warm clothing,food and water,and other useful tools And what do the students do all day?Well,as soon as the sun comes up,they eat

28、 breakfast and start climbing up the mountain trail to the next campground,which is five to ten miles awayAs the students take notes,the guide points out different plants and animals alongside the trailThe climb is usually over by early afternoon,so the group spends the rest of the day resting or sw

29、imming in a mountain lakeBefore dinner each night,they all come together and discuss the days activitiesAt the end of the course,the students write reports using the information they have collectedBut they dont mind at allWhat they do mind is leaving the beauty of the wilderness and the good friends

30、 theyve made to return to their normal lives in the city46What can the course offer to the students? ABetter grades in testsBFree vacations in mountains CA different learning experienceDBetter chance to study in Carvel College47How far does a student have to walk throughout the course? AAbout five t

31、o ten milesBAbout two hundred miles CAbout fifty to one hundred milesDAbout sixty to one hundred and twenty miles48What do the students have to do before dinner? AWash themselves up in a mountain lakeBAttend classes by the experienced guideCWrite about what they see along the trailDReview what they

32、learn through discussion49What can we tell about the course? AThey will change campgrounds everydayBThe students have to learn all by themselvesCPens and books will be useless in the courseDCarvel College will provide everything for the students50From the last paragraph we know the students are Aser

33、ious with the final reportBunwilling to go back to the cityClooking forward to returning homeDtoo tired to stay in the course any longer51 (10 分) (2016 绵阳)You may not realize it,but you are doing much more than just studying when you are at schoolSchool is also the place where you learn to get on we

34、ll with peopleBut this is not always easyWhat can you do if you just dont like one of your classmates?If you discover that you have problems getting on with your classmates or friends,the most important thing to learn is toleranceTolerance is the ability to realize and respect the differences in oth

35、ersWe can not change the way that other people do,so it is important to learn to live happily with themTolerance will make everyone get on better with each otherGetting to know someone may help you understand why they do things differentlySomething different does not exactly mean that it is badToler

36、ance teaches us to keep atemperateand open mindYou need to remember an old saying, “Treat others how you want to be treated”If you tolerate something,it does not mean that you have to like itNo one is asking you to change who you are or what you believe inTolerance just means that you should respect

37、 the differences in others and not try to make them changeIt is important to practice tolerance,because it will make everyone s life easierLearn to accept people for their different abilities and interestsThe world is very different,and practicing tolerance in your own school and city can help make

38、a difference51This passage is trying to tell us Awhats important for a studentBwhat students should do at schoolChow to treat people different from usDhow to get others to do things in the right way52From the first paragraph we know that at school Ait s easier for someone to hate othersBgetting alon

39、g with others is not a great dealCmost students are getting on well with each otherDstudents are learning other things besides studying53What is tolerance according to the passage? AAccept people as they areBBelieve you are always rightCExpect everybody to be the sameDChange yourself to please other

40、 people54Which is the closest in meaning to the underlined word in Paragraph 3? Agentle BimpoliteCactive Dresponsible55The last paragraph suggests that Atolerance can only be learnt at schoolBliving with people of the same interests is easierCpracticing tolerance at school can help make a better wor

41、ldDpeople in different countries have different interests and abilities第二节:补全对话(共 1 小题,每小题 10 分,满分 10 分)根据下面的对话内容,从方框内的选项(A、B、C、D、E 或 F)中选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将选项涂黑选项中有一个为多余选项56 (10 分) (2016 绵阳)A:How nice to see you back,Li Lei!(56) B:Wonderful!Ive been to many places of interest and I enjoyed myself in Disn

42、eylandA:(57) B:Not reallySometimes I got into troubleThey spoke too quickly and I couldnt have long conversations with the people there (58) A:Yes ,I agreeI know English is very important,but I often feel sleepy in English classes (59) B:I m afraid, tooAnd its very difficult for me to remember new w

43、ordsA:Me,tooI don t know what to do (60) B:Don t let these difficulties discourage youRemember:where there is a will,there is a wayAHow was your trip ?BAt times I feel like giving upCWhat did you buy in the USA?DIm really afraid of the final examEI think I should work harder at EnglishFCould you mak

44、e yourself understood in the USA?第三部分:写(共三节,满分 10 分)第一节:阅读填空(共 1 小题,每小题 10 分,满分 10 分)阅读下面短文,然后根据短文内容补全答题卡上对应表格中所缺失的信息,每空仅填一词(数字按一词计) 61 (10 分) (2016 绵阳)Many earthquakes happen every yearSome of these earthquakes are very strongWhen they happen in cities ,they can be very seriousMany people will be hurt or die in the earthquakesKnowing some ways to protect yourself will help to keep you safe in the earthquakeIf you are indoor


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